Like Mother, Like Daughter

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We pull into the city, highly aware of the risk we are putting ourselves in. Within our territory, we are pretty secure, but once outside our boundaries we're virtually on our own.

"The adoption center," Braxton questions. "I don't think a grown woman would still be here."

"Well, you're correct, but her files will be." Mike rolls his eyes, stripping down, Braxton's cheeks becoming inflamed.

"Mike, remember, if you're seen, use paralysis. Do not kill innocents." I emphasise the ending.

"I've got it, just be ready to bail after I get this." He jumps into the middle of the street-full Corti.

Mike scales up the side of the building, finding his way in from there.

"Jamie, how are you feeling about becoming a Dad?" I sigh.

"I'm happy, I am. I just don't want them to get hurt." He nods understandingly, and we sit in a pleasant silence until more weight joins us.

Mike uncloaks-human once again- handing me off a manilla folder.

"That was quick," Braxton says.

"Haven't heard that from you in a while," Mike quirks. I stare at the two, Braxton's face flushed and Mike sits back with a satisfied grin, still naked.

I'll leave this conversation for later.

I open the folder, my heart beating heavy. She's so beautiful. Much more than I thought possible.

"Does ir say anything about where she could be?"

"Not very much, but it says that she was adopted when she was less than a year old. A family called the Millers."

"Are they still in town," Mike asks.

"Yes. And I believe she still lives with them."


The Miller estate is grand. It's built of bright red bricks, with a dull, steel blue pleated roof. A silver Astin Martin is parked in the long driveway.

"Stay out here," I tell them. They nod, Braxton turning the Jeep off. I grab the folder, along with a picture of my mother.

I walk up the long walkway, my heart pounding in my ears as I draw closer and closer to the front door.

I get face to fave with the white door, swallow my pride, and ring the doorbell. The chine echoes throughout the house. I steo back and await an answer. I try again. Still nothing. I go in for a final time, just as the door opens.

"Hi, can I help you?" Oh my God.

"Um, my name is Jamie Asher," I get out, still stunned by her overall beauty. "Can we speak for a moment?"

"Of course, let me get something really quick." She dips back into her house, giving me a mokent to collect myself.

She looks just like Mom.

The same jade green eyes, long wavy raven hair, full pink lips.On her right cheek, where Mom was bare, she has a tiny mole.

She comes back, smiling lightly. She leads me to the porch swing,and we sit together.

"My name is Harley, by the way," She says. I fight the urge to tell her I know exactly who she is.

"Harley, are you aware that you arw adopted?" I can't beat around the bush.

"Yes, I am. But, how did you know that," She questions.

I dig into my pocket, taking out the picture. I hand it to her. She takes it gently, her eyes widening as she examines our Mother.

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