Chapter 22:

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Sophia POV:
I ran home and packed all of my belongings. Tears keep running down my face as I pack my clothes from the walk closet. I didn't want to leave him, but it's the right choice. Why does it hurt so much... As I'm about to walk out I see Caleb walking towards the entrance gate of the house. I quickly grabbed a couple more  of my belongings and was about to walk out but I felt his embrace hug me from the behind. "Let me go." I said softly. "No, I don't want you to leave me." "I can't be living in the same house as you. You hurt me. Don't you understand." I said with sadness. "I know I hurt you but please let me explain what happened." "No not now. I'm leaving." I said and ran out of his embrace. The more I see him the more I get hurt. Before I pass the gates of the entrance , I turn around and take a glance at my home. And I run to try to find a cab to take me away from this town. Away from him...

Caleb POV:
I sat on the couch in disbelief, I lost her. Why was I so stupid. "You already broke up with her and you still kiss her when your not supposed to. Why did I do this to hurt her. She's already carrying our baby in her belly we were going to have a family. And I still had to ruin everything for us." I said angrily to myself. How am I going to live without her, she was my everything. I need to find her and explain everything to her. But not now I need to give her some space.

Sophia POV:
"Can I take the next flight to LA?" I asked the lady at the front desk. "Yeah that would be at 12:00 am. Is that okay?" She asked me. "Yeah that fine." I said with a weak smile and payed for my ticket. "Thank you." I answered.   "Your welcome." She said with a big smile. 

I went and sat down at one of the benches. And just looked forward. I still can't believe today happened. I always thought that he would never do this to me. And as I'm thinking about stuff that happened today, tears start to roll down my face. I don't think I will ever stop crying...

Soon enough they announced my flight so I grabbed my bags and started walking to the gate. When I was going I felt like I was leaving something behind. I'm not sure what it was, but I felt like I'm missing something. But I just keep walking making my way out of this horrible place.

As I'm sitting in my seat I look out the window and I see all the building lights. In my head I said to myself, 'I wonder how he is feeling right now.' No! I said to myself... Stop he hurt you.

I finally reached LA, I go outside and I ask the man in the suit. "Where can I get a cab?" "We don't have much cabs here but we do have uber." He said. In my head I was like what the heck is uber. "I'll take one of those." I said. "Okay coming right up." He said going on his computer.

"Thank you." I said getting out of the uber. I look up at the tall building and made my way in. I go to the elevator and pressed the number 12. I go up and went to room 217, I knocked on the door and as soon as the door opens it reveals and tired looking Josh. "Hey." He said half asleep and with a tired smile. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "Ummm." I said not knowing where to start off first. "Wait come inside first." He said grabbing my bags.

"Okay now tell me why are you here alone." He asked sitting down next to me on the couch. "Well um... Caleb cheated on me." I said holding back the tears. "What?!!?!?! How could he do that to you!!!!" He said getting up so quick. I just couldn't hold back the tears anymore they just came out and now I was sobbing my eyes out again. He quickly comes and wraps his arms around me. And I just cry in his arms. "It's okay Sophia. Your with me now. I will always be here for you." He said hugging me. "Thank you... I love you. " I said through my sobs. "I love you too." He said kissing the side of my head.

I hoped you guys enjoyed this update. Tell me what you think. Sorry I'm not able to update much. I try my best. Don't forget to vote and follow me.❤️❤️

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