Chapter 4

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Raicho shot up from where she had been napping on the ground when she heard Sakura's outraged cry. Today, Kakashi Sensei said they were going to do a test of some kind, even though they had already passed those during the Academy.

"Well, good morning to you too," Raicho sighed under her breath, but Sakura didn't seem to hear.

"He said to get here super early," she fussed, ready to throw a temper tantrum.

"Now, now," Raicho urged, leaping up and grabbing her forearm. "Stay calm. He's still our Sensei."

"He's late."

"I don't think that will change, you know," Raicho smiled warmly at her. "Why don't we meditate for now? Whatever test Kakashi Sensei has for us might be a little easier if we can put our heads together and stay calm."

"Meditation is so boring though," Naruto pipped up from against the tree. Sasuke was up in the tree, somewhere quiet and away from the others.

"Instead of thinking of meditation as boring, think of it as a peace zone," Raicho suggested, pulling Sakura down with her. "Instead of excitement and adrenaline rushing through your brain, take a step back and keep yourself in check."

Raicho sat back down on the ground and crossed her legs and stretched her shoulder back properly so she wouldn't be too stiff.

Sakura reluctantly followed, and ever the loyal fan, Naruto also sat beside her. They were peaceful until Naruto couldn't take it anymore and toppled over on his side. "IT'S BORING!"

"Shush, Naruto!" Sakura scolded.

"Naruto, I don't think zen meditation will work for you. Why don't you try drawing in the dirt?" Raicho offered, getting up. Naruto was about to protest, but she seized his wrist and took a short stick from the ground and drew rings of circles around a few blades of grass. "There, draw something around it. See how big you can make the picture until Kakashi Sensei comes."

"Might as well, I have nothing to do," Naruto grumbled, but took the stick anyways. Raicho sat back down and controlled her breathing, while Sakura enjoyed the peace and Sasuke stared up at the green foliage canopy draping over him. Moments later, Raicho flopped down onto the ground and promptly fell asleep.

"Yo, I'm here, guys," Kakashi Sensei finally announced after another two hour long wait.

"Oh, hi Sensei," Sakura replied, a lot more calm than she was before. However, Raicho knew Sakura was still pretty cranky that Kakashi Sensei was six hours late.

Raicho herself sat up blinking blearily at their Sensei and redid her ponytail, while Sasuke jumped down from his perch and stood with Sakura.

Naruto was still drawing all around the tree, making pretty designs aimlessly and managed to cover the surrounding area with his dirt sketches.

"Raicho, bring Naruto over here. I'm going to explain the test for today." She got up quickly, carefully avoiding Naruto's hard work and brought him over to the rest of Team Seven.

"You're finally here!" Naruto exclaimed, Kakashi Sensei raising a hand in a salutation. "You took forever!"

"So I did," he agreed. "Let's get started. See this?" He held up two bells tied together by some string.

"Yeah? What about it?" Naruto wondered.

"You're going to get these bells from me. Whoever doesn't get a bell from me has to..."

They waited with bated breath, his eye scanning over us as he paused dramatically.

"Repeat the Academy!"

"What?!" They all gasped in shock.

"We just graduated!"

"But there's only two bells!" Sakura protested, as Kakashi Sensei tied the bells to the loop on his pants.

"Exactly. Two will have to repeat the Academy. So then! Let's've got 'til noon and whoever doesn't get bell...doesn't get lunch."

As if on cue, Naruto's stomach growled, and Sakura slumped dejectedly against Raicho.

"So that's why he told us to skip breakfast..." she moaned in horror, as Raicho pulled her arm around her shoulders and patted her upper arm comfortingly.

"It's okay, we can do this," Raicho said brightly, hoping to cheer her up. "We just need to get those bells and then we can eat lunch."

"Not if I get them first! Sakura-chan, don't worry, I'll get one for you!" Naruto declared, an excited smile on his face.

"Oh?" Raicho shot her gaze back at their Sensei who looked them over. Although most of his facial expression was covered, she could still read his body language and the slight shift in his tone. His eye had lowered slightly away from their faces, and his gaze was a tad bit unfocused. He looked, in that brief moment, lost and hopeless. While his left hand rested his hand on hip, near confident, his right arm was almost completely hidden by the rest of his body, as if he was unconsciously pulling his body inward to protect himself. Although it was difficult to distinguish his breathing pattern, presumably from years of control, he started to breathe slower and deeper than when they had first met him.

He wasn't super happy right now, but Raicho figured she would find out why much later about his attitude. For now...

"Then let's begin," he said finally, hands in his pockets and back slouching comfortably as he surveyed his four.

"I'll going to get a bell!"


"Let's do this Sakura!"


Forked ShadowsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora