Chapter 1

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Jungkook and the rest stood outside the building trying to think of what to do or rather where to go next. The whole situation has changed for the boys as they have no clue where the real threat is and how to get there, which for some reason has Jungkook a little sad and no one could change that face seeing as neither one of them knew where to start.
Jungkook decided to start walking out of the building property and just think of their next move when something or rather someone caught Taehyung’s attention..

Taehyung: Yo.. Guys there’s  girl approaching us..
( Jungkook looks at Taehyung.. Then back to the front..)
Yoongi: What could she be doing at this place..???
Jin: Don’t know.. Let’s go..

Before Jin could finish his sentence, the little girl stood in front of the boys.

Little Girl: Which one of you is called Jungkook??
(Jungkook looks at this girl with big eyes)
Jungkook: That would be me..
Jimin: Awww.. Looks like Jungkook has a little ad...
Little Girl:.. Someone told me to tell you... GOODLUCK!!!

Normal POV
Jungkook and the rest stood in total shock as the words exited the little girl’s mouth. Jungkook immediately turned to the boys, but something else caught his eyes first. Jin knowing the look on  Jungkook’s face followed his gaze and the rest followed but what they saw was something they have never seen before and for them was totally cruel..

Namjoon: This is going to far..
Hoseok: Way too.. Far..

The boys decided to take a few steps forward when they remembered the little girl, but as they turn around the little girl was nowhere to be found. Jungkook starts walking forward while looking around to where this girl could have gone to but the image seems to still be in his mind.
As the whole scene they just witnessed slowly begins to terrify them Jin suggests they start walking out of this place before something far worse happens..

Yoongi: I know.. They said that the others were still rookies.. But ..
Hoseok: Why did they have to brutally kill and hang Ms.Nayeon like that..

Normal POV
The boys stood face to face with the dead body of their former teacher, but this type of killing was beyond their imagination. The body of Ms.Nayeon hanged between each building, showing nothing left of hers, but for some reason Jimin stood was still thinking of something.

Namjoon POV
I really hope she didn’t feel any of that.. Because that’s beyond cruel..

Jimin POV
This is beginning to go too far.. What.. If.. No.. It..can’

Normal POV
Jimin starts running towards the building entrance in a very quick pace, but he’s not alone for some reason Yoongi. And Taehyung seems to be right behind them. The rest look at what is happening  while trying to figure out why these boys decided to run to the building when they should actually be running away from it when..

The sound of something exploding behind the building got the attention of the boys. Jimin who was busy running in front decided to change routes. He ran towards the back instead of the front and the rest just followed him. Jungkook still stood still but saw Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin ran to the back after hearing the explosion looks to the rest and sees a nod coming from them.
Jungkook and the rest started running to the same location Jimin and the other two went when they come across a still standing Jimin, while Taehyung and Yoongi walked around the what seem to be bodies.

Jimin: Who are these people..
Yoongi: Don’t know but one thing is for sure..
Namjoon: They are merciless..
Jin: That’s for. Sure.. Anyway why did you guys run towards the building..
Jimin: I remembered Jazzeel.. Here in the building and I wanted to make sure she wasn’t hanging the same way Ms.Nayeon was..
Jin: And I guess you two..(looking at Yoongi and Taehyung) felt the same way..
(Taehyung and Yoongi nods)
Hoseok:.. Umm.. Something is off..
Jungkook: Umm..
Jin: What’s with you two..
Jungkook: Well I’m just.. When we spoke with the guy on the phone..
Hoseok: Oh so you also noticed it..

Normal POV
Jungkook and Hoseok look at each other as something gets them thinking of what is happening here. Jungkook starts walking around the burnt areas thinking of how and what could have made this, knowing it was the explosion obviously but what has got him thinking is.. Who set off this explosion, that’s when it hits him.

Jungkook: When we were talking the guy said.. Jazzeel.. Nana and Jill was still in training right..
Namjoon: Yeah.. So..
Hoseok: Then why did he forget to mention Marijosh and Mercyl..?

Taehyung looks up at Hoseok as he continues his sentence, and for some reason this new founding got the attention of all the boys but mostly Taehyung. Jungkook starts walking towards Taehyung and each member turns to him as well thinking he might have been fooled by the girl.

Taehyung: You guys are trying to say..
Jimin: We all saw Jazzeel die..
Hoseok: Yoongi and I saw Nana and Jill die.. But..
Jin: Did you see Mercyl and Marijosh die...??

Normal POV
Taehyung realizes what is going on here, but he’s too shock to say anything. He tries to talk but he doesn’t have words seeing as this new info has gotten him by surprise. Jungkook sees the shocked expression on Taehyung’s face and he knows what that face means, but he doesn’t want him to feel more miserable than he already is.
Jin and Namjoon finally decided to end guilty feeling of Taehyung seeing as this won’t help him, but Taehyung felt differently. He started walking towards the front with his head held down trying not to look at either of their faces.

Namjoon: I guess he feels guilty..
Jimin: But he shouldn’t I mean.. We didn’t know this..
(Jin runs to Taehyung’s side)
Jin: I know you feel bad but you have to be stronger than this.. We need a team to rescue Madelyn so come on..
Taehyung: Yeah.. I’m sorry..

Jungkook POV
This smell.. Why does it smell the same as the time I was in hospital.. The same perfume the one nurse used.. I .. Am I losing my mind here..or what..

