Chapter 18

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Suicide note and scene. Possible triggers.

"Hope you feel better!" Hinata, Sakura, and Raicho said excitedly without yelling. Tenten held out a bouquet of flowers Sakura had kindly ordered from outside the village, especially flowers that the Yamaka flower shop didn't sell.

"I heard what happened!" Hinata said worriedly, looking at Ino propped up in the hospital bed. "I heard...your neck..."

Ino's leg and neck were both in a cast. Ino had landed wrong, causing her neck to break, and Choji's untimed body slam did not help, causing her leg to break. Overall, the entire scene was not a pretty picture.

"Well, sob later," Sakura said busily, coming closer to the bed. "We've got presents because staying at the hospital sucks. And Lady Tsunade is still busy with hospital work so she won't be able to get to you so soon."

"I got you this fuzzy pillow because...comfort!" Hinata beamed, handing the gray fuzzy pillow to Ino.

"Awww, that's so sweet." Ino cheered up right away.

"This is one of my mother's lip balm recipes, vanilla flavored like you," Sakura said, holding out the homemade lip balm.

"'Like you,'" Ino mocked laughing. "But that's nice. I'll definitely use it." She popped open the lid and the vanilla scent flooded the room. "Oh, that's really potent."

"I got you the flowers," Tenten said rolling her eyes and gesturing to the enormous bouquet.

"You mean I selected and bought those flowers," Sakura huffed. Raicho and Ino laughed as Tenten conceded defeat.

"Alright, the joke's over. I got you the latest fashion book because I know you love it." She surrendered the beautiful hardcover book with plenty of pop and color and all kinds of styles. The back of the book even had a turning color palette that blended with the bottom palette printed on the book.

"Thanks, Tenten, this will keep me entertained," Ino smiled.

"As for me, I got you this perfect diary, and my aunt made this bead pen. This is another classic therapy technique because I know patients walk into the hospital sane and then leave losing their mind. I mean come on, four walls, no color, one scene outside the window--you'll go insane!" Raicho threw her arms up after safely delivering the diary.

Ino laughed, relieved that Raicho didn't spill her secret in front of the others. Even if they all grew up together, some secrets were meant to stay hidden.

"Listen, I want to stay, but I promised Raicho to bring her to work before training, so I'm going to--we're going to scat now," Tenten said, linking arms with Raicho. "Get better."

"We'll keep you company," Sakura offered.

"Yeah, you and your rival here can entertain yourselves talking about your own vanity and your obsession with Sasuke-kun dearest instead of figuring your paths as ninjas," Tenten scoffed, leaving the room with Raicho.

Ino frowned, feeling hurt.

"I'm joking, of course. Bye!"

"Bye!" they chorused and the two girls left the hospital.

Hours later, the two girls headed home. Ino is then given examinations and Lady Tsunade comes to see her broken bone.

"Spine and backbone are big problems. I can help your broken leg, but your neck is far too dangerous," Lady Tsunade said, removing the cast on her leg. "You'll also need a mental checkup before you can leave. Nobody is sending insane ninjas on any mission" she muttered.

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