Chapter 7

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Kai and the other stood still hearing some really surprising news. As the boys take a few steps back staring at this old lady who now appeared to have raised their fallen leader. Kai who’s more shocked than the others takes more steps back until he was sitting still on his chair and the others couldn’t help but to follow. The old lady heads into her kitchen and made a few noises but came out with something to drink for the boys.
As things take it’s time the rest of the crew finally helped Baekhyun calm down from what seemed to be the side effects of the poison. Beth moves closer to hold the hand of him while the others go outside to make sure there’s no trouble.
As things begin to look good for the boys Lay and the others finally arrive with what seemed to be the medicine but something a little different. The rest gets a bit of a surprise as instead of bringing the item they brought a bottle which contained something.

Suho: What’s this.. What’s inside of this..?
Kai: Just give it to Baekhyun..
Xuimin: Without knowing what’s inside this bottle. We can’t just do that..
Lay: Well it’s best you trust us..
Suho: Fine.

Suho goes to the side of Baekhyun and signals Xuimin to lift him up. The boys now holding Baekhyun gives him the medicine and could see some difference in his skin as well as his behaviour. The rest enters the house and surrounds the room and wonder just what happened.

Lay: Well.. You see...

[A few minutes ago]

Sehun: So you’re saying you raised our leader.. But just how and why did she come here all bruised up..
Old Lady: Well like I’ve told you before.. After I patched her up she rested and when she woke up she was rather very aggressive..
Kai: So she was a fighter...
Old Lady: Yes.. But she told me after a few days that she must leave.. But didn’t want to tell me  why.. That’s when....
Sehun: When what...
Old Lady: I’m sorry.. Its just there was so much blood...
Lay: Her gang or rather the people who has beaten her up came looking for her right..
Old Lady: Yes.. But she had a knife while.. They had guns but somehow she was able to kill them all without getting hurt herself...
Kai/Lay/Sehun: WHAT!!.. HOW???
Old Lady: I was surprise as well.. But that’s when I saw it..
Sehun: Saw what...
Old Lady: Her tattoo.. Which only the leader of the gang called Phoenix has...

Normal POV
The three boys stood in total disbelief as their leader was the previous leader of the gang called Phoenix. As things begin to get more dangerous and confusion Lay suggested to talk more but the old lady knew that these stories will be told on another day. The three look up as the old lady heads for a room that seemed to be where she kept her item.
A few minutes has passed when the old lady appeared back in the room and gave the boys a bottle which contained something but still unknown to them what it is..

Lay: What is this..?
Old Lady: Give it to your friend.. And tell him to take things slow..
Sehun: Thank You.. Mam..
Kai: Yes thank You..

The three said their goodbyes and headed back to the building to make sure Baekhyun get the medicine, but unknowing to them someone was watching.

[End of Flashback]

Normal POV
Suho and the rest look on as the boys told the story and shock could be seen and heard in the entire room. As they decide to rest and get ready to sleep they decide amongst themselves who’s going to guard first but seeing as all of them are tired they all agree to sleep.
The night was rather quiet but still uncertainty could be felt by all the members. Lay decides to stand up and be first watch but as he gets closer to the door something odd could be felt through his veins. Lay walks closer and closer and tries to listen, by putting his ear against the door and that’s when..

Unknown: I know you’re there Lay..
(Lay gets surprised by this sudden voice)
Lay: Who are you??..
(All the members wake up)..

[Conversation between members]
Suho: Who’s there Lay?..
Lay: I don’t know but he knows my name..
Chanyeol: Do you think it might be the sniper..
Chen: Channie has a point there...
D.O: Well staying here won’t give us answers now will it..
Suho: Xuimin.. Chanyeol, Sehun and Kai guard Beth and Baekhyun.. Others follow me..

Normal POV
As Suho gives his order they start the task. They slowly open the door and make their way through the alley on their way to find this mysterious person. The walk was rather slow and quiet as they try to make little noise as possible.
They come to the end of the alley and still nothing. Lay sees something or rather felt something but for some reason he has been feeling a lot of doubt these days. The rest notices Lay's actions and tries to figure out just what might make him so uncertain of himself.
Lay starts walking ahead of the gang to follow his instincts but Suho knew something was off and being the current leader he had to walk ahead to make sure his team knew what might be ahead..

