Chapter 3

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Jungkook and the rest look at each other as a sudden confusion appears on each of their faces as to why the E-X-O Logo is seen in the corner and why they are involved in whatever might be happening here. Jungkook walks closer to the corner but still the uncertainty of this new development gets him thinking twice. The rest look on as to why and how EXO knows about their current predicament and why they would want to see them.

Taehyung who seems to be staring in a different direction seems to have caught on to something but as he tries to signal the boys, none of them seems to see his gestures. Taehyung decided to walk to the strange figure or rather shadow that seems to be the first thing that caught his attention. Taehyung gets closer to this shadow but for some reason the closer he gets the further away the shadow goes.

Taehyung: Hey.. Who are you??.. Come out immediately..

Taehyung shouts, and gets the attention of the rest but they tried not to call out as they could see Taehyung is up to something and seeing as earlier with the squeaky floor they wouldn't want to let go of what could be another lead.

Taehyung: I can see your shadow.. It's no use hiding any further..

As Taehyung gets around the corner something terrible awaits him. He goes around the corner but he can't seem to move any further than that, as something seems to have caught him by a big surprise and the members didn't know what exactly that could be other than the expression Taehyung had on his face.

Jungkook immediately starts running to his side knowing that look of Taehyung, and the rest follows.

Jungkook: Taehyung.. What is it...

(Jungkook comes around the corner followed by the rest)

Jimin: What.. Who is this...?

Yoongi: Who is this person..?

Jin: And why did she make Taehyung express the face he hasn't used in a very... Wait..

Namjoon: No.. It can't be..

As the boys look on at a young girl standing there trying not to show her face, the members start remembering something that happened a few years back, and that was the day Taehyung would never forget.


Taehyung POV

Today is the exams.. and If I get high marks I can make my parents proud for once and also make it into the highest or rather best High school there is in our little town. I'm getting so hyped..

Normal POV

Taehyung starts walking to his classroom but this time something is off, the whole school seems to be empty. He starts walking to his part of the school but each corner seems to be empty. The whole situation starts to worry the young boy as to why on the first day of exams this has to happen.

As the whole school seems to be quiet Taehyung decides to head back home and get some rest while figuring out why and what is happening today that made them end the last year exams. As Taehyung exits the school ground a young girl approaches him.

Girl: Hi.. Is the school closed..

Taehyung: Oh.. I don't...

Normal POV

As Taehyung turns around to look at the school something starts hurting on top of his head. He turns around to look at this particular girl smiling at him as he loses consciousness. Taehyung falls down on the ground and lands on his head damaging the hit area even more.

The whole day went by rather quick as Taehyung still lays on the ground and seeing as no one was in school today, no one was able to help him. The young boy laid there with nothing to do and no one to help him.

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