Chapter 6 - Bus Ride Flashbacks

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*Yuki's pov*
*Saturday morning*
I awoke to the annoying noise of my alarm beeping nonstop. Tiredly, I turned it off and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and stretched. Then I walked over to my closet to get my clothes. I put on black leggings, a thin light blue long sleeve shirt and a light green long sleeve shirt with a picture of a red apple of the front. Next I went to the restroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair. Once I was finished I went to the kitchen and saw that nobody was up. I grabbed an orange, my bag, slipped on my shoes and wrapped a scarf around my neck, it covering up my mouth. I opened the door and started off. Tokyo here I come.

Everybody was told to meet at the front of the school to load in the bus. As I walked I checked my phone for the time. 5:28 am. I yawned at how early it was. It was peaceful though. The faint noises of cars and the chirps of birds. I breathed in. And exhaled. How relaxing. As I walked father along I saw someone else walking on the opposite side of the street. I squinted my eyes and saw Calris. "Calris!" I lightly called. He didn't respond. I called again and no response. Hmph. I pulled out my phone and called him. I saw him click a button on some string and he answered. Oh he must've been using earbuds.
"Hello, Yuki?"
"Hey look across the street."
He turned his head and smiled.
"Oh what a surprise. There is an incredibly short girl over there. Wonder who that could be." He teased.
"Idiot." I laughed.
"Yeah yeah, wait there I'll walk across." He laughed.
"Okay." I said hanging up as I saw him check the street and jog over. He was wearing sweatpants, a t-shirt and the team jacket.
"Ooo even shorter closer up." He said as he stepped on the sidewalk.
"Ha Ha very funny." I said play punching him.
"Hey I mean I never said I hated it." He said. What. I blushed a bit and we started to walk. "So are you ready for the trip?" He asked me. "Uh I guess so. I've never been on a team trip before." I said.
"That's right. Well how do you feel. About the trip right now?" He asked.
"Honestly I'm a little nervous."
"What? Why?"
"Because there will be so many other people and I'll be forced to talk a lot more."
"So you're nervous because you'll have to talk with other people?"
"Yes exactly."
"But you're like the best person I know who can make a good introduction to anyone."
"Really? I always panic."
"It doesn't look like you do to me."
I smiled at that.
"Well aren't you nervous?" I asked.
"Nah. I got you here so I'm good." He said ruffling my hair. I blushed.
"What's me being here gotta do with you being nervous?"
"Because. You make him a happier guy Yuki." Someone said. We both turned around surprised and saw Garrett.
"Boo." He laughed.
"Garrett you scared me!" I said.
"Sorry. I just saw you guys and decided to sneak up on you two."
"Well you could've done it a little less scarier."
"Sorry sorry my fault. Anyways who's hyped for the trip?" He yawned. Calris snorted.
"What's so funny?" Garrett asked.
"You just asked who's excited as you yawned. You don't find that the least bit funny?"
I giggled as I had thought about it.
"Whatever, But I am enthusiastic about it, really." Garrett said yawning once more. Calris and I laughed.
"You just did it again!" Calris laughed. I laughed as well.
I don't know why, but I always felt happier when I'm with these two. I felt normal...

When we arrived at the school, I saw most of the team already there. "Yuki, Garrett, Calris, good morning!" Otsuki greeted. "Good morning." We answered.
"If you'd guys like, you can go put your things in the bus. There's a seating chart on the side of the bus." He said. We thanked him and walked over. It looked like everyone was assigned into groups of three for the seats. I scanned the paper and saw who I was with. Garrett and Calris. I sat in the middle, Garrett by the window, and Calris by the isle. It felt nice knowing that I was sitting next to my friends. "Hey were all sitting together! That's great!" Garrett smiled. I smiled back and we all stepped into the bus to put our bags away.

