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@KimSeokjin just posted a photo

@KimSeokjin just posted a photo

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Stole all his swag 😎 @MinYoongi
Camera man 📷 @ParkJimin
Desperate side hoe @JungHoseok

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@MinYoongi I was wondering where did all of my sunglasses fucking go....-.- @KimSeokjin

@JungHoseok you forgot the 'p' in the  hope caption there hyung @KimSeokjin

@KimSeokjin swag😎 @MinYoongi 
I guess #sorrynotsorry @JungHoseok

@MinYoongi Don't steal my glasses to talk bullshit. Go take your boyfriend's
@KimNamjoom @KimSeokjin

@KimSeokjin He broke all of them!! Even mine!!! @MinYoongi #godofdestruction @KimNamjoon

@ParkJimin why is no one appreciating my photography skills?
@MinYoongi @JungHoseok @KimSeokjin @KimNamjoon

@MinYoongi just wait Jimin. I'm gonna beat you up for even taking that picture in the first place @Parkjimin

@ParkJimin Shit gotta blast! Byeeee!!

@sugaswag  wtf just happened.....
@alienV I was wondering the same too
@jimins_smolhands tell me if you guys ever figure it out...

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