The sound of tapping on my window makes me jump at my desk. I walk over and open it, letting Theo in. He fixes his clothes and closes the window. "What are doing here?" I ask, sitting back down.
    "I needed to make sure you were okay. I could, you know, feel your pain," he says.
    "I guess emotional pain is stronger than physical," I say. He nods.
    "I can go-" his words trail off  as a few tears escape my eyes. He scouts closer to be from my bed and take one of my hands in his, giving it a comforting squeeze. "What's wrong?"
     "Everything. Stiles killed someone, but it was self defense, I don't care what anyone else tells me. He would never hurt someone if he didn't have to," she says. "And the pack is starting to get distant from each other. Its all because of those damn Dread Doctors; it all started with them. Everything was fine before. Parrish isn't a regular deputy anymore, Derek isn't my mate. And then there's you, who confused the living hell out of me," she rambles. I hang onto her every word once and a while my eyes slipping down to her lips.
     "I'm sorry that I do that."
    "Don't apologize if you don't mean it, that means you don't care. Derek is supposed to be in your place right now. He's supposed to be listening to my depressing rambles. Not...not you." I release a deep breath.
                   Theo's POV
    "Is it such a bad thing though?" I ask.
    "I don't know. You make me feel things that I didn't even know existed and I know that sounds extremely cliche, but it's true," she tells me. The corner of my mouth twitches upward. My eyes land on her desk, looking at her sketch pad. I reach over her  and look at it. Its beautiful.
    "You can draw," I say. She shrugs. "What is this supposed to be?" I ask.
    "I don't know; it came to be in a dream. I couldn't see the persons face, but he was burning with fire, as if he had crawled out from hell." I chuckle the end.
    "I crawled out from hell, baby." She blushes at the nickname. "What's your grade in photography? Scott said you were having some trouble with your topic."
    Now I'm just trying to make it up for the shit I caused her. I never meant to hurt her, just them. I need to remember that what effects her effects her. Their a pack. A real one.
    "Yeah, just a little. I was really good at it at my other school, but not now. It might just be stress taking over my creative side," she says. "It sucks to cause it was a free topic. The only thing I can thing about is crazy people in scary ass masks saying failure. It's not like I can stop one of them ask for a picture."
    I grin, standing and grabbing her camera. "I'm sure something will come to that pretty little mind of your's." She gets up, her brows drawn together.
    "I have an idea," she says. "But its only if your comfortable with it."
     We get out my truck and look around the alley we're in. Out of all the places she could think of, this had to be the most appealing. "Take your first off, leave the jacket," she orders me. "Wait its-"
     "The cold doesn't affect me remember?" She nods and does something with the camera. I do what she said and put my jacket back on. "I'm starting to think you just like seeing me without a shirt on." She rolls her pretty eyes.
    "Look away from me," she says. I do what she says, making sure not to look like I'm trying too hard. "Just walk towards me and do whatever." I walk forwards, cracking a smile and looking to my right. She lowers the camera and smiles at me.
    "I think that's all. Thank you and I'm sorry if this was weird for you," she says. I grab my shirt and lean against my truck.
    "A beautiful girl asking me to model for her shirtless, not weird at all. I'm flattered." She tucks a piece of hair behind her ears as she stands next to me, looking up at the cloudy sky.
    "You know what they about nights like this?" I hum in answer. "They say nights like this is when the Wild Hunt comes looking for souls." We look at each other, chuckling at the myth. Maybe its real, you never know around here.
    Goosebumps grow on her arms. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me. She looks up at me with shy eyes. "Theo-"
    "Why can't we just try?" I ask. She looks away from me. Her hair is still damp from the rain earlier.
    "Cause I don't even know if I can trust you. There's someone bad about you and I can't see it, its scary. Your...unpredictable and I'm not sure how I feel about that." She steps back and fixes to walk away. I grab her wrists and pull her back,  trapping her between me and the truck. She she trues blowing the hair out of her face.
    I tuck it behind her ear as I press myself closer to her and bend down. Her hands automatically find my hair, tugging gently at it. Its like we're molded together as one right now even if she wants to ignore it. Her cold hand trails down my bare chest and abs with a feather like touch.
    "Give me a shot. I'm not gonna miss," I say, resting my forehead against hers. She looks me in my eyes, our breaths visible in the cold.

   An: Ooo he's a player and not in the okay boy type of way. But you gotta love him still 😂. Please comment how you feel about this and share! Stay alive |-/   -Vaeh


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