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I wasn't planning on fighting. Tonight was meant to be the best night of my life; Birth my babies and have a peaceful night with my boyfriend. But a power crazed Druid had to slither her way in-spill more blood than any of us could've imagined, and for what? To crush us-take away every shred of hope? Or just because she finds pleasure in the suffering of others.

I've been over this many timea in my head. Exhausting every solution until only one remains.

Mosea will not make it through the night.


We draw closer to the beacon-the deep humming growing louder and louder. I can feel it's power-calling out like a siren song. I know the others feel it too.

"We have to hurry." We move forward and come to the edge of the crater. It's grown since my last visit. I step back, opening my hand out. My uncle places a hunting rifle into my hands, and I focus the scope on the center of the crater.

Without a doubt, I spot my babies. A snarl curls it's way up, and I hand the weapon back to Benny.

"We're going in now."

"Jamie, we can't attack head on. She's alone right now, but she could have more of those things out here." I growl, knowing Mike is right. "What we need to do is have most of us catch her attention and the others get the pups."

"I'm getting my babies," Killian states, jabbing his thumb against his chest, "Philip, you and Benny grab her attention. I need you guys to fight off anything else cooming this way." HIs eyes glow red-the bond between us causing a few of our eyes to glow aswell.

"Now let's move."

Dad and Benny move down to the center of the crater. Mike and Braxton follow behind me, as we stalk around the widened perimeter. I point up, and mIke jumps into the trees, his Corti eyes focused beautifully in the dark. I pull out my staff and Braxton extends his claws and fangs.

"Stop," Mike hisses.

Instantly, out of the bushes come a swarm of Nesters, all armed with spears made of some kind of bone. One moves to slash at me. I raise my staff locking the blow before, delivering my own and snapping it's fragile spine.

MIke slashes through a few of his own, Braxton doing the same. The three of us end of back to back; swinging, clawing, fighting to survive the night. I catch the sound of a faint hum, and flip over Mike-the blade of a Nester, finding it's way into my palm. I drop my staff, and go tumbling down the crater-Mike and Braxton both calling out to me.

I hit the bottom. I pull the blade out and look around. A lilac haze falls over, but not too much to where my vision is impaired. I spot the Nester that attacked me, and with a quick shot from my crossbow, dispatch the creature.

"Nice of you to join us, Jamie." Her voice scrapes against my ears like a nail. I glare her way, but drop it quickly. Dad and Benny are fighting off Nesters like their is no tommorow. And if we don't end this soon. There might not be.

I unsheath my sword and slash through them. Benny shoots round into the bugs, pullingo ut his hunting knife, and driving it into a Nester's skull. Dad throws a spear through one, kicking it over to me, where I decapitate it with ease.

With a few scratches and slashes here, we manage to fend off the horde; a quick flash of panic washing over Mosea's face. She wisks it away, putting on her stone cold facade one again. Dad and Benny move to engage, but I hold out my sword halting them.

"This ends here, Mosea. There is no turning back. Not anymore."

"You know, Jamie, you've always been a big pain in the ass." She raises her hand, and throws a beam of energy at us. We jump out of the way, and out of anger she begins to throw them repeatedly. "Die, you pathetic Hunters!"

She throws another beam my way, and I dodge, but this time retaliate. I shoot a bolt, hitting her right in the shoulder. She cries out, but rips the bolt out. She blasts again, and this time it hits.

Dad crumples to the ground, a loud groan espacing his lips. Panic rises through my system and I charge at Mosea. BEing to busy relishing the attack on my Dad, she didn't see me coming.

I tackle her, and we go tumbling, the crater having gone far deeper than before. We fall further and further- puching and clawing at each out like animals.

We finally hit ground. I roll off of Mosea, and unsheath my daggers. I go in to stab, but she grabs my wrist. She punches my gut and I drop one. I bend her arm, kneeing her in the face.

She reels back, muttering a spell, forcing my body back. I drop my other dagger and raise my fists.

"You think you can stop me, Hunter? I am over nine hundred years old! I cannot die!"

"We'll see about that." I run at her, kicking her in the chest. Before, she can counter, I scoop up my blade, jamming it into her knee. I punch her in the face repeatedly, then give a final kick to the skull, her bdy crumbling down.

I go to check her breaths, burt a distressed howl pulls me away. I climb quickly, and scramble to where my father was hurt. I find Braxton and Mike beside him, Benny steadying his head on his lap.

"Dad," I run to his side, seeing the blood. "Dad, please tell me you're okay. I've already lost Mom, I can't lose you too."

He chuckles lightly.

"I'm okay, Jamie. It'll take alot more than that to take me down," He says. I release a sigh of relief, then another scent wafts into the air.

Blood. But it isn't Dad's.

It's Killian.

I follow the scent, almost immediately finding my boyfriend with two of our pups, and a blade gash in his side. He snarls and I look forward, meeting Mosea's gaze. I take a step forward, stopping only when I see my daughter in her arms with a knife pressed against her.

"Put her down," I growl.

"Only on one condition," She says, her face badly bruised from the beating I'd given her only moments ago. "You let me live and your prescious little pup gets to see the next year."

"Jamie," I look over to Killian, a light nod coming from his end. I look down in his arms, our other pups looking at me with fear in their eyes.

"Fine." mosea lets my pup go and she runs to me immediately.

"Pleasure doing buisness, Jamie."

"I'm gonna find you. And I'm going to kill you."

Mosea smirks, "I'll be waiting." She vanishes and I bring my daughter over to her brothers and Father. We huddle together; Killian and I pressingkisses to their little furry heads.

"You're safe babies. We've got you."

WolfesBane (BoyXBoy Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now