Chapter 5- First Mistake

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Kyle's POV
The other night at my house with Stan went great. I was finally able to call him mine. That's all that I could think about. Holly was going to hate it, and I was gonna watch her get pissed and feed right off it. Little deep huh? Too bad. I'm happy and that's all that matters. Stan's happy too, I've noticed his good mood lately and the positivity he's encountered. It's a good change to see, considering for the past few months whenever I'm alone with him that's the only time he's truly happy.

We won't get judged, or at least we shouldn't. Craig and Tweek are gay together. Kenny's bi and so is Clyde. I hated having to go to school without knowing Stan'd be there, I'm good at school but Stan makes it better, he makes it less boring. Like when he bites his bottom lip in physics class and looks at me while doing it. Then he'll smirk once he knows I'm turned on. That smirk of his is a gift made for him and him only. He knows just how to do it. He came by the next morning before I had to leave for school. He came over early, 5:30 AM. When he got to the door he grabbed me and closed the door by pushing me up against it. That's what made my tired self wake up completely.

How the hell did he have this type of energy this early in the morning? It didn't bother me in any way though. I loved when Stan caught me off guard, kissing me so intensely and passionately. He helped me get ready after kissing me at the door for 2 minutes. Stan made me breakfast and cleaned up the house a little bit. When I got downstairs to eat, I was amazed. He was a fast but thorough cleaner. "You didn't have to do all this." I smiled walking into the kitchen. "It's no big deal." he replied sipping his coffee. It was 6:10, the bus came at 6:15.

"I gotta go." I picked up my backpack from one of the barstools and slung it over my shoulder. "Or..." Stan took my backpack off my shoulder, "I could drive you, so then we'd have a little extra time" I really didn't want to be late but he was irresistible. "When I get home okay?" I tied my black sneakers, Stan got me a new pair a few weeks ago after his dog Sparky destroyed them. "Fine, lets go." Stan opened the door for me and headed out to his car. The way there was talkative.

"You think anyone's gonna talk to me about what happened?" I asked Stan. "Most likely. Kenny's nosy so he'll wanna know." Stan focused on the road. "What do you want me to tell them?" "I don't care, if you don't want anyone to know it's fine." Stan answered. I didn't care what anyone thought and I wasn't embarrassed to be dating Stan, how could I? It's the best thing I thought would never happen to me. But I wasn't up for questions, if my mom found out, she'd flip out on me. She always told me being gay was a sin, I guess if you're religious it is. Since I'm Jewish it is against my religion. I'm happy so at this point I don't care. But it's not like I have a choice, my mom could never find out, hiding it was most likely my only choice if I wanted to live regularly.

I didn't have enough money to live on my own or do anything for myself. I relied on my parents for financial support. I can't afford my own apartment or house, I can't pay for my own phone. It's just not that easy. Stan probably didn't want his parents knowing either, but he wouldn't care. He's the kind of guy that would live on the streets to be with me. That's Stan.

"Pick me up after school?" I asked changing the subject. Stan drove into the drop off line, "Yeah, I'll be here at 2 at the front doors." "Okay." I smiled. He looked out at the window on his side of the car. "Hey." I tried getting his attention, hoping to make him turn his head. He turned my way, getting the surprise of my lips on his. He kissed back holding the side of my face with the hand not resting on the steering wheel. "I love you." Stan said against my lips. "I love you more." I hopped out of the car and walked across the other side to the building doors. Not a minute into my first period I got Kenny up my ass with questions.

"So what happened in the principals office?" Question number 2. "Stan got suspended for a week." I replied opening up my english binder. "You think Tyler's gonna go after him when he's healed?" Kenny asked me. "I don't know, maybe. Stan can handle himself." my eyes stayed on my binder as I pulled out the homework. The rest of the day went by quicker than I'd expected. It was what happened 2 weeks later that I didn't expect.

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