Gaius x Reader

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A/N: My favorite ginger in fire emblem, Gaius. Thieves and in addition Outlaws are my favorite characters in Fire emblem, their speed is usually always good and they are able to critical everything in their path. But without further ado let's get on with the story.

  The day was cold, nothing too surprising considering it was February but the clouds in the sky were dark. It could rain at any moment but I wasn't too worried, I was close enough to the castle in Ylisstol to seek refuge if it did happen. The exalt Chrom was currently away with a few of his men searching for Robin, who after the battle against the fell dragon vanished. I was there when it happened and the tears and sadness in everybody's eyes was heartbreaking, it was a bitter victory for what good was it triumphing over Grima if the one who truly killed him died as well. Chrom and the others have hope that Robin still lives and I too believe but it's been almost a month and no sign of the white haired tactician has been seen. I remember when Robin recruited me along with Cordelia, we were the last two Pegasus knights alive after our squad was decimated by a surprise attack by Plegia on the capital. The death of our squad was tragic and I was depressed for a long while after that, I kept blaming myself for not fighting harder and staying with them until the end. Thankfully Robin helped me see that I still had something to fight for and through Robin I met the man that stole my heart. The orange haired thief with an obsession with candy, Gaius. During the war we got to know one another and while at times he was a bit full of himself I knew how considerate he could be; he taught Lissa sewing, baking for the orphans that Libra visits and even fixed some weapons that were in bad condition in the armory. Near the end of the war we actually got together after months of late night chats, honey gathering expeditions, baking and fighting along side each other. We confessed our feelings and got engaged yet due to the battle against Grima and the disappearance of Robin we haven't had much time alone with each other.

  We have had tender and sweet moments but due to Chrom's search for his tactician he asked Gaius to accompany him. Gaius as a thief is very adept at gathering information but luckily a rumor has spread around a town south of Ylisstol of a white haired man in a Grimleal cloak. They set off just a few days ago but since then I have received no information of whether that man is Robin or not.

"Oh Gaius, please come back soon..." I mumble to myself as I wander outside the castle in direction towards the gardens. 

  I give my greetings to the servants working around the castle and in the garden. Even with the sun being covered by the dark clouds the garden was beautiful, spring has not arrived yet but the flowers were still in perfect bloom. Unlike in Regna Ferox, Ylisstol doesn't get snow during winter, Ylisse is closer to the desert region that is Plegia and so the most we get during the cold season is lots of rain. Stopping to admire the rose bushes I contemplate my future with Gaius; living together, baking sweets, I still plan on serving Chrom and from what I know I think he will too, and hopefully we could even have our own kid. Chrom is lucky in having Lucina and soon having Inigo, the Lucina and Inigo of the future had vanished after the war was over and haven't been seen since. They were both such nice kids, sure Lucina was a bit boring at times and Inigo's flirting had gotten him and the army in trouble countless times but their hearts were in the right place and they helped prevent the catastrophic future they had to live through. I began to get lost in thoughts about my future and was interrupted by a cough behind me. Turning around I smile in joy at the sight of Gaius standing there with a grin on his face.

"Gaius! When did you come back?" I ask excitedly while going up to him and giving him a kiss.
"A few minutes ago but I couldn't find you sweetheart. Guess what?" Kissing me back he asks with a grin.
"We found Bubbles. The poor guy was passed out in a field when we found him. Blue and the Princess almost cried when they saw him snoring away." Gaius chuckled as he retold how they found our lost tactician. But even with the happiness of both Gaius being here and Robin being found was clearly shown in my face I couldn't help but notice, Gaius seems...odd. And that worry must have shown because he stopped talking and looked at me with worry.
"You okay there sweetheart? You kinda spaced off there."
"Gaius are you feeling okay? You seem tired and now that I notice it...kinda twitchy." I worriedly question.
"Y-yeah... I mean a few days ago I lost my candy in a bet with Miriel." 
"Really? Nothing at all?" This could be bad...
"I got nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada." Gaius responded, he looks pale now that I'm paying more attention.
"What about your secret stash?" He still has that right?
"Raided it last night. Cleaned it out in an eyeblink, I did. I've never been this long without sugar!" Gaius responds nervously, he looked unsteady on his feet so I guide him over to the gazebo in the garden so he could sit.

  This is really bad, Gaius is hypoglycemic and can potentially die if he doesn't eat something sweet. And just my luck that I don't think I have anything with me at the moment. Crap what do I do? I can't just leave him here and the people that were in the garden earlier left. I frantically search my pockets in panic as I see Gaius close his eyes and pass out quietly. 

"Gaius? Gaius, wake up! Don't go to sleep...come on, Gaius!" Not receiving a respond I search my belt pouches were I keep some random things that usually can be used during emergencies such as a pick lock, a small sewing kit and...aha! Three carefully wrapped cookies. I got them earlier today and totally forgot but thankfully they were here. 

  Rain had begun to pour down and I tried my best to feed the now unconscious Gaius without accidentally making him choke and die. Thankfully after the first successful bite the treat seemed to wake him up enough that he managed to eat it all himself. Letting out a relieved sigh I wack him over the head for his negligence.

"Why would you bet your candy?! Are you stupid? And not only that but you also ate all of the candy in your secret stash. Incredible. If I didn't love you so much I could simply murder you right now for making me worry so much right now!" I scold him as angrily as I can but with half a cookie in his mouth and his hand reaching for the last one I couldn't help but soften my tone a bit. "Don't do something like that again..." I look down trying to hold in the tears that would have spilled is something much worse would have happened. I feel something touch my lips and as I open my eyes I see it's Gaius nudging me with the last cookie.
"Brighten up, Y/N. At least I'm not dead this time." A stupid smile makes his way to his face as he tries to cheer me up.
"This time but what about next time? You can actually die, I don't want that to happen." As I speak he takes his opportunity to make me bite the cookie and eat it.
"Trust me, I ain't kicking the bucket any time soon. So you have to put up with me for a while."
"I'm looking forward to it." I sit close to Gaius in hopes of stealing some of his body heat. It was still raining and the temperature dropped fast.

  Opening up his cloak so it would cover me as well we stare at the rain and the garden in silence. The rain wasn't letting up anytime soon but we weren't in a rush. Reuniting with Robin could wait until later.

A/N: I think this turned out okay. Not my best but not bad. I found out that Gaius is actually hypoglycemic. This is a fact and I have seen like three different people experience these symptoms because of their low blood sugar, they always passed out in the end. 

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