First kiss

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A/N please comment what you think, even if it's negative<3 constructive critic is always welcome<3

A date with Sherlock is never boring, and this one wasn't an exception. You had been chasing a serial killer all night, and you were getting tired. The killer fled into a side road, and disappeared. Sherlock was fuming. "We almost had him, Y/N! If you wasn't slowing me down, I would have caught him!" That comment made your blood boil. "So it's my fault now?!?" Sherlock threw dramatically his hands in the air. "Well it's not mine!" You turned around on your heel and walked away while muttering to yourself "worst. night. ever!" To strong arms grabbed you from behind, One around your waist and one covering your mouth. The man held a knife to your heart, ready to kill you. You could feel the cold, clear pain from the blade cutting through your skin. Then the pain stopped, and without the support of the man's embrace, you fell to the ground. Another pair of arms wrapped around you, this time, soft and caring. You sobbed uncontrollably in Sherlocks arms, and he whispered sweet words down in hair. The serial killer was no where to be seen. "W-what a-a-about th-the k-killer?" You stuttered. "He's not important," Sherlock snapped, a little more aggressive than necessary. "You is all I care about." You looked at him with big wet eyes. Slowly, very slowly he bent down and kissed your lips. Maybe the night wasn't so bad after all.

John had taken you to your favourite restaurant on Northumberland street. You asked him about his time on Barts, but you didn't listen when he started to explain, you just stared into his beautiful eyes. He held your hands in his, and your faces were only inches apart. "... you haven't heard a word of what I've told you, have you?" He asked with a smirk. "Not a word" you almost whispered. You closed the space between you and kissed him. It was a soft emotional kiss, a kiss full of love and affection. "I love you, Y/N." he whispered. "I love you too, John."

You were in the park, waiting on Mycroft, when a man came up to you. "Hey sexy, what are you doing here alone?" He asked with an ominous voice. You snapped at him, that it was none of his business. He got closer, and you got scared. Were is Mycroft! He had trapped you against the wall. Slowly tears came streaming down your face, and the stranger was stopped flirting. He yelled at you, told you how fat and ugly you were, and you felt helpless. You had collapsed and was now laying on the ground, crying and sobbing, waiting for Mycroft, while the stranger just yelled at you. Suddenly you herd a familiar and cold voice, and you raised your head. "Will you please let my girlfriend alone? I believe you have no reason at all to yell at her?" He asked sarcastically. The stranger ran, leaving you and Mycroft behind. He picked you up, and brushed some grass off your shoulder. "Girlfriend?" You looked at him with big eyes. He smiled sadly. "If you want to?" You pecked him on the lips, and he pulled you in to a tight hug.

After a day with hard work, Greg invited you to a nearby pub. You had a good time, both got drunk, and you ended up in Greg's flat. It was getting late, so you decided to sleep with him that night. You fell asleep on each side of the bed, and the next morning you waked up with Greg's arms around you waist, and you smiled. You turned to face Greg and kissed him on the forehead. He opened his eyes and smiled at you, then kissed you on your lips. You went to the bathroom to changed from your pyjamas to one of his sweaters, and then then sat on his couch and watched telly.

It had been your first date, and he followed you home. Outside your flat he took the chance, and kissed you goodbye. Then he just turned around and walked away, very happy with himself. You just looked at him and then went inside, totally speechless.

A/N I know that the last one is a bit short, but I wanted it to be simple but cute-ish<3

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