Drunk driver (johnXreader)

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A/N I tried to make a John X reader, please tell me what you think<3

Note to self: never drink and drive.
You were out with friends, and the bright neon sign over the pub flashed in all the colours of the rainbow. You and your friends tumbled out on the rainy streets, drunk and laughing. A grey Ford Focus was waiting for you. "Paper, scissor, rock, lizard, Spock!" The whole group was yelling, not caring about the scared looks from the bypassing people. You lost, placing yourself in drivers seat. The music was on, the mood was good and the car was was barely staying on the road. Sirens was getting closer. You turned off the music, and pulled over to the side. All colour left your face, the fright clear in your eyes, as the officers opened the door. The wind was playing with your hair, and smelled like rain and smoke. They took all of you to the station, calling for someone to get you. All your friends were gone, and you were only waiting for John. Suddenly a man with eyes full of controlled rage burst trough the door. John was in a remarkably bad mood, but you couldn't blame him. He didn't say a word in the time it took him to drive home. He pulled you ungently up the stairs, but drunk as you were, you just collapsed on the sofa. John muttered to himself, volume increasing for every word, but you couldn't make sense of them. "Get your bloody self together!" John almost never yelled. That made your eyes overflow. John lifted his fist in the air, and you flinched. He went pale. "Y- you didn't though that i-i would hit you?" He asked, his voice was suddenly weak and shaking. He took you in his arms and held you until you stopped crying, kissing you on your forehead and whispering sweet words in your ear. Soon you were sleeping and he carried you to bed. He looked at your sleeping figure and smiled. He could never be mad at you for more  than a hour.

A/N ehh idk i think it was pretty decent? What do you think?<3

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