Volume 1: The First Step

Start from the beginning

???: Wake up, Lazy-Butts!

I turned towards the sound and saw a very excited-looking and yet extremely enthusiastic, ginger-haired girl, who's trying to wake up a tired looking guy with black hair and purple strand in his hair. I then heard the ginger-haired talking about how excited she is for the initiation. Along the way, I saw the tired looking guy, trying to endure the rest of his morning routine, listening to her while brushing his teeth, eating his pancakes for breakfast, packing up his sleeping bag and retrieving his weapon from his locker

Me: (Inner thoughts) How is she doing that without taking a breather? (I asked myself in shocked) This could be a whole new WORLD record...

While in my locker room, readying all the necessities I needed for the initiation, I heard how the girl expresses hope that the two of them will be on the same team and attempts to formulate a plan to make sure they will.

Me: (Inner thoughts) Well, that is one way to start our experiment. (A/N: See what I did there? Experiment = figuring out the formulas and how to formulate them. Okay, I doubt you get that...)

As I took out my last necessity, I looked at my Parablagun at every corner and heaved a bit.

Me: heh... the classics. Parablade is given to me from my dad and my mom... But still, if you guys can hear me now... I will make you proud... for all of us... (I then place Parablade behind me)

As I saw the two head out, I saw them passing Ruby, Rachel and Yang as they are busy readying themselves. Then I thought, maybe I should go over towards the group, which I did eventually.

Me: Morning, ladies.

Ruby: Morning, Shadow. (looks at the two who passed them a moment ago) Hmm... I wonder what those two are so worked up about?

Rachel: I clearly have no idea what was that all about. Do you, Yang? Shadow?

Yang: Nope.

Me: (shrugs) I can't for the life of me know what they are talking about. But, I heard them saying something about teams or... something like that...

Yang: Well, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning, Ruby!

Ruby: Yep! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" n stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart to do the talking.

She strokes her Crescent Rose as she sighs happily, making me and Rachel stare at her in weirdness, which Ruby then notices.

Ruby: Uh... what?

Me and Rachel: Nothing!

Me: (sigh) okay, I have to stop you there just a bit. Yes, you are going through initiation but, you are not doing it alone. All the first years, including us are doing it too.

Yang: Yeah... Well, remember, Ruby, you are not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together.

Me: (Inner thoughts) Those words remind me of my dad for some important reason...

Ruby sighs in frustration at Yang's remark.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now