Day #823

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Day #823

today's the day I attacked the avatar. The day I have been training for ever since I arrived in the fire nation. Today I attacked the northern water tribe, my past home.
"Come on Firea, it's time."

"Yes admiral Zhou."

admiral Zhou is the one responsible for my current state. I am his personal assassin, and he has assigned me the job of killing the avatar. After watching the front line go in for the attack it was now my turn.

. "Admiral remember don't kill the moon spirit until I have killed the avatar." I told him.

"I don't need to follow your orders kid so shut it!" Zhou said as he slapped my face.

"Yes admiral."

"Good, now move out assassin!"


I made my way down the trail of dead bodies left behind by the fire nation army. It's not like I was scared or anything, I don't mind seeing dead bodies, I'm assassin, but these were people I once looked up to up to until they betrayed me.

"This way!" Said the princess of the northern water tribe.

That was my cue. I chased after them quietly without them noticing. And I followed them into a dark tunnel in the Palace.

"Do you think he's OK?"

Don't worry about him. Aang is in the spirit world." Said a water tribe girl.

"And he'll soon be mine!"Said someone from behind the corner. Zuko!

I waited and watched as the water bender in the fire bender battled over the avatar. I noticed that the princess was just standing there doing nothing.than Zuko slammed the water bender against a tree knocking her out.

"The avatar is mine!"

"I don't think so." I said as I walked into view.

"So Firea . I wondered if you'd show or not." Zuko said casualty.

"I'm the admirals personal assassin why wouldn't I."

"Enough talk assassin, so I assume you want the avatar as well."

"Aren't you the clever X prince."

Fire then begin swirl around the room creating a beautiful display.

"I didn't know you were A fire bender? I see you have blue flames like Azula."

"My flames are not like your sisters. Mine are worse!"

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