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I snuck back in, somehow managing not to get caught by Dad. I instantly passed out, only waking in the morning. I travel down to the kitchen and find Dad dressed in a black wife beater and leather pants.

"Morning, Jamie. How are you feeling?"

"Good," I respond, eyeing the outfit. "What's with the outfit,"I ask, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"Nothing you need to worry about,"He says, leaving a kiss on my head. After a moment he speaks, "Jamie, we're going have a few family members coming into town tonight. I'm going to need for you to be on your best behavior when they get here."

That's weird. I've always thought Dad cut ties with any distant relatives. Why are they coming now?

"Who are they," I ask.

"Don't worry about it, Bub. Now, get going. You don't want to be late." I leave it at that and go out the door.

'Well, good morning," Braxton says once I'm buckled in."I hope you weren't too uncomfortable with my cousins and uncle last night."

"I honestly enjoyed being around them. Alister wasn't as mean as I thought," I say truthfully.

"That's good. So, you up for going again tonight?" I grin cheekily and we pull off.


We arrive at school, and before we even leave the heap of shit Jeep, the Nobles are coming toward us. Braxton and I get out to greet them.

"You ready to get your ass kicked in our rematch tonight?" Colt punches my shoulder playfully. I smile giving him a nod.

"Watch it," Killian mumbles, Colt taking a small step back, straightening himself out. I look up to Killian, his smug expression falling a gentle grin.

"Are you okay," I question.

"We'll talk later," He signs, before breaking off from the group.

"He isn't much of a people person. Don't take it hard, Jamie," Grace tells me before, giving me a hug.

"We should get to class," Colt speaks, sliding in between us, slinging his big arms around our shoulders. "Onward," He declares, the four of us bursting into laughs.

I look to the forest for a moment, just in time to see the bushes rustle to a stop.


Night comes again and I sneak out the same way I did last night. I meet up with Braxton and we make our way back to the Nobles'.

I listen to the radio, the songs playing tonight all seem to have a similar topic: Full moons. I look up, the moon nowhere near full. I don't get it, but Dunes has always been a weird town.

Stories about Werewolves and Witchcraft date back as far as the nineteenth century, but come with not a single shred of proof. Yet those stories are what molded my love for the supernatural.

Suddenly, we pull to a stop. I look over to Braxton as he unbuckles himself.

"What happened?"

"Stay in the Jeep," He demands, running out into the woods. I sit back, looking around for any sign of danger.

Thankfully it's nothing, but unbridled silence. Sadly, I'm starting to think maybe that's scarier than anything else.

I open the door and step out into the cold. I wait for a moment, hoping to see Braxtom emerge at any moment. Once he doesn't, I make the dumb decision to walk into the forest.

I'll admit it's absolutely terrifying, but Dad has been teaching me to fight ever since I was seven. I'm more than capable of handling myself.

I place through trees and bushes, my bare skin being marked with cuts and scrapes. The sounds of birds and other animals begin to die down, leaving me alone with my fearful thoughts.

WolfesBane (BoyXBoy Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now