Unknown: That’s not like you to be uncertain Lay...
(Lay looks around but nothing)
Lay: Who are you???... Show yourself...
Unknown: I can see you’ve lost your touch.. You used to know a person by his voice... What happened..
Suho: Maybe if you showed yourself and face us.. Then maybe Lay can show you what he’s capable of..
Unknown: The leader I assume..(laughs).. I don’t need to reveal myself now.. Just know this.. The gang known as Phoenix are on their way here.. So make sure to leave this place soon.. And..
Suho: And what...
Unknown: That old lady.. That helped you with medicine.. They were about to kill her but lucky for her .. My team was able to rescue her.. So just know they are making sure to eliminate everything and everyone that had anything to do with your leader..
Lay: Wait.. Are you saying..
D.O: Hey!!!.. Tell us where she is..
Unknown: In time.. We’ll meet.. Bye..
Chen: Wait...
Lay: Hey!! Hey!!!

Normal POV
The boys screamed and made any type of noise to attract the attention of the unknown person but seems he left the alley or wherever he was hiding. Suho and the rest headed to their room to inform the rest of the event that just took place.
As Suho explains everything the relief on Sehun and Kai's face could be seen as they are happy the old lady wasn’t hurt. They form a circle around a few boxes to use as a table and figure out their next moves.
Suho who could see the eyes of the boys were busy closing as they begin to get sleepy, stands up and points towards the boxes. The boys get confused as to why he’s pointing that way..

Suho: You guys need some rest.. I’ll guard..
Kai: You sure.. We can..
Suho: No.. You all need to sleep.. I’ll guard.. Now go..
E-X-O: Thanks Leader..

They each take their place on the boxes and go into dreamland. Suho walks outside and do what he said he would do. As he stands outside some stuff goes over and over in his mind and it begins to get him thinking of their latest adventure and how they never knew this was going to happen.
He walks further in the alley and makes sure each step he took wouldn’t alert anyone in the street and knowing he’s the leader he knew exactly how to be as quiet as possible while guarding the rest.
The night skies was slowly getting darker and signalling the street lights to turn on. Suho stood at the end of the alley and just stared at the Apartments across from their building.

Unknown: Seems you’re on first watch..
Suho: I knew you were still around..
Unknown: Then why didn’t you tell the rest...
Suho: Because they would’ve killed you if they knew who you were..
Unknown: What makes you think.. You know me..
Suho: From the fact that.. You used to be Lay's teacher.. Meaning you taught him..
Unknown: Taught him what..
Suho: To be a sniper...
Unknown: Well well seems you recognized me..
Suho: So who’s your actual target... It’s not us.. So who is it??..
Unknown: You’ll know in time..
(silence surrounded the area)

Suho POV
Seems he is gone this time.. But saying I’ll or rather we’ll know soon, just what exactly are we in the middle of.. Just the fact that Bangtan is involved gets me feeling a bit uncomfortable. I remembered in our school days.. That BANGTAN wasn’t a group that could fight or hurt anyone so just what would have made them do this..
Wait.. I remember Beth said something about Madelyn. Being alive.. But if Madelyn was kidnapped by The Phoenix gang then that would mean they don’t have much time left.

Normal POV
Suho stops his thinking and heads back into the alley to take a seat close to the door. The walk was short as he knew the follower was gone so he didn’t have to be quiet anymore.
Hours has passed and the group finally woke up. As Suho heads inside and sees the boys have woken up walks towards them and just smiles and they knew he needed some rest. Kai points to the box and suggest he takes a quick nap before they have to leave.
In the meantime they make something to eat but that’s when Beth walks through the door with a big smile. The members just smiles at her and smirk..

Sehun: So what has got you smiling..
Kai: Must have had a Amazing dream...
Beth: No.. It’s just that my job is done..
D.O: What you mean by that...??
(The group looks confused.. Followed by Suho's sudden wake up)
Xuimin: What you mean.. What job??
(Beth smiles at them)
Beth: My job was to lead you all to the old lady.. So you all could cure Baekhyun and head on your journey.. And now I must return to work and well whatever may happen I would know I did my task..
Lay: I’m confused by what you mean??..
Chanyeol: It sounds as if all this was some sort of test...
Beth: No.. No test.. Before your leader faced her enemies.. She contacted me and told me about Baekhyun and seeing as I knew of her injuries back then..
Kai: What..
Suho: How did you know..??
Beth: Because I’m the daughter of the old lady.. Or rather the adopted daughter...
E-X-O: WHAT!!!!!!!
Beth: Yes.. But the only reason she helped your leader was because..
Suho: Because??.. What???..
Beth: Your leader is my real mother..

Chapter 7 End

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