When someone insults you

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A/N leave your suggestions down in the comments<3
(Ps. I made the Moriarty drawing shown above<3)

This is how he would react if someone insulted you! Enjoy<3

You were at the Yard to help Sherlock with a case, but as you didn't do much, he said that it might be better if you went home. As you were walking through the corridors, you met Sally Donovan. "Hello fatty," she said with pure malice in her voice. "Are you having fun eating cake all day?" You sighed. "No, please not today, Donovan." Tears already stinging in your eyes. You tried not to let her see your pain. "I don't know what Sherlock sees in you. You're fat and unintelligent, and he is far to good for you." The tears were streaming down your face, and a muffled sob escaped you. "He doesn't even love you! He loves Molly Hooper! You know that, don't you? You always knew!" Sally was practically yelling at you. She circled around you like a predator, and you were just standing there, looking at the floor, tears dripping from your eyes. The thing that hurt the most, was that you knew she was right. You hated your body, your intelligence, your everything! "Sherlock is going to break up with you-..." suddenly she froze, and you thought you saw a frightened glimpse on her face. You turned around, and looked directly into a pair of eyes, as blue and cold as the sky on a winter day. "I think that I'm the one to decide that. And maybe, if you leave her alone, I will not tell Anderson that you're sleeping with his cousin," Sherlock said, with an almost unrecognisable, cold voice. "And now, I would like you to leave. Us. ALONE!" He shouted the last word, and Sally quickly disappeared. "I'm so, so, sorry, love. I shouldn't have left you alone." You sighed and leaned your head on his chest. "It's okay. It's not the first time." you realized the mistake as soon as you said the words. Sherlock was furious. "and you haven't told me?!" You ignored his comment and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Sherl." He took a deep breath, but you gave him a loving kiss before he could say anything. He gave up and kissed you back. "I love you, Y/N, and only you." You looked at him with big eyes. "You don't think I'm ugly? Fat? Unintelligent?" Tears started to fall again. "Nonono!" All the words melted together. "You're beautiful, intelligent and I love you more than everything!"

You and John were walking home from a lovely restaurant when a familiar man stood in the way. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" You sighed loudly. "What is it, baby? Aren't you happy to see me?" John was very confused, but you smiled bitterly. "No, I'm not Collin. I Think I made it very clear last time." A vicious grin spread on his face. "Why don't you introduce us, Y/N? It seems like you know him?" Said John a little nervous. The whole situation could've been laughable if it wasn't so tense. "I'm Y/N's ex, Collin, and you must be the new one. I'm sorry for you, man! She only thinks of herself!" His grin grew bigger. John was now confused and angry. "I don't know what you're talking about, but that's clearly not the Y/N that I know!" His smile was disappeared like dew for the sun. "Well, then you just don't know her!" He hissed with wild eyes. John was angry now. Really angry. "Listen, if you don't step away, I will personally throw you out of the window until I lose count!" John was in the red field, but his voice was barely a whisper, and no one could overhear the disgust in his words. Collin moved with a "fine!" Spiced with several interesting adjectives. Neither of them had paid attention to the tears in your eyes, but as soon as John turned to you, the hatred left him. "Are you alright Y/N?" You nodded and leaned your head on his chest. He placed his hand protectively around your neck and patted you on the back. Soon you were smiling again, and you walked hand in hand with John. Your John.


You were drinking coffee with your brother in a nice cafeteria, and you didn't know that Mycroft would be there too. He sat behind guest and curtains, but close enough to hear every single word. You and your brother talked about family, friends and boyfriends, and your brother wanted you to meet his fiancé, Leo, next family reunion. He mentioned with a smirk that you had gained weight since he last saw you, and you looked away from his eyes with a mix of irritation and shame. His laughter got Mycroft to get up, and before he could stop himself, he placed a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him with confusion, and the wrinkle between your eyebrows got deeper when you recognised him. "Smoker, two cats, gay with that level of personal grooming, one sibling,-" You interrupted him. "Mycroft! Calm down! This is my brother, Felix!" He looked a little embarrassed, but only people who knew him could have noticed it. "Well I couldn't have known, I only heard the last sentence." "You heard the whole conversation, didn't you?" He smirked. "Of course I did."

After a very frustrating case, Greg had invited you to a pub, and Anderson and some of the others were there too. Anderson was getting really drunk, and he started to flirt with you, but Greg was nowhere to be found. After many rejections, Anderson wasn't so nice anymore. He pushed you up against a wall, and you could smell his intoxicated breath. his eyes gleamed over your body, full of disgust, and he whispered all the imperfections in your ear. You were too shocked to cry and your head hurt. After some time with fighting, you gave in to the tears. A strong hand pulled Anderson away, and you looked relieved at your saviour. Greg had thrown Anderson at the floor, but he was too drunk to get up. Greg offered to follow you home, and you were more than happy to accept.

you were eating breakfast with Jim, and Sebastian decided to show up. Every time Jim left the room, Sebastian commented on everything you did or said with a snarky tone. Third time Jim left to refill his teacup, it simply got too much. "I can see you haven't brushed your hair this morning." tears were dripping in your tea, making rings in the hot liquid. You had used 20 minutes to make your hair look somewhat acceptable, and according to Sebastian, it hadn't worked. You could never stand up to the tall and muscular sniper. When Jim entered the room he looked from your wet cheeks to Sebastian's vicious face, and put two and two together. He told Sebastian to 'get the hell out of his bloody flat', and Sebastian was gone before Jim reached your side. "He always says so horrible things. Always..." Jim took you in his arms and mumbled something in your hair "If he ever hurts her again, I swear I will ssskin him alive!" Sebastian returned 4 days later and never hurt you again.

A/N finally! my story got deleted 3 times and I had to start over! but now I'm done, and please tell me what you think in the comments! request are welcome too! <3

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