Chapter 3- Done For The Better

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Kyle's POV
"SHE WHAT!" I screamed. "Can I come over? You''re the only person I need right now." Stan said on the other line. "Yes, I'll see you soon. Be careful." Who knew what he could run into on his way over here? This was South Park after all, crazy shit happens here. All that I could think about was the fact that I wanted to hit a girl. Boys aren't allowed to, but that didn't matter to me right now. Stan didn't tell me all the details of what happened. I just couldn't wait to see him, I wanted to hug him and kiss him. The sound of his voice told me he needed comfort, and I'd be right here to give it to him once he got over here.

Something in his voice told me that nothing went well. Holly was crazy. She's always been that way. When Stan told her he was going to Florida, she was like "Some girl could try to get with you and steal you away from me!" Stan told me what she said over FaceTime the first night he got to Florida. She had also said, "Are you really going there because of a family vacation or do you have some other girl down there?" Stan's not a cheater. Oh wait. Holy shit...maybe he told her about what he's been doing with me. That will set her off big time. I can see it now. Stan coming to my door with bruises sleeping on his body and a big purple circle under one eye.

I left the door unlocked, good thing I did. Stan bursted through the door. "Ky!" He called. I'd been in the kitchen making food. I practically sprinted to him. He met me halfway, the hug was tight. His left cheek was a bright red color, I'm gonna guess she hit him. "Did she...did she h-hurt you?" I whispered over his shoulder, still wrapped in his arms. "Shhh. I'm here. I'm here now okay? I had to do what I had to do," Stan replied, making me look at him. My face expressed hurt and worrisome. "Kiss me." he said. I obeyed immediately. He lifted me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. He was so strong, football was his thing for sure. It got him to look the way he did, and damn was his body breathtaking. He's so beautiful I've caught myself drooling a time or two, okay maybe 6.

He pushed my bedroom door open all the way with his foot. He got on top of me once we laid down on my bed. "Should we pick up where we left off?" His smile was as is, beautiful and intriguing. I was about to say something when he continued, "I broke up with her, Ky. It's over." I felt my jaw hit the floor. He went on, "I knew I had to do it to be happy. After all the times we've been this way together, I realized that the only reason I'm happy is because you're alive. You make me happy, you make me smile and you make me feel confident. Remembering that you're a part of my life everyday has kept me going, it's let me know who I want and need as my boyfriend. I've wanted to make you mine for a long time now. Let me do that." I was nearly in tears. I flung upward into his arms. Yes's were repeated while kisses from me flooded his lips and cheeks. He laughed with joy flooding from the sound of it, his smile seemed like it could brighten up a room. It could.

"So what happened?" I finally asked when we got downstairs in the kitchen. Stan's face gave me a sign that it was bad. I tossed him a can of beer, before he gets talking about something that upsets him or something serious, he needs a beer in one of his hands or somewhere near him. He cracked open the tab and began, "She flipped shit when I told her I didn't wanna date anymore. She asked why, actually she screamed it. Long story short I need a new Xbox One and a new TV." What the actual fuck? Holly broke his 2 most expensive things? I helped him pay for that Xbox One on Black Friday last year! Ugh, that bitch. Well he's mine now so she can't ruin my life any longer.

"Holy shit, dude. I'll help you pay for a new TV and Xbox." I said. "No it's okay, thanks though. I knew she'd flip out. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. I'm sorry." He apologized. "Stan it's fine, don't be sorry." I talked while walking closer to him. He ran his fingers through my hair, it was shorter now, not poofy and fro-ish. Just normal, wavy with a little curl, still ginger colored though. He kissed me gently but passionately. We got lost in each other's lips for awhile, him sitting on the edge of the table and me standing in front of him. His hands grasped my waist as I held onto the sides of his neck and ran my hand across his jawline every now and then.

He pulled away, but not far from my lips, "You're cute." "No." I laughed lightly. "You are. Oh, ummm... you wouldn't of actually said yes to Tyler right?" He asked me softly. Of course I wouldn't! I didn't like Tyler that way, he was really bothersome and never left me alone ever since Stan and I had stopped talking to each other. "What're you crazy? Hell no." I embraced him in a deep kiss to show him I'd never go for Tyler. My simple reason for not wanting to be with him was 3 words. He's not Stan. He makes me feel something I never have before. Something special. What can I say? He's the perfect guy. He's legit the only who has ever made me the happiest in my life. "But I don't know if I could ever show you how sorry I am. You deserve the best." Stan kissed my cheek. I grinned, "I have the best."

He hugged me tightly. "You hungry?" I asked. "Very." He shook his head yes. I made him a plate of the chicken and pasta I cooked earlier. I didn't have a chance to eat any, I was about to make a plate when Stan finally got here. We both sat down at the dining room table and ate. "Do you think she'll try to talk to you when we get back to school?" I asked Stan. He shrugged and took a bite of chicken, "Who knows, she's not important to me anymore." I know it's kind of mean to smile about this but I did anyway. I honestly didn't really care.

"When are your parents gonna come back home?" Stan offered to help me wash dishes but I told him I could handle it on my own. He insisted, so here we were standing at my kitchen sink. "Day after tomorrow." I replied putting a clean plate off to the side on a towel I placed on the counter. He nodded and continued to rinse the cup he had used. The clock read 7:24 PM. "Ike comes home soon right?" Stan asked me. "Yeah he's been at his friend's house for a few days." I put the dish towel I was using back over the oven handlebar. "Guy or girl?" "Guy, pretty sure they're dating."

"How do you know?" Stan put back his towel too. "He showed me texts between them, we talk a lot more then we used to as kids. He never officially said they were dating but by the things they say to each other I can make a close guess." I explained. I took a look around, kitchen was clean, dishes were clean, dried, and put back in their normal places in the cupboards. Just as I went to go unzip my hoodie I felt a pair of hands come across my sides slowly. Then a pair of soft lips hit my neck. Stan spun me around and cupped my face. What's a word beyond amazing? Phenomenal? Over the top? That's 3. His lips felt beyond amazing against mine like they always did.

We weren't as close as I wanted to be. So I took two handfuls of his red sweatshirt and pulled forward. He backed me up against the closest wall we were near. We continued to make out for a good 30 seconds until those 3 words made their way through my left ear, "I love you." "I love you too." I breathed out. Kissing Stan takes a lot out of me I've noticed. It's not like I mind, because I totally don't. The light kisses left on my jawline were appreciated. Everything that happened tonight had been waiting to be a done deal for a long time now. It's what had been planned.

There's people in this world who have the guts to do risky things. There's also people who don't even know what the word risk means. However, I can't exactly say that Stan breaking up with Holly was a risk. It was more of just something Stan wanted to do and had to do to be with me. If he'd still been dating Holly I wouldn't of said yes to him if he asked. I don't believe in love triangles and a person having 2 relationships. Not in the slightest. This was all done for the better. For the better of both me and Stan's lives. It's what made us happy. So here we are.

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