Chapter 8 - The Right Time

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*Yuki's POV*
Haru and I arrive at the gym and step inside. The gym was huge with two courts inside one gym. I looked in awe at the shiny floors and space to practice. I saw Haru smile and we walked over to the supply closet. Haru lets go of my hand and passes me two nets. I kindly take them and walk to the middle of the gym. Haru follows with the poles for each court. He secures them and then I start tying the nets to the poles as Haru gets the ball carts ready. I managed to tie the bottom part but I'm too short for the top one. Naomi usually helps to tie the top and I don't wanna ask for help it'll be embarras- "Need some help?" He asks. I nod embarrassed that he had to help me. He laughs a bit and ties it together.

*Calris's pov*
When we get to the gym, we bursted the doors open. I see Yuki and the captain, Haru. I quickly looks at their hands. I calm down a bit but I'm still boiling. "Hey Calris, Garrett. What are you guys doing here?" Yuki asks. "We were worried when we couldn't find you anywhere." I lied. "Oh sorry, but I'm just here helping Haru set up." she said. "Do you need any help?" Garrett asks. "We're almost done." said Haru as he tied the top part. "Oh then we'll wait for Yuki." I said as I grabbed a volleyball and spun it on my finger. Yuki gave me a smile for a thank you for being nice. I turned a light pink and gave a faint smile.

After they finished I walked to Yuki and tapped her shoulder. "Yes?" she answered. I took her by the hand and placed her against the net with the ball. "I want you to toss it up." I told her. I saw Garrett and Haru watch. Yuki nervously accepted and held the ball. I backed up and she tossed it up perfectly as if she had played before. I felt a smile grow on my face as I leapt up in the air. I smiled at her and then slammed the ball on the opposite side. I retrieved the ball and Yuki tugged on my shirt. How cute. "Calris can I try to do that?" She asked. I look at her confused then smile. "Yeah, I'll toss and you try your best to get those short legs up in the air." I teased as she took position. She signals me to toss and she goes. She stops at the net and pushes as high as she can on her feet. She almost reaches the top of the net with her head. I set the ball and her hand slaps the ball down almost perfectly. Seeing that felt like the butterflies in my stomach we're going crazy. I bit back my lip to keep my smile away. Haru and Garrett are in awe as she lands and retrieves the ball. She stares at her hand. She runs to me and shows me her red hand. "That felt great! Can we do it again Calris?!" She asks excitedly. I blush as I look at her. She looks so cute how could anyone say no. "One more then we gotta go back to the rooms." I laugh. She smiles and runs back. I toss it up, but a little faster, to test her, and she follows. As she leaps I catch a glimpse of her smiling. It felt like my heart skipped a beat and I couldn't help but also smile. What was this feeling? The ball slammed down as she landed. She looked again at her hand.
"Does your hand hurt?" I asked.
"No but it was amazing! It was all like FWOOSH and then BAM!" she said. Jeez how could one person possibly be this cute? I walked to her and ruffled her hair.
"How about we do more tomorrow then." I offer. Her face lights up.
"Really!?" she happily asks.
"Yeah, Garrett you down too? You can set for us since your a setter." I ask.
"Yeah course." he answers.
"Yay what are we gonna do? Just that or more? I wanna know!" She asks me as she bounces. "Jeez calm down shorty, how about we go to sleep first.I'm awfully tired so carry me~" I teased as I leaned on her. "Calris come on get off!" she laughs.

*Garrett's pov*
I smile on the sideline, knowing what Calris was doing. He's trying to show what good of a relationship he has to Haru so he doesn't try anything. Heh like a dog showing dominance or something. I laughed at that and I peek at Haru and see him staring at the two of them. "Okay okay but can we really go to sleep now, I'm drained." Calris says as he puts his arm around her shoulders.
"I forgot where it is though." she says.
"I remember, I could show you guys back." Haru says.
"Thanks Haru." she says.
"No problem just follow me." he said as he opened the doors and we followed.

*Yuki's pov*
As we walked back, Haru led with him and Garrett talking. Calris and I are following behind with me trying to warm my hands. Again. I look up and notice that Calris was doing the same. I tug on his jacket. He looks downs at me and I blushed a bit. His eyes focused on me. "I-If your hands are cold we could hold hands till we get there." I manage to say. "H-hold hands?" He stammers and turns pink as well.
"Yeah Haru told me that it could warm up each others hands if you hold them. It really does work, but I mean if you don't-." I was cut off by Calris taking my hand and intertwining them. I looked up at him and he looks at me from the corner of his eye. He turns a darker pink that's just barely noticeable in the night and asks what. I smile and laugh.
"Nothing just that my hand feels warmer already." I answer and he turns a deeper red and turns away. I smiled at him and looked ahead of us. This felt right for some reason. Just Calris and I felt right. I moved closer to him and our arms brushed against one another. We didn't move away. It felt nice. Like I was sharing his warmth. I could feel his heartbeat and smiled at how rapidly it seemed to beat right now.

*Calris's pov*
As she moved closer to me our arms touched, but I didn't react. It felt...right. My heartbeat became faster and I hoped that she didn't notice it, but I noticed hers. I could feel hers beating just as fast. I peeked at her from the corner of my eye and smiled. Her red hair and pink face next to me, our hands holding one another's. I wanted this to last forever.

*Yuki's pov*
When we get to the rooms Calris and I let go of each others hand.
"Well I'll see you guys in the morning oh and before I forget here's your jacket Haru." I say as I hand him his jacket. He thanks me and takes it. We all say our goodnights and enter the appropriate rooms.

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