Forgetting Sarah Baker

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Chapter 10:-

Forgetting Sarah Baker

PART 1:-

This dedication goes out to Frankie for making this amaaaaazing cover! I didn't even expect it but! Thank you, girl!


If I lose myself tonight

It will be by your side.

Lose myself tonight

Oh Oh Oh



Closing my locker and turning towards a scared looking Hannah, I arranged my books according to my classes and placed them in my bag.

"I was so scared and I really hoped you didn't get hurt. I had been insisting for Alec to get you the whole time but....."

Blah blah blah.

I had forgiven the girl but she had apologized a hundred times and was blabbering ever since.

About how she felt sorry and how was Alec and how she wanted to do something and a whole lot of blah blah blah.

"Hannah. Hannah! I got it. Can we change the topic?"

She scrunched her face. Her lips starting to shake and her eyes getting slightly wet.

"Oh no! Don't cry! C'mon. Look, I'm okay. All fine! Just... Will you stop crying?!" I yelled the last part and diverted some people's attention.

"What are you looking at?" I warned and hugged Hannah. Little chipmunk needed a hug. Not that I was any taller.

I was about 5'2 which bugged the shit out of me.  Everywhere I went I had to wear em 5 inch heels. My heels were for special occasions like weddings or funerals (not entirely special) or my cousin's birthday parties.

There was this time at the funeral when I wore heels for the first time that I fell into a dug up coffin space. I fell on top of grandma.

She was dead and I had felt her move slightly which gave me a panic attack. I fell unconscious on her grave and if any guy hadn't seen me when he went to close the coffin, I might have been buried alive with my dead grandma. Talk about staying a family forever.

The rest of the time I was fine with my Nike's on. My sneakers were the perfect combination of comfortable and being me.

"What did you do? Told you not to hang out with her." Adriana Parker came on scene with her bre@sts.

Big huge, it might be Halloween so I placed two pumpkins in my shirt bre@sts.

I'd punch her on her implants if she didn't shut up right now.

"Look at her." she nasally let out.

Something that sounded between 'I'm Kim Kardasian ' and ' I just got humped by my dog in the backyard and this is what it screamed when it was getting an org@sm. '

" Adriana, why don't you leave? I need to talk to her." Alec stood and waited for the departure of certain people.

I un- hugged Hannah and pulled Alec to the side.

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