Hoseok: Yo.. Kookie.. Let’s go.. The firemen are here..
(Jungkook snaps out of his dream)
Jungkook: Oh.. Okay..

Normal POV
Jungkook runs to the front seeing as the rest was already waiting at the gate. He finally arrives and sees the look of utter confusion on the members face, but unknowingly to him he doesn’t know why they are having those expressions.

Jungkook: Why you all looking that way..
Namjoon: Where are we suppose to go..
Jin: I have no idea..
Jimin: Maybe we should go get something to eat.. And rest before we settle on our adventure..
Jin: Yeah.. I guess we should..
Yoongi: We should go to Jungkook’s old house..
Taehyung: Then let’s ...
(The firemen suddenly start talking).
Fireman#1:.. The town is closer.. Let’s go to the Cafe.. For something to eat..
Fireman #2:. Sounds like a plan.. Let’s hurry. Up..
(Firemen loads their stuff up and drives)

Normal POV
The firemen drives out of the area but waves at the boys before they hit the road. As they drive away Taehyung stood on his spot thinking for a moment about what he just heard but these actions didn’t go unnoticed. Taehyung starts walking along with the rest but for some reason that conversation between those firemen was off but he can’t seem to figure out what it is..

Yoongi: What’s Up with you Taehyung..
(The rest stops and looks at Taehyung)
Taehyung: Those firemen said something that gives me a strange feeling..
Jimin: What do you mean..??
Taehyung: Well they said.. They are going to the Cafe to get something to eat..
Jungkook: So.. What’s so strange about that..
Taehyung: Why would they go to the Cafe.. When they just loaded dead bodies into their van.. I mean.. Shouldn’t they get those bodies to the hospital or something to confirm what happened..
Namjoon: Unless they aren’t real.. Firemen..

Normal POV
Namjoon stood still looking at this new information getting the attention of the rest.  As Namjoon starts explaining this new info to the rest, they try to figure out why they would pretend to be firemen and also why they would take the bodies of unknown people, but what caught them off guard was that.. They greeted the boys as if they were mocking them.
Taehyung starts walking forward but rather fast which gets the rest a bit worried as to why he would suddenly decide to run, but they can’t keep up as the pace begin to turn into running..

Hoseok: Taehyung.. What’s with the running..
Taehyung: There was something they whispered..
Jimin: What???

[ Flashback]
Fireman#1: The town is closer.. Let’s go to the Cafe.. For something to eat..
Fireman#2: Sounds like a plan.. Let’s hurry. Up.. And also that waiter with the chubby cheeks.. I’m going to make sure she gets what she deserves..
Fireman #1: Which is..?
Fireman #2: All I can say it’s not going to be pretty.. (Smirks)..
[Flashback Ends]

Jungkook: Why does that make you so worried..
Taehyung: Because the closest Cafe.. And also the waiter that has chubby cheeks is..
(Jungkook gets big eyed)
Jungkook: BETH!!!

Normal POV
Taehyung and Jungkook ran at a quick pace trying to get to the cafe before the firemen could but knowing they won’t be able to seeing as they are running while the other are driving. The rest still clueless of what is happening tries to figure out what is all the fuss about but their curiosity changes when..

Jungkook: Do you all remember Beth. .. Who were at our school..
Jimin: The small chubby one..
Taehyung: Yeah.. Well the one fireman wants to hurt the girl from the Cafe.. Well meaning the Waitress from the Cafe..
Hoseok: So what does that have to do with Beth..
Jungkook: Beth.. Is the waitress..

Jungkook and Taehyung turn around to explain more when they notice no one behind them. They become confused as to why the rest are suddenly gone when they hear footsteps in front of them.

Jimin: She’s in trouble.. Pick up your pace..

Normal POV
The boys now running at a quick pace takes a lot of turns to find the right way to the cafe but for some reason each corner seems to be the wrong one. Jungkook stops and starts thinking of what or where they came.. meaning the direction but still nothing comes to mind. Taehyung looks for some clue to their recent routes but also has no clue..
The boys who were in quite a hurry found themselves lost.

Jin: How could we be lost..
Hoseok: Is it my imagination or did this whole place change completely..
Yoongi: If it did.. These people sure do work fast..
Namjoon: Don’t be silly.. How could this place change..
Jimin: It did.. Because I remember that writing on the wall.. But it wasn’t as clear as before..
Taehyung: Wasn’t that written on..
Jungkook: My house wall...

Jungkook approaches his house trying to figure out what is written on the wall. Each step he takes makes him uneasy but luckily for him his friends followed him. As Jungkook comes to the wall he seems to be confused as to what is written on it, but luckily Yoongi understands it.

Namjoon: So what is written on it..
Yoongi: Give me time..
Jin: Okay..
BTS: Sure.. Okay..

[2minutes later]
Jimin: So what does it. Say...
(Yoongi turns around and looks at the boys in a worried way)
Yoongi: It tells of the days Jungkook has left..
Jungkook: So it has something to do with Madelyn.. Is that all it says..
Hoseok: Yoongi.. What else does it say..
Yoongi: It says.. We only have two weeks left to get her.. If we don’t get her before the second week..
Taehyung: What..??
BTS: What..
Yoongi: They are going to search and kill Beth..!!!!

Chapter 1 End

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