The Corti

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I leave the house in the early morning, long before the Sun rises. Without thought, I begin to run. No predetermined destination. I just run.

M mind is plagued by Paris' heinous actions and the threats she buried into my very soul. I trusted her as a positive woman figure in my life. But her true colors came out and now I see nothing more than a murderer.

I stare at the brand on my forearm, utterly disgusted. I allowed her to initiate me because, it was what I ha dreamed of the moment I found out just what I was, but this. I never expected this.

She wants me to kill Killian. My mate. My love. How could I do that? How am I supposed to bring myself to murder the man, I've given so much to in such little time?

I can't do it. I'm far too selfish to take him away from me and his family aswell. Assuming Paris would even allow them to live.

I stop. I look around to find myself in the center of the forest. I drop to my knees and bury my face in my hands.

The bushes rustle and I lift my head up. I slip my pocket knife from my pocket and scan the area. Another rustling happens and I get to my feet. I train my eyes to the dirt, slashes dug deep into the soil. These definitely aren't from me.

I examine the markings. Something with wide feet and long claws or talons was here. I follow the tracks further into the tree, more rustling sounding in the night. With my enhanced senses, I adjust to the night and hone my hearing.

It's silent. Far too silent for a forest.

Suddenly, a thud hits my ears. I drop to the ground just in time for something to fly over head. I roll over and look toward the source.

A creature the color of tar focuses on me with reptilian jade colored eyes. It's long talons are dug deep in the soil and it's long razor-tipped tail looms over it's shoulder.

"Hunter," It hisses, sounding like the snake it resembles.

"I'm not here to hurt you," I say, holding my hands in the air.

Without another slurred word, It pounces and I dive out of the way. I lands where I was, extending it's leg out. It knocks me into a tree and the beast comes at me again. I move my head to avoid it's tail, which drives into the tree trunk.

I flip my blade out, throwing it into it's foot. Surprisingly, it ricochets from it's tough skin.

"Dammit," I mutter.

In a split second decision, I pull It's tail free, turning it on the creature. I impale it in the side, penetrating deep. It growl out, falling onto it's side, while hissing out a number of curses.

"You bastard," It growls. It looks up to me, "Just finish me off."

"I told you, I wasn't here to harm you. Who and what are you?"

It pulls it's tail free, the wound healing surprisingly quick. Then, the scales peel away, underneath it lies a tan skinned man. His hair is dark red and his face has a light dust of freckles across his nose ad cheeks. His eyes are no longer reptilian, but are still that intense green from before.

"Michael Knoxville, but you an call me Mike," He says with a thick Southern drawl. "You're not the typical Hunter. Anyone else would have finished me without question."

"I'm no killer, Mike." I offer a hand to him. He hesitantly takes it and I pull him to his feet. He's not as small as Braxton, but just barely below Colt. "Why did you attack me?"

"Force of habit," He shrugs, "The real question, is why are you slinking around the woods at night? A Hunter should know that beasts love to come out close to the Full Moon."

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