Chapter 11

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"Homo homini lupus est"

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"Homo homini lupus est"

These words sounded unreal from my mouth. I never had problems with my family. I always thought that is my mother and my father, but this sounded.

No. I stopped myself. He must have done something. I could never think something like that; I don't even remember that conversation.

"Did you mess with my mind?!" I turned to him, "you did. That day when I met King. My whole mind turned upside down. I imagined and remembered things that never happened! It's you! How could you?!"

The Prince's whole mind control did something to me. Now I don't even know what is real and what is not. With a silent yell, I stood up on my feet ready to confront him. He can't do that; he doesn't have that much power. It's just, just so wrong.

As I looked down on him a cold breeze, carrying my hair the sudden pain in my head stopped all my attempts to fight with him. A pulsing pain in my head carried all sense to real conversation leaving me just weak attempts to breathe.

"No! Stop!" My voice a shaky whisper as I pulled away from him. Getting away from him I sense as the pain faint a little leaving my vision clear from dark dots. When suddenly disappeared as it came my legs carried me away from him. 

"You can't torture me like that," I whispered looking at him, the whole town frozen beneath us.

When I don't receive a smart answer from him I take one step closer. What is happening with him?

"What are you doing?" I shook his shoulder, but he didn't move. "Prince? Stop acting." I shook his shoulder again this time feeling fear running through me. What happened with him?

Suddenly jumping on his feet I feel an abruptly pain in my wrist and he pushed me on the back. Letting out a sob from a surprise I tried to push him away.

"Never sneak up to me." He murmured into my ear still holding my wrist.

"What? Sneaking up? You just froze. You said nothing!" I yelled trying to turn to him, but he didn't allow me.

"Stop. That hurt!" Right now I was yelling trying to set myself free. When he finally loosened up his grip, I move myself a few steps from him. He is not normal.

'Neither are you.'

A weird thing happened here. Maybe this is all his plan to break me. Put me in the place where I don't know the difference between fake and real and just blurt something he wants me to say.

Standing a few minutes in the silence I looked at him my anger slowly fading away. There is no reason for him to act like this. I'm telling a truth.

"This is all so weird," I mumbled.

"Not all. Just you." He answered, looking at his back.

"Me? Look at yourself. You froze like someone used your power on you." I said pointing at his head.

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