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I peeped through the crack in the door. I saw everything. Shards of glass sprinkled everywhere. A figure on the floor curled up. A shadow appeared hovering over the weakened life. He swung his fists at the being, causing her to cry out silently. I covered my mouth from gasping. The shadow threw bottles, books, anything that was within reach at her. He punched and kicked her body until she laid lifelessly on the wooden floor.

My hand dropped from my mouth which was now gaped open. My gaze never left the perished body. Her face was painted with bruises and cuts. Cheeks stained with her blood (a/n sweat) and tears. Eyes that once was so fulls of life, now mirrored the the fear she felt in the last seconds of her precious life. Her pupils seemed to be staring straight at the door I was staring through.

"M-mum..." I stuttered as I stayed frozen in place.

The door yanked open. I fell backwards making me land of my coccyx. I stared up and saw him. I crawled back, afraid of what he was going to do with me.

"D-Dad-" I was stopped as he lunged forward at me.

What happened next felt like it was in slow motion. My eyes spotted a small gap, so I sprung up and past his grasp. I ran out the door and didn't look back.

"Ara!" I heard his angry voice call out my name. I didn't know how long I was running for, I stopped when I didn't recognise anything. A forest. I wanted to turn back but my body was afraid. So I kept moving forward.

I walked further and further into the mess of trees. I was breathing heavily, chest going up and down. I stopped know I couldn't go any further. I spotted something in the corner of my eye.

A lamppost?

My feel led me closer towards the light but it seemed like it took me further amongst the trees.

I learned that the light source came from a minivan. I walked closer out of curiosity. The door was left open, inside there were fairy lights hung up. Everything was almost rusted on the outside but the inside only had a fine layer of dust. I leaned up against the minivan as everything I witnessed beforehand started to sink in. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying censor everything I saw.

"Oh my gosh." I clawed at my chest as my breathing started to become uneven.

Reality was hitting me like a truck.

I stepped into the minivan. I sat on one of the seats. I leaned my head the window. Closing my eyes, hoping all the pain in my chest would vanish. I hugged my legs to my chest, seeking to find any kind of comfort... I found none. I felt alone. I open my eyes hoping my mother would appear beside me to hold me tight ( 잡아줘ㅗㅗㅗㅗ Sorry I'll stop...) but everything was still the same. I held my legs closer for warmth's as the evening chill was starting the set in. I closed my, eyes once again, as I drifted off into a deep deep slumber as I was exhausted from the shock and pain spreading in my chest.

(A/n) okay so I was originally going to make this a one shot but... it's not anymore since it's taking WAAAY too long in writing it. But fun fact... I wrote this for my year 11 English exam. Lol. I got like an A? Something like that. I got like an E or D for my multiple question and essay but let's not pay attention to that.

So this will be a Hobi fanfic, yes finally I'm writing one for my bias 😁😁 and I have another fanfic up my sleeve for my bias wrecker (Not Jin, another bias wrecker I have... I'll give you a hint... it's one of the bts members ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) but I'm gonna be releasing that like... after I'm writing this fanfic
or maybe when I'm nearly at the end of this one idk, I'll see how lazy I am. Anyway, enjoy reading!


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