Kagero x male!reader

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A/N: Like always I hope you all enjoy, please forgive any grammatical errors. I don't own fire emblem. 

This was not meant to turn out this way. Basically this is what happened after our Mokushujin ninja's formed an unexpected alliance with Norh for more land we had found an enemy hoshidan in our territory. A kunoichi searching for her liege was in our forest and upon identifying her as the prince's retainer Kotaro instead of killing her decided to keep her captive. I was tasked with keeping her in check and making sure she didn't find a way to escape, yet watching her struggle and try to escape made me a well trained ninja, an assassin actually wish to aid her in her search for her master. When no other was around and we were alone I would try to make conversation but alas as expected she said nothing that could be considered harmful towards her allies or liege. Throughout the interrogations Kotaro demanded they did to her and my late night questions not once did she lose her temper or snap, always responding Kotaro with the same answer when he threatened her with violence to tell him the location of her liege or the army's next move.

"I will not hesitate to sacrifice my life in order to preserve lord Ryoma's. No amount of torture will make me betray him or my allies."

I admire her perseverance but with that answer always came great pain to her. Every time Kotaro would try to break her I would show up later in the night. When the patrols lessen and I had an hour and a half to help heal with the best of my abilities her wounds. If Kotaro ever found out I would calmly state its to keep the prisoner alive until she tells them the information they desire. One night as I had finished disinfecting an ugly cut on her back she asked me.

"Why do you aid me? Are you trying to make me trust you? If so I regret to inform you I appreciate the help but I'm not saying anything regarding Lord Ryoma's location."

"Do not worry I'm not like most ninja here. I don't really desire the power or land as Kotaro and the rest. We were meant to be a neutral kingdom but sadly as you can see that's no longer the case." Standing up from my spot behind her I pick up the medical kit and walk out the cell to store it away. Locking the gate behind me I said.

"You had once mentioned you painted as a hobby. I would love to see your work one day. Hopefully the allies that you protect so well will rescue you before Kotaro gets more extreme with his methods." After putting away the med kit I turn to her with a smile. "After all it angers me to see the other Mokushujin's hurting such a devoted and true kunoichi."

"...Thank you for helping me. Your presence makes my imprisonment much more bearable. You are nothing like the others here. You know that right?"

"I've killed before and just like them I serve Kotaro. I must warn you that if your allies do show up I would need to fight them. No matter how much I hate the man it's thanks to him I'm still alive. I owe him my life." I admitted sadly.

"It comes with the title of ninja to be capable of murdering another. And I understand the dept you owe him. But... I must warn you, watch out if a masked red haired ninja makes his way here. Avoid encountering him at all cost for he will not hesitate to kill you." Kagero warned as she made her way towards the bars of the cell she was kept in. Grasping the bars she awaits my response.

Taking hold of her hand I give it a reassuring squeeze before I hear light footsteps approaching. We both seemed to hear it as she backed away and leaned against the furthest wall cautiously.

"I'll try to keep you as safe as possible until your allies show up, just hang in there a little longer." I whispered to her before another ninja showed up to take my post for the night. Nodding to the man that showed up for the night watch I head outside, towards my sleeping quarters.

Not three days had passed after that night and every ninja in Mokushu seemed to be armed and ready for battle, a few mechanist and samurais joined us in battle as well, as Corrin, younger sibling of Lord Ryoma, was leading a small army of hoshidan soldiers against Kotaro for imprisoning one of their own and sidding with their enemy. Among Corrins soldiers was a red haired ninja with a mask already making his way through the traps set out all around us who fit the description Kagero had given me. Kagero and I had gotten closer through out the short while that shes been held captive but I got attached. A dangerous feeling for a ninja, her supposed enemy nonetheless. I know I said if I encountered her allies I would fight but maybe if I do my part correctly I could lead one of Corrin's ninja or outlaws down to the dungeon to release Kagero. With that plan in mind I now had to avoid conflict as much as possible and wait for the battle calm down.
The battle continued on for a long time, neither side seemed to be ready to surrender but luckily Corrin had managed to make their way towards Kotaro along side the red haired ninja Kagero had spoken about. Through out the battle his fighting seemed the most violent and extreme, not once stopping until he reached the dastardly ninja that captured his comrade. Im glad I avoided him like Kagero suggested because his skill with the flame shuriken he wielded was frightening. I saw Corrin begin to battle Kotaro and silently prayed to whatever deity was out there that they won. I will fight for the disgusting man but by no means do I want him alive.
As the battle continued I found myself engaging in battle with a green haired ninja from Corrins army, he was fast but luckily I successfully lead him over to the prison where Kagero was being held. I avoided hurting him as much as possible because Kotaro had stationed two guards to watch his prisoner. Upon spotting me they took out their weapons: a sword and shurikens and readied their stance. Turning towards the door I waited for the green haired ninja to show. The guards stood their ground and once the enemy rounded the corner they would strike but as they focused on the enemy approaching them from the front they paid no mind to the one right next to them. Taking the man next to me by surprise he didn't even have enough time to scream as I sliced his neck open with one of my daggers. Without missing a beat the green haired ninja disposed of the swords master in front of him.
"Hurry and free her. She is your ally is she not?" I point in the direction to Kagero's cell on the other side of the prison.
"Yes. But why betray Kotaro so easily?" The green haired ninja asked as he made his way towards Kagero, his purple eyes never looking away from me. He's smart to not give his back to a possible enemy.
"I swore my loyalty to no one. Besides a debt I owed that vile man he meant nothing. Now hurry and free Kagero before anybody else arrives to dispose of her."
Walking over to the cell that held captive the kunoichi I see her lean over to inspect who I brought to free her. Her face lit up in gratitude upon seeing the man next to me and I felt almost...jealous.
"Kaze. How did you get here? Is Saizo here too?" Kagero asked as the man, Kaze, began unlocking the cell. Once the heavy metal door opened she proceeded to give me and Kaze a hug.
"My brother actually got here before us. He's the one who told us you where taken after all. But Kagero, who is this?" Kaze asked pointing towards me.
"His name is (Y/N), he would talk to me and make sure I was okay during my time here." Kagero clarified.
As I began to lead the way back up Kaze began to thank me for helping his friend. Mid sentence he was interrupted by a fearsome roar.
"W-what was that beast?!" I asked with both fear and confusion.
"That must be my liege. They must have succeeded to defeat Kotaro. Come lets hurry out of here."
Once we made it back to the battlefield I stared in bewilderment at a great grey and blue dragon standing over a defeated Kotaro, but I was even more shocked as it transformed into their silver haired leader. Walking up to them Kaze quickly informs Kagero is safe and sound and tells how all the enemies have either retreated or are still passed out.
As Kagero speaks to her fellow ninja, the red haired one, Corrin comes up to me clearly worn from all the battling.
"Kaze told me what you did and I have to thank you. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't been there to help her when needed."
"Trust me, you don't want to know." I quickly add before they continue.
"I suppose I really don't. Look you're always welcome in our army. We could always use more soldiers and after what you did you have more than proven to be good enough." Looking over to Kagero's direction I saw her looking at me expectantly yet her fiery friend seemed to be glaring at me with his one working eye. I don't need his approval because my mind is set. Its about time I do some good and who knows maybe I can get something else out of all this.
Nodding my head to Corrin I smile and said.
"No need to ask me twice. I'll be happy to join you." Making eye contact with Kagero again I see her sigh in relief and my smile grows even more.
Maybe just maybe I could even get the girl.

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