Chapter 6 (Part2)

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The group prepare themselves for what might seem like trap but the thought of this being a clue to the whereabouts of Bangtan still crossed their minds. Baekhyun leads the gang to what seem to be a alley but Beth tries to tell them that her apartment might be a better place to talk but Baekhyun knew something the others didn’t. As Baekhyun walks along the alley he begins go feel dizzy.
The whole idea of Baekhyun walking sideways gets the gang worried as to what might be wrong that’s when suddenly Baekhyun faints.
The gang runs to his side but nothing could be done as things become quite difficult and knowing Beth's place ain’t safe they had no other choice but to go to the location given to them.

Kai: We have no other choice but to head to the location..
Suho: Yes.. But Baekhyun didn’t want to go there.. And also Beth seemed to know something..
(The gang looks towards Beth)
Xuimin: Beth.. Why didn’t you want us to go to that location..
Beth: (stares at the gang)..
Chen: It’s best to tell us..
Beth: Well.. Because that location was the same place a group called Phoenix once stayed..
E-X-O: WHAT!!!!!

Normal POV
The news or rather secret Beth kept to herself all this time was finally revealed and things began to become rather strange. The gang looks to their fallen friend and could see he needed help but with this news just what are they suppose to do. Suho being the leader of the group now suggest they stay at the location they currently are but some points to the sky showing no roof and also the fact that it’s about to rain.
While the rest try to figure something out Chanyeol moves to the side to rest his body but just as he lays against a door, he suddenly falls right through.. The rest notices this event and just praises how they got a solution.

D.O: Well done Chanyeol..
Chanyeol: (shocked).. Yeah.. Well I’m good at finding locations..
(The members just stare at him)
Chanyeol: What??..
Kai: Good at finding locations you say...
Sehun: Dude you found that by chance..
Chen: (laughs).. Trying to act cool..

The gang takes Baekhyun and enter the building. There seems to be no lights but luckily for them Chen and Sehun were clever enough to bring some along. As the gang takes a few boxes together, they put Baekhyun down so Suho and Xuimin can get to work. The rest goes to work in guarding Beth and also holding the fort outside.
As Suho and Xuimin try to get some medicine together for Baekhyun, Beth looks on at these events and something clicks. She moves towards the group and immediately knew what to do. Suho and Xuimin sees her reactions and couldn’t help but to ask.

Xuimin: You look like you know what to do Beth..
Beth: Well watching his actions and the side effects appearing on his neck..
Suho: What about that...??
Beth: I’ve  seen this before.. All you need are these...(writes a few stuff down)
(Hands the paper to Sehun and Kai)
Sehun: Where are we suppose to find this..??
Beth: There’s a supermarket a few blocks from here..
Kai: I didn’t know supermarkets sell these stuff..
Sehun: Must be a awesome Supermarket.. Can’t wait to see what else they have..(smirks)..
Beth: No..(laughs).. Around the corner from the supermarket there’s a house that sells these stuff..

The group looks at Beth as to how she might know these things. They give a nod and starts walking to their destination. Lay sits back but the urge to walk with them almost had the better of him that was until he remembers Baekhyun laying there and he being the only one that could sense danger from a mile away.
As Lay stays back he gives Sehun and Kai a look of “Good luck”.. Which they knew what the meaning of that was. The two starts walking out of the building and headed to the main street, off to their new journey.

(Kai and Sehun Part1)
Kai and Sehun go on their errand but still a bit worried as neither of them have the skill to detect an enemy. They were trained to guard and kill and they are pretty good in that kind of task. Sehun walks ahead and kept Kai guarding and looking out at the back.
The two finally reached what seemed like the supermarket but something seems to be strange as a small group stood outside the market. Kai suggesting they move around gets a look from Sehun. Kai knowing things are about to get difficult agrees to go ahead. As the two reach the supermarket the strange looking gang moves closer to them with looks that would put fear in ones eyes.

Guy#1: Well.. Look here Boys we have two strong looking guys..
Guy#2: They are brave to approach us like this..

[Sehun and Kai reach the Supermarket]
Kai: What are you implying with your “ Brave”.. Part..
Guy2: We are known as the most dangerous group here.. So.. You better..
Sehun: And that is suppose go scare us..
Guy#1: You got some serious guts saying that..
(At that moment another member recognizes something)
Guy#3: Boss.. Wait.. They...
Guy#1: What about them.. Let’s beat these bastards up..
Guy#3: They are from the E-X-O gang.. One of the most ruthless gangs ever..

