Chapter 12

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Jungkook starts walking to Gill with which seemed like one of the most serious looks he has ever shown. The rest of the group looks on as Jungkook approach Gill which was a bit of a shock seeing as he already knows she doesn’t know where Madelyn is and worse of all she doesn’t know how to get her back.
Jungkook finally stood in front of Gill with all anger boiling up inside of him, but not easy to express what he felt at that very moment. Jin and RM walks closer to Jungkook but was stopped by the MX group who seemed to gesture them to let Jungkook ask or say what he wants to say.
The two looked at each other showing no fear as neither wants to admit. Jungkook takes her collar but leaves it right away. As he walks away he takes a glare at her.

Jungkook: You’re going to show me where the base is..
Gill: I told you.. I don’t know.. I’ve..
Jungkook: I don’t care.. You’re going to get all your resources and FIND THEIR BASE.!!!!!
Gill: You think you’re going to order me around Jungkook.. You may have anger building inside you.. But I’ve dealt with way worse..
Isobel: Leader....(soft tone)
Gill: (looks towards Isobel)

Gill looks at Isobel and could see the hurt she had in her eyes, and knew exactly what she wanted to say. They stood in their spot thinking of what to do next but nothing seemed to come to mind. Jungkook turns around and walks to Gill again but this time in a intent to kill, but..

Isobel: (walks in front of Gill).. If you want to hurt my sister.. You’re going to have to go through me..
Jungkook: At this very moment.. I don’t care who you may be.. I’ll kill anyone who dares to hurt my gf..
Gill: You may have anger building inside you.. But just know.. You’re not the only one.. Jungkook..
Jin: Jungkook.. That’s enough.. Hold that anger and intent to kill when we fight the enemy..
RM: Jin is right.. Let’s go..

Normal POV
Jin and RM takes Jungkook by thee arm and walks with him to the other side of the gates. Mika looks on at what is happening here and her amazed face could be seen followed by MX and EXO. They each look on as they have never seen this side of Jungkook before and made them all wonder what thee others are capable of doing as well.
Mika walks to Gill seeing the anger she had kept while talking to Jungkook but something was holding her back. The rest of the groups walk towards BTS hoping to calm down Jungkook for a while, but the anger was a bit too much, luckily Taehyung was closer and was able to do it.
Gill and Mika look on as they could see something inside Jungkook that could be a reliable weapon but Mika didn’t have the urge to use that against any enemy as she herself grew fond of BTS.

Gill: We could..
Mika: No.. Using someone as young as him as a weapon is low even for you Gill..
Gill: He has the same anger we once had.. And if you remember correctly..
Mika: It made us accomplish things we never knew we could but..  Don’t forget the risk..
Isobel: What risk..?
Gill: Once you use all your anger at once..
Mika: You forget the difference between enemy and friend..
Isobel: So you mean...
Mika: Jungkook could maybe defeat one of the leaders but..
Isobel: There’s a chance he’ll kill one of us as well..
Mika: Yes..

Normal POV
The whole business begin to get more and more exciting for Mika and Gill but still doubts could be felt. Mika suggest a few things while Gill does the same but they both are having difficulties coming up with a proper plan. As they try and make something up that’ll give them an advantage, they come across something that was a bit off.
Their sudden change in expression caught the attention of the groups. MX starts approaching their leader while the rest followed behind them. As they come closer and closer they are suddenly met with the smell of blood.

Unknown: Quite a obvious place to hide..
(All look around)
Shownu: Who’s there..?
Lay: Whoever this is.. Has blood scent.. Which is rather Strong..
Jimin: Then just follow the scent..
Hyungwon: That’s not possible..
J-Hope: Why..??
Mika: Because it is everywhere..
Kihyun: Who exactly could be this skilled..
Gill: This scent.. It’s the same as..
Isobel: As when the others were attacked..
Taehyung: Wait.. This scent..
(All looks towards Taehyung)
Jungkook: What do you mean Taehyung.. Can you smell it..?
Taehyung: I remember a similar smell.. When we heard that explosion as Ms Nayeon's hideout..
Suga: Now that you mention it.. But wait..
Taehyung: (gets big eyed).. It can’t be..

Taehyung and Suga look at each other finally figuring something out. The rest look on as they seem to come up with something that might just be their get away but doubts were still playing a big part in this. The rest of BTS look on as something they never knew would happen happened. Taehyung and Suga worked together which was a bit strange for everyone.
Jungkook walks to Taehyung looking at him with a teary look that would ask for help, and Taehyung couldn’t help but look at Suga. Suga gives him a smile and he knew that was the answer he was hoping to get.

