Jungkook shakes his head while keeping a smile plastered on his face. 'Hyung, you won't mess it up...I heard you always wanted to be an actor anyways...'

'But I am not an actor right now am I?! I am shooting an music video, with the famous Bangtan, aka BTS.'

Jungkook laughs at his hyung's cuteness. To make him feel better about himself, he nuzzles his head into Taehyung's neck, hugging him while whispering words into Taehyung's neck.

'You will be fine. Believe in yourself. This is how I felt when I had to shoot our debut song's music video.'

Taehyung shivers at the younger's breath beside his neck. 'O-ok..Kookie. Thank you.'

Jungkook smiles. 'My pleasure.'

'They are so cute oh my gosh!' Jimin squeals to Jin, who was looking at the 2 as well.

'Yeah, when will they date?' Namjoon says while Jimin continues cooing at the 2 youngest of the group. It's hard to believe that Jimin hated Taehyung few days ago. I mean, look at him now. He legit screaming inside his head at the two's contact with each other.

Jin nudges Namjoon in the shoulder. 'Yah! How could you say something like that. They're babies, they can't date yet..' Jin scolds him. Namjoon looks down. 'Sorry...'

But really, Jin wanted them to be together. They honestly look so cute together and would be the perfect pair ever.
'Eh..Namjoon. Maybe you are right. They should, like SHOULD be dating right now...'

Namjoon smirks at Jin. 'Told you so princess...'. Jin blushes at the name before Jimin started talking.

'Well, maybe they are dating.' Jimin turns around and smirks at them, pointing fingers toward Taehyung and Jungkook. Their eyes widened as their fanboy side begin to form. They were kissing, well like a 5 second kiss. They were lucky they caught that.

With everyone done with the dinner that Jin had cooked for them, Yoongi and Hoseok had already left the dinner table, leaving the 5 members.

Jimin notices the 2 youngest always so close with each other so he decided to ask them a question, with a smirk.
'So taehyung, And Jungkookie, what's your relationship with each other?'

Hearing Jimin's sudden question made the 2 boys jump and nervous. They didn't know what to say.

Jin elbows Jimin. 'Yah, dont make them uncomfortable...'. He says before himself sits back properly on his seat, waiting for the 2 to answer Jimin back.

What's the point of scolding me...? Jimin had thought in his head before returning his attention to Taehyung and Jungkook, who were fumbling their fingers.

'Uhh, we are just friends...best friends..yeah..' Jungkook stutters out. Jimin smirks even more.

'Oh yeah, friends don't kiss each for lets see, 5-10 seconds...'. He fakes count how long they kiss with his cute fingers.

(Please, I love his hands)

'Jimin....' Jin started to warn Jimin, which obviously Jimin ignored. Taehyung and Jungkook sighs.

'Yeah, we are dating...'

That sentence made everyone jump up, well everyone except the new couple.
'Yah really?!' Jin shouts, making the dorm echo.

'Yah, Jin Hyung shut up. you are so loud.'

'Sorry but seriously?!'


'So Namjin in the house. Taekook in the house. Who else? It's between you, Yoongi and Hoseok, Jimin...' Namjoon said.

Jimin laughs. 'There's no way I'm liking one of those 2...'. That's when he stopped. Only himself knew this was a lie. He like one of them. Jungkook raises an eyebrow, knowing that Jimin likes someone, just don't know who.

'Then who do you like Jiminie? You said you like someone?' He says innocently, but obviously he was trying to expose Jimin for liking someone.

Jimin runs over to the younger and covers his mouth. 'Yah! Jungkook shut up!'. But obviously, making Jungkook try to shut up makes things even more obvious. He curses in his head, thinking that he should of just said, 'you are lying' instead of attacking the poor guy

'Wait, Jimin you like someone!? Who?' Taehyung finally said something. Jimin sighs as he uncovers his hands from Jungkook's mouth, beginning to talk.

'There's no point hiding it now right,' Jimin laughs silently, 'Well first, I did like Jungkook,' Taehyung tenses up, staring intensely into Jimin's soul, 'but the feeling has gone away to someone else.'

Taehyung sighs in relief as he wipes fake sweat. Jungkook chuckles. 'You are so cute!' Jungkook coos, tapping his nose with his finger. Jimin glares at the 2 lovebirds.

'Shut up and stop being so cute with each other or I won't tell you...'

That made both of them stop their actions.
'Anyways, yeah my feelings towards Jungkook has gone away to someone else...and that someone else is....


(I'm sorry, I love yoonmin)

'You like yoongi!?' Namjoon practically shouts at the younger boy.


'Good luck getting him...' Namjoon says under his breath, making sure no one hears.

That's only because he only knows.




Urgh late by like 30 minutes...forgive me 😂😂

Anyways thanks for reading🤗❤️


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