Chapter 6- Reveal

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Stan's POV
What a pleasant surprise! Holly was here. Good, that's cool. Stupid abusive bitch. I wanted to make her jealous so she could see that I deserve so much better than her. It's nowhere near selfish, it's just the truth. Her friend Danielle kept glaring at me, after awhile she still didn't stop. It wasn't bothering me but it's like c'mon really? I'm not in love with your best friend. Sorry but not sorry because I'm in love with my own best friend. She had her chance with me and got to date me but as I've heard over the years, things change and so do people. We all come from our own little worlds whether it's behind closed door or not. We all end up changing a little as the years of life pass us by. In my opinion, I changed for the better.

My personality hadn't changed, but just by ending the relationship that was fucking up my life, it made me think about life and look at it differently. There's things that some people don't have that others do. Some get lucky and some don't. I was amazed at how lucky I was. Having Kyle Broflovski as my boyfriend made me the luckiest guy on earth. Just as I'd suspected something would cause me to roll my eyes tonight, Holly walked over to Craig and started flirting with him when Tweek walked away to talk to his friends by the front door. She kept pushing him playfully. Craig wasn't a fan of her, as a lot of people were right there with him on that one. He was a nice enough guy to be civil though. He'd never cheat on Tweek, he's never been that kind of guy.

As I watched this all go on, I began questioning what I ever saw in her in the first place, I couldn't think of a reason for anyone to date her. Anytime I wouldn't be able to talk or hang out, she'd go post about some other guy that was super nice to her. There were times where it pissed me off but I brushed it out of my thoughts because I figured it was kind of a stupid thing to start an argument over. Anxiety built up over the time we'd dated. Every thing she did became a usual for me. My phone blown up, constantly asking me what I was doing or if I was going anywhere. If so, where was I going? Who was I with? Would I be around other girls? Those questions were repeated by Holly so bad I thought I was dating a broken record player for awhile.

Whenever it happened, I'd usually bring it up to Kyle or Kyle would bring it up to me if he saw it. "Why do you put up with her bullshit?" He asked me once. The answer for that was unknown to me back then. Thinking on it now I should've just saved a lot of time and told her we were over. Kyle's not the only one who's told me I shouldn't of put up with Holly's drama for as long as I did. Craig, Clyde, Kenny and several people from school. No reason for lying, I did like her. But I wasn't so sure I was ever in love with her. But right here right now at Kenny's party, I didn't honestly care if she was trying to make me jealous, I had someone far more valuable than her.

Kyle gently tugged my arm and talked in my ear, "She actually trying to make you jealous?" "Yeah it's kind of humorous." I smiled. He smiled back. God I wanted him. What I find interesting is how we can get each other going over the littlest things. It'll be a body movement or so much as a grin across the face. Every living, breathing moment of my life I want to be close to him. Somehow, in some way. Any possible way for me to be close to him or near him, I want it to happen. Every time it does I feel twice as better as I did before.

Some upbeat song was waving through the house. I guess Kenny didn't care about having neighbors, but these parties were becoming a regular thing lately and nobody has ever called to complain about the music. Kenny had just gotten some new colored lights that bled through the whole house. Kenny came over with his girlfriend and started dancing next to us. "I'm gonna grab a drink you want anything?" I talked close to Kyle's ear, he shook his head. Making my way into the kitchen, I noticed Danielle and Holly following me.

When I turned around from the fridge, Holly stood there. "Are you here with anyone?" "Yeah I am." I said annoyingly. Danielle tried tripping me but I stepped right over foot just in time. "You're wasting your time." I took a sip of beer and stood by the counter. I discovered how petty girls can be a long time ago, but trying to trip me just because I broke up with her? Grow up. Clyde and I chatted in the kitchen for awhile about his new girlfriend, he wasn't happy though, he told me he had his eye on some guy named Adam.

"Do what you gotta do to be happy." I patted his back twice in a friendly manner. Clyde nodded and said thanks. "Kenny wants us in the living room." Clyde noticed the text come in from his phone. It'd only been about 15 minutes and my beer can was already empty. I tossed the beer can into the recycling bin and followed Clyde back into the living room. The second the room was visible through my eyes, I discovered something else even more beautiful about my boyfriend. Kyle was dancing. The way he moved his hips, the way he was smiling. I studied the room, a few guys and girls were watching him and smirking. Yeah they're not getting who's mine.

Making my way through the crowd wasn't easy, I swear on my life the crowd size doubled! At that moment it didn't matter to me, two guys were coming from 2 different directions towards him. Not today guys, and not tomorrow and not for the rest of eternity and beyond. Kyle Broflovski belongs to me and me only so fuck off. I came up behind him and started swaying my hips a little like he was. Being against him would hopefully show these assholes who was mine. I claimed Kyle a long time ago, and he was fine with that because he claimed me too. "You know how bad I want you right now?" I said into his ear closely, kissing under it. He turned his head to the side so his cheek was on my lips. He smiled and kept moving with the music.

The colored lights blurred a lot of the crowd's eyes. Sure enough we'd get spotted sometime soon. Someone would see us eventually. In reality, I really can't begin to say how much I don't care if people think I shouldn't date Kyle or vice versa. It's not their life, it's not their relationship and it certainly isn't any of their business. What I'm well aware of is that we aren't the only gay couple in our town. Being gay isn't honestly the big deal it used to be. Not sure what changed but it doesn't really matter.

Telling my parents can't be that bad. They are pretty understanding for the most part. There's never a time I've really ever had to tell them something big about my personal life. Shelly told them about me and Holly back when we were dating. My mom and dad had actually really liked her like I did at the beginning of our relationship. But that whole time I knew something was missing. Some gap in my heart still wasn't full. At the time, I convinced myself I was thinking too deep, but now I know that was wrong. The gap has been filled. Thanks to my best friend.

My hand reached around the front of his body and pressed slightly on his abdomen, that moved him closer to me. "All mine." I whispered and kissed his cheek. That must've set off a trigger in him. The I-need-something trigger. He made a half circle to meet eyes with me. The kiss he placed on my lips struck a new want of passion I needed from him. Holding onto me tightly was one of the ways I loved being close to him. What struck the two of us was the sound of happiness and cheering. We pulled away from each other and looked around, all of our friends expressed their happiness for us. Kenny was smiling and so was Craig. A bunch of people were shouting "OHHHHHHHH." and "FUCK YEAH GET IIIITTT." like Craig and Kenny. I knew they'd been waiting for us to finally become official, they've mentioned it for years that it needs to happen. Well...wish granted.

Kyle laughed and buried his head into the crook of my neck. I kissed his head and swung my arm around him, smiling at everyone. It was great. Everything finally felt normal and right. Nothing felt the way it shouldn't...Great? Yeah I remember that word. It fell apart letter by letter when the cops busted through Kenny's front door. The crowd of people by the front door jumped back in panic. A few boys I'd never seen before came barging in the door. One of them pointed a finger toward me, "That's him Uncle Vic, next to the kid in the gray sweatshirt!" Motherfucker.

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