Mika: Why.. What do you guys have..?
Taehyung: Jungkook’s girlfriend.. Isn’t with these bad guys..
Suga: They have something on their mind but.. We think we know where Madelyn is hidden..
Jungkook: (looks surprised mixed with happiness).. What do you mean..?
Jimin: What are you guys trying to say..??
Suga: Madelyn was kept for a very long time right.. and it took us some time to find her..
RM: Yeah.. and ..what..
Taehyung: Madelyn is in a building.. Which has the same scent as the scent we are currently smelling..
Gill: That still doesn’t exactly tell where she is..
Kihyun: Gill is right.. The smell is like everywhere..
Unknown: You all are rather more clever than I thought..

As the unknown voice gets spoken they look around again hoping to finally find this individual. The groups starts splitting into groups to try and get closer but nothing. The voice gets more louder as if this person is coming closer. Jungkook looks on the buildings but nothing which he found strange, seeing as most people would hide on top of a building.
Mika and Gill walks together hoping they would not encounter this enemy, but luck wasn’t on their side. They walk in the alley and Mika being the sensory type felt the presence of a very strong opponent behind them..

Mika: Gill..
Gill: Yeah.. I can smell him..
Unknown: Its been a while ladies..
(Mika and Gill turn around).
Mika: Yes.. Its been a while..
Unknown: Seems you don’t recognize me.. Or should I remove my mask..
Gill: No need to do that.. Dragon..
(Dragon removes his mask)
Dragon: Well I’m glad my presence could still be felt by you Mika..
Mika: Well its not that hard feeling a strong opponent..
Dragon: (laughs)
(Dragon jumps on the bin and climbs the wall)
Dragon: See you in a few days..

As the now known enemy Dragon runs away from Mika and Gill the rest finally arrive. MX goes to their leader hoping nothing bad happened to her and lucky for them she is safe. They all look on as Dragon who they thought had ran away stood on top of the building smiling at them but something caught the attention of Suga.
Suga walks a few steps forward to look at this individual more closely and that’s when it dawned on him. As Dragon sees Suga finally figuring out why he appeared he ran away as planned.

Mika: Why did he stay.. and just stare..
Suga: He was giving us the location of Madelyn..
(Everyone looks at Suga)
Jungkook: How.. Hyung... He was just staring..
Suga: No.. He was showing us his face..
Taehyung: (laughs).. He looks like that cashier at the Cafe Beth worked...
(All looks at Taehyung)..
Taehyung: What.. Wait.. No...
Suga: You got it Taehyung.. He’s the exact same guy..
Jimin: But how..  Do you mean to tell us..
RM: Beth was trying to tell us her real location all this time.. And when we didn’t get it..
Suho: She thought we would.. That’s why she asked us to follow her to her apartment..
Xuimin: But the enemy knew what she was planning and that’s why they.. Ordered her assassination..
Lay: Luckily we were able to rescue her..
Jungkook: So all we have to do is.. Hurry to the Cafe..
All: Yes.. Let’s go...!!

The others hurried to the exit but stopped as Mika and MX stood still not moving an inch. This caught them by surprise. Jungkook looks at Mika with a sad expression but this time that didn’t work on her as she looks at the rest in total disappointment. Mika approach the groups with MX not far behind.

Mika: You all are about it head to “ The Cafe”.. Right..
Jungkook: Yes..
Mika: And you’re going to rescue your girlfriend right..
Jungkook: Yes..
Mika: What you don’t seem to be doing now is use your brain Jungkook..
Jungkook: What you mean..?
Shownu: You’re running to rescue someone who was held captive for years and now you think they’ll just suddenly hand her over..
Kihyun: You’re heading for a trap..
Jungkook: It’s a chance I have to take..
Mika: Then I guess this is where your journey begins.. But ours end..
Jungkook: What are you saying..?

Mika walks towards Jungkook and gives him a hug. The rest of the group goes over and takes their hand in respect. All of them give their final goodbyes but Jungkook still felt there’s something Mika ain’t telling him. He walks towards her and grabs her collar but before he could do anything else he was suddenly punched to the floor by Shownu. Shownu and the rest walks in front of Mika with serious looks on their faces.

Jungkook: (wipes his bloody mouth).. Why don’t you want to help..
Mika: (turns around).. I would help you with anything.. But not this..
Jungkook: Why..
Mika: I’m not willing to risk the lives of my team.. Just so you could be reunited with your girlfriend.. To me these boys mean everything to me and to go up against someone like Dragon.. I won’t take that risk..
Jungkook: Fine.. I’ll handle this on my own..

As Jungkook says his last words, he stands up and walks towards the main gate followed by the rest of the group.

End of Chapter 12

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