You stopped in front of the school only to hearing you sigh. You walked into the building and straight to your classroom.

You sat down in your desk which was next to a wall. You continued listening to your music while watching students gathering around with their friends outside.

People didn't like you because you were a bookworm, lame, not to mention a big nerd. You didn't pay a lot of attention to your other classmates because all you wanted was to focus on school and nothing else.

The bell soon started to ring. The people in the groups were slowly going their own ways making the group look smaller until there was nothing. The room what was before quiet became a noisy one.

"Well look who is here first... Y/N."

"Well why wouldn't she be here first? She is a big ass nerd after all"

You just rolled your eyes as students began to laugh at you. You grabbed your books from your bag.

You waited for the teacher to come, at least that's what you wanted. It felt like forever. But honestly it was just 10 minutes.

Now the girls began fangirling again. Just like other days. You turned your head to see if it was the same person they only do this. And you were right.

"Jimin sit next to me!!"

"NO! Sit next to me!"

"Jiminie, you look hot as always! Date me please!"

"Maybe I will...." He said as he winked to the girl.

The girl looked like she was going to faint after he said that. Other girls started to say the same thing.

Park Jimin, one of the biggest playboys in this school along with his other 6 friends.

You don't understand why girls go so crazy over them, they date a lot of girls every week. But you won't lie to yourself. They were pretty good looking.

The teacher comes in. "Sit down everyone. We don't have time for you girls to fangirl. Okay, let's start the lesson."

You paid attention to the teacher. You didn't want to but you had to. Everyone else didn't pay attention. They didn't care...

"Okay, everyone, please listen up. You will have a project and you will work in pairs."

You were exited about the project but not the partner part. You already knew that no one will pick you, just like other times.

"I will be picking your partner this time."

"Aww! Why?" All the students whined.

"Because I said so, now..."

The teacher started matching everyone. Until you finally hear him call your name.

"Y/n and Jimin--"

"Why her!?" The girls heard your name being along with Jimin's and they started to throw a fit, which was honestly so annoying.

You could feel every girls death stares towards you.

"Can't you just change my partner. I don't want to work with her. She is just going to push me to do work. She's a nerd, that's all. It's going to be a pain in the ass."

"Enough. I'm not changing partners. It's going to stay like this and if you don't corporate with each other, you will both get a zero."

The class stayed quiet. You didn't want to work with him but you had to, you had no other choice.

"Let me get a zero then, I don't care..."

"You might not care, but Y/N does, isn't that right Y/N?"

You slowly nodded your head.

"You see?"

"Whatever, it's going to be boring. And I don't study with nerds."

Why is he making such a big fuss about it?

"It's going to be a 5 page essay about something interesting about the world. It will be due in 2 weeks, but you'll have to find a way to do it out of school, because we're not spending those 2 weeks on just that. We will be moving on. So that's that. You have to work on partners. And I will notice if you did or didn't."

Not long after, the lunch bell rings and everyone is dismissed.

Jimin went and sat at the table with his friends. Moments later, he saw you enter the cafeteria, watching you sit at your table by yourself.

"This sucks..." He said as he internally, cringing at your unpopularity.

"What does?" Heseok says.

"Working with a nerd..."


"From what I heard he's been paired to work with Y/N for a project." Yoongi speaks as he points towards your direction.


"I don't get it. Why is that bad?"

"Because, Jin, people will start to think I like to hang around losers, and do you know how that will make me look?"

"Did you go against it?"

"Yes! But she had to nod her head like a good girl."

After a few minutes of complaining, the bell rung once again, indicating for students to go back to class.

Yoongi pats Jimin's back. "I'll be praying for you..."


A/N: You all are having too much fun with the Hoseok typo, so I just decided to leave it there hehe.

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