Last chapter:26

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Caleb POV:
I was about to make my way to the airport to go on a business trip, and it was going to be a long one. 2 months that may not seem long but it is. But I'm supposed to go on Saturday and today is Thursday. I leaving early because I'm making a stop in LA...
I look through the window of Josh's apartment and I see her. Laughing. Smiling. She was with someone,Lucas. They were happy. "This is what you deserve." I whispered to myself. And with that view I left. She over with and she moved on...

Sophia POV:
My life had been better because there is someone here to help me go through it, Lucas. His been here through everything when Caleb wants here to help me. I'm still wondering what Caleb is doing and how's he doing. This whole week I've been planning to text him but I can't. Until today I got papers for divorce from him. I guess this is really happening. I didn't want it to happen but I have to get this weight of my shoulders. But I had to think, if I wanted to or not. So I just set it on the table and left it there for almost a week.

It was Monday night and I was just sitting on the couch watching tv until I go a phone call from unknown. I was still traumatized to think it was Olivia so I ran into my brothers room to give him my phone. "What?" He asked looking confused. "Answer it!!" I said covering my mouth. "Why!" He said taking the phone from me. "Hello?" He asked. " What hospital? Okay we're on our way." He said. Making me nervous. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Caleb got into a really bad car accident his in critical condition right now..." he finally said after a century. "What? How?!?!" I said shocked. No this can't happen.  I was starting to panicking just thinking about losing him. "I'll get us a plane tickets now. "Please just calm down." He said hugging me.

"... but he is in a coma. We don't know when he will wake up. And it does take time. So please be patient." The doctor had said to me and Josh when we got there. All I can think about was that one time he told me when he was little and he was also in a coma. He didn't wake up in like 2 months. I almost lost my balance just thinking how long it would take.

Caleb POV:
It was the end of a long day of work and I was crossing the road to the parking garage when all of a sudden a car comes speeding towards me. I was so scared that I just there and all of a sudden there was screaming and everything turned black.

"Hey, I need you to be strong. I don't want you to be in here too long. I need to take you home and take care of you. Okay." She said trying not to burst into tears. I heard the voice I missed so much but I didn't have enough strength to open my eyes to see her.

I heard her voice everyday, since I've been in the hospital. I just wanted to hug her and tell her I love her.

Sophia POV:
It's been about 3 almost 4 weeks and Caleb still haven't woke up yet. I've been coming everyday just to look at him and be there next to him. I was sitting on a chair next to him until Rick (Caleb's dad) came in  and said, "Hey I can stay here for a little bit while you go get something to eat." "Okay. Then I'll be right back." I said getting up.
I went down to the cafeteria and I wasn't so hungry so I just got a piece of pumpkin bread along with some coffee from Starbucks. When I went back up to the room I heard talking. Not just from Rick (Caleb's dad)but also Caleb's voice . When I heard him laugh I ran into the room. When I walked in my face instantly went into a smile. And he also smiled. I missed that smile so much. I didn't care, I just ran and hugged him so tight, I felt his arm around my waist. I missed this so much. "Are you okay?" I said trying not to cry. "Yeah I'm fine." He said with a small smile. "Do you remember what happened?" I asked. "All I remember was crossing the street to get the parking lot when all of a sudden a car comes speeding towards me." He said trying to remember. "I'm so happy your okay." I said with happiness. " I'm gonna leave you two alone." Rick said smiling then getting up to go out of the room.

It's been about 2 hours now and I've just been laying down in Caleb's arms. It was silence until I started talking. "You know without you for a month. I don't know how I would live without you." "I know but I hurt you so bad how can you still love me?" He said quietly. "Because I know you still love me too. And you did really hurt me. But everybody makes mistakes and sometimes they don't realize it." I said.

Caleb POV:
How can she forgive me. I hurt her so much and she still forgives me and I will never forgive myself for that. That's one thing I always hated. She's always forgiving people even though they hurt her so bad. Like me...
"But me and you can start all over again and get a fresh start." She said proudly. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Of course. I've been thinking and I feel like we can start over again." She said with a  small smile. "Okay lets give this a try." I said with confidence. I knew we could start again. This time I will let her out of my sight. She will forever always be in my heart.

I could not lose her again...

Alright alright. Last chapter of this book. Sorry it took so long. Thank you to everyone who have been through this journey with me. You guys are the best. Please keep reading and making sure to vote. I'm having a new book, right after this book. It's called Promise Me. Please go and also read that book. It would mean so much to me. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Thank you again.

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