55 - Tequila is for Winners

Start from the beginning

Breaking work protocol, he used the hotel phone for a personal call. He called the flower shop. Grandma June answered, and he said he was nervous, but it was easier to speak to her on the phone. He said he wanted to order a large bouquet of flowers for a beautiful girl. She said 'Certainly sir, what kinds of flowers would you like?'. He said 'I'm not sure what she likes. Could you maybe just make it with all of your favorite flowers?' He said she seemed a little confused (Grandma June agreed and said she was indeed confused), but said she'd get the order done as soon as possible. He told her he'd pick it up after work. 

Now, Grandpa Phillip said he was 'nervous as a turkey the day before Thanksgiving' for the rest of the day until 5 o'clock rolled around. After work he walked back down to the flower shop and there she was, this great big bouquet full of pink and white peonies and yellow roses and blue delphiniums...She pushed it toward him on the counter smiling and saying, 'This is definitely one of my favorite bouquets I've ever made!' and Grandpa Phillip pushed it back across the counter toward her and said, 'Good, it's yours.'

They started dating within the month and were married in the next year and a half.

I remember being a little girl and asking Grandpa Phillip to tell and retell the story half a hundred times in a day because I loved it so much. It was cute! And as a little impressionable girl, full of Disney princess love stories, I always imagined a cute boy would bring me flowers or do something equally cute...

HA! Yea right.

My eyes wander around the reception hall, searching for a tall half drunk idiot somewhere...but he's been missing for the last almost hour. Sebastian got surrounded and dragged away (laughing like a lunatic too, that moron) by the groom, the groomsmen, his family, and who I later learned from Mr. Brian MacCrain a few of his other fellow workers (since Sebastian works with his dad over the summer). I'm 110% sure they dragged him outside to do some dumb drinking game, who knows? And I don't care...

...but I still catch myself looking for him.

Dumbass Clarisse!! Quit thinking about it! It doesn't matter if he kissed you! You don't know what he wants, he probably doesn't want anything other than some fucking hanky panky...I think to myself sourly. 

After our time on the dance floor he'd been quieter and less clingy, and I had 8 million questions going on in my head, and I wasn't going to let myself answer them. So shit ideas just started playing through my mind, all those stupid imaginings of me and Sebastian...*gulp* dating (OOFDA, yea I know, bad Clarisse!)and my heart speeds up maniacally and then its me kicking myself because FOR GOD'S SAKE ME, IT WAS JUST ONE KISS! There was no grand gesture, it wasn't a true love's first kiss, Jeezus, Sebastian and I are hardly Disney material...

I mean Jeezus, look at my Grandparents! They had a cute ass meeting. If I recall correctly my dad's parents, Grandpa Gregory and Grandma Lynette met because Grandpa moved in next door to Grandma and he told his older brother, at age 13, 'I'm gonna date that girl in two years, and then I'll marry her in six!' And though she was a year older than him he pulled every trick in the book to get her to date him (walking her home from school, bringing her flowers, helping her with chores, playing her damn favorite song on his radio on his window sill so she could hear it!) and it worked, they started dating on his 15th birthday when he said 'I'm 15! Would you date me now Lynette Marie Bowman?'. They got married when he was 19 and she'd just turned 20. 

Hell, my parents had a cute meeting. My mom had just graduated high school and got invited to a Fourth of July get together by some friends. My dad, friends with someone's cousin or whatever, happened to be there, and his exact words whenever he retells the story are this: 'I was pouring myself some lemonade, looked up at her, fell in love, and then spilled lemonade all over the table.' He made a point to get introduced and then spent the rest of the day and night talking to her (especially after he found out she was going to start going to the same college). They ended up cuddling in a blanket (EW) to watch the fireworks, and he promised to call her the next day and take her out. He did, and you guys can figure out the rest, obviously.

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