Once everyone was in the bus and ready, we started off to Tokyo. I pulled out my book I had brought and started reading to pass time. Garrett tilted his back and closed his eyes while Calris slipped on some earbuds. Then a little later, Garrett leaned his head on me. I was shocked a bit, but I didn't entirely mind. We were friends so it's okay. I could tell that Calris noticed this and scrunched up his face a bit. Then I leaned my head on Calris, in a way to tell him to relax. I could tell that he tensed up a bit. I felt him move his arm around my shoulders and pat my head. I warmed up a bit at this. He then passed me one of his earbuds. I kindly took it and put it on. He was listening to classical music, which brought back memories for me. Back in Tokyo... my bass... slowly my eyes became heavy and I fell asleep...

It was dark. Pitch black. Only familiar voices.
"Yuki you cannot participate in any sports don't you get it!"
"Just one team! Please!"
"Yuki I said no! We're not going to risk your life!"
"Why not! I just wanna be normal!"
"I am not risking my daughters life for some silly sport! You have your bass! You will go to school and join no sports!"
"But mom plea-"
"That's enough Yuki!"
It was quiet and still then a stage appeared. It had glossy wooded floor and crimson felt curtains. A lady playing on a pretty grand piano. A girl playing a white bass. She played quickly, but it sounded beautiful then a loud thud. The girl was laying sweaty and pale of the wooded floor. People crowded around her. I stepped closer and saw her. The almost pure white skin, glistened with sweat. The loose red hair strands and the lifeless blue eyes that looked sick. A shock hit me as I now appeared in a hospital. The girl was hooked up to machines. Her mother crying on a chair being comforted by her father. The girls eyes opened slightly and the sickly blue color was visible. Her mother stood next to her bed...
"I'm sorry Yuki... But no more Bass from now on..."
tears welled up in the girls eyes.
Tears welled up in MY eyes...

"No!" I Shouted as I bolted up. I was breathing heavily and sweaty. "Yuki are you okay?" I heard someone ask me. I looked next to me and Calris was there, his eyes looked concerned. "Yuki is something wrong? You're crying." He said. I'm crying? I lifted up my hand and felt my face wet. "Yuki..?" He asked. "It's nothing.. I just had a nightmare." I said my voice shaky. He looked at me sad. I looked away and turned my body a bit towards Garrett. He was asleep on the side window. I then felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and pull me back. There was Calris's face. He then put the earbud in my ear, put on music and went to a notes app. He started typing something and handed me his phone.
"What was ur nightmare about?"
I looked at him and he looked at me. His eyes were full of consideration and care.
"My past"
I passed the phone back and he read it, then replied.
"What happened?"
"It was my last accident with my sickness."
"Oh. Do you wanna talk about it. Idk If you want to tho."
I couldn't help but smile as this. He was being nice to me. It made my heart flutter.
"Go ahead shorty, I'm all ears. Or eyes cuz I'm reading it."
I gave a small giggle and he smiled.
"Well it was dark and all I could hear was voices. Then there was a stage. It was me and my bass. A piano and a lady. I was sweaty and pale. Then I fell on the ground of the stage. It then took me to a hospital. It was horrific. I saw myself hooked up to machines. Then my mom appeared next to me and said no more playing my bass."
He took a while to read it. Probably to process the nonsense I just typed out.
"Have you been having nightmares?"
"No. This is probably the first one this month."
"Well at least you don't have them often, but all I can say is to hope for the better. And all I can do is probably comfort you about it."
I looked at him with thanks, then he hugged me. I was a little shocked that the boy who had teased me all the time was now hugging me. It felt nice. He was warm and made me feel safe in his arms. I hugged him back and thanked him.

*Garrett's pov*
I slowly opened my eye and saw Yuki and Calris hugging. I smirked. Called it. Now just to get them closer...

*Calris's pov*
I wanted to hug her forever. It felt nice having her in my arms like this. She was comforting and gave me a feeling of warmth. When we separated, I still kept my arm around her shoulders. It was quiet then she leaned her head on me and fell asleep. I couldn't help but look at her. She looked cute. I felt my eyes fall heavy too and I fell asleep...

Wow what a long chapter to edit ♪( '▽`)
Hope you all liked a little flashback to her accident. I also hope that you like the small ship moment here as well. Anyways, onwards with the story!


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