Chapter 42 - Revelations and resolutions

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- Tuesday, December 19th –

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- Tuesday, December 19th –

"I know who bought Finn." Danny awkwardly scratches the back of his head, staring mostly at me.

"You know who bought Finn?" I repeat his revelation with shock. "Who is it? Where is he? What do you know? Why..."

Both Danny and Oliver hold up their hand to silence my blabbering mouth.

"Let me start by telling you that I won't be telling you anything the coppers don't already know. Oliver took me to the station and I told them everything I know."

"But why now? His been missing for nearly a month!"

"Because I only got the information last night." He smiles, although it doesn't seem so sincere; more or less forced.

"Who bought Finn?" Noah repeats my initial first question.

"He goes by the name Uncle Doe." Danny sits down in a chair, while Oliver is focused on his computer, probably listening with one ear. "Like... as in John Doe. Because nobody really knows who he is exactly."

"John Doe?" Noah frowns, writing the information down. "As in how they call an unknown victim in America?"

"Yes." Danny nods. "But in general, people call him the Phantom, because nobody seems to know what he looks like. Nobody's ever seen him. Go ask around in the right places and everybody heard about Uncle Doe. But everybody calls him the Phantom and nobody will be able to tell you who he is exactly."

"But you do?"

"Well, no." Danny shrugs carelessly, but his face tells me he is bothered that he doesn't know who it is. "I have no idea. I'm no exception to that rule."

"Than how did you find out he bought Finn?" I'm a bit sceptic. I haven't seen or heard from Danny before this very moment and now he's telling me he knows who bought Finn. Besides, the story he's telling me sounds a bit weird and it's hard to believe any of it. But it's something. It's more than we had so far.

"Oliver asked me to ask around, see if someone knew something about Finn being sold. Yesterday I had a conversation with some drunk guy and he told me Uncle Doe was around here somewhere in the same weekend Finn was sold. He only does that whenever he's... buying... someone for his business."

"But how do you know it's Finn for sure?"

"Because he always pays two guys to pick the person up and bring him to a certain place. The guys said it was Jeffrey who sold... "the kid"." Again, he clears his throat, coughing awkwardly. "I'm almost 100% sure it's Finn the guy was talking about. Jeff isn't a popular guy in town and rumours about him always get around pretty quickly."

"And where does this... Phantom... do his business? And what business is it?"

"Listen... Cris is it?"

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