At that very moment pure fear could be seen on the gang’s faces as they make what any scared person would do, run away. As they ran for the hills Kai and Sehun continue their journey into the market but then remembers they are suppose to go around it.
Sehun decides to walk behind this time and let’s Kai lead the way. They come across something but still not clear as to which house they were suppose to go to. Sehun now standing beside Kai tries to guess which house but lucky for them someone was looking at them. They decide to approach this specific house but before they could enter the one goes inside.
The two boys stood surprised. Kai starts walking step by step inside the yard followed by Sehun but something feels odd about this place.

Kai: Hello!!!.. Excuse me.. We were just looking for a house that..
Sehun: Kai.. Wait...
Kai: What.??
Sehun: I don’t have Lay's skill to detect something but I get the feeling we are being watched and not by the one in this house..
Kai: Then which house..
Sehun: I’m it sure but.. It’s as if we are being made a target..
Kai: Are you referring to..
Sehun: The sniper..

Normal POV
Sehun and Kai stood still on their place as they get the strange feeling they are being targeted and aren’t sure of their next move. Sehun tries to turn around and check where the sniper may be but it’s way too dark. As they move forward they see the owner of the house looking at them with a very worried expression.
Kai and Sehun stare at each other knowing they are in big trouble here and seeing as neither one can shoot from this angle they have no other choice but to surrender, but doing that would mean they will get shot.
A few seconds felt like hours as the boys came to a situation that had no answers this time. Kai suggested to turn around. Sehun looked at him and just closes his eyes as they both turn around.

Kai: ( closed eyes).. You may shoot us but you’ll not find our friends!!!
Sehun: (closed eyes).. Do what you may!!!
(The sound of the wind could be heard)
Lay: (laughs).. Wow so strong..
(They open their eyes)..
Kai: Lay!!!!
Sehun: But how... And why are you here..
(Lay jumps off the wall and heads to the boys)
Lay: Well.. .

( Flashback A Hour ago)
Suho: Lay I can see something is bothering you...
Lay: Those two just went to collect those items.. But I get the feeling the sniper ain’t done yet..
Xuimin: You think they would target Kai and Sehun..
Lay: Yeah..
Suho: Well then go with them but..
Lay: I know.. Keep my distance..
(Flashback End)
Lay: So that’s how it is..
Kai: So you felt that sniper was after us..
Lay: Yeah.. But something was a bit strange..
Sehun: What you mean..??
Lay: That gun you see there..(points to the snipers gun location)..
Kai/Sehun: Yeah..
Lay: There was no one holding the gun.. The gun was not active..
Sehun: Meaning...??
Lay: Someone just wanted to scare you..
Kai: But Sehun said he felt someone following us..
Lay: There was someone but.. I was like just a few seconds behind him/ her.. And when he/she took that corner..
Sehun: They were gone..
Lay: Yes...

Normal POV
As Lay joins the crew things begin to look more safe, but still doubt goes on in their mind as the one they thought was following them seems to have escaped. The boys look forward towards the house to see a very old lady standing and waiting for them. Sehun begins to walk ahead or rather was pushed ahead by Kai and Lay.
The boys take the steps and are now a few inches from the woman. Sehun who’s struggling with words look at Kai but he doesn’t seem to know what to say either. As things begin to look awkward the old lady turns around and walks back inside her house.
The boys look on as things begin to totally turn into a mess, but as they turn around the old lady appears back on the front porch..

Old Lady: This might get him back to shape..
(The boys turn around.. Facing the old lady)
Kai: How..
Old Lady: I knew this day would come.. Your leader..
Sehun: Wait you knew our leader..
Old Lady: Well yes.. She used to.. Well I don’t like remembering this..
Lay: It sounds as if you knew our leader very well..

The old lady stays quiet for a bit. The three boys look on as that question must have been hard on the lady but they had to know what kind of relationship this old lady had with their leader. Lay walks to the lady and gives her a half hug which surprises her. As the other two does the same the old lady invites them inside.
The boys walks inside and came to a standstill as the room was rather big. As the lady signals them to sit down they do as they were told but something caught the attention of Sehun. Sehun stood up from his seat and walks towards a whole wall full of pictures..
The sudden expression of Sehun makes Kai and Lay stand up from their seats and head to Sehun's side. As they arrive both their eyes become big and they become so silent anything could be heard. The old lady looks at their direction and knew right away why they are staring at those pictures..

Old Lady: So I see you’ve noticed something..
Sehun: This woman.. She’s our leader..
Old Lady: Yes.. she is..
Kai: What... How do you have pictures of her..
Old Lady: Because 12 years ago.. She appeared In front of my door steps.. Badly beaten up..
Lay: So you’re saying...
Old Lady: I was the one who patched her up and practically raised her.. Those injuries or what you all would say poison your friend has...
Sehun/Kai/Lay: Yeah..
Old Lady: Your leader was the very first victim...

Chapter 6 (part 2) End

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