Chapter 7 (part 2)

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The members of EXO stood in total shock as Beth reveals the truth of how she got to know the old lady a well as their leader, but for some reason they had a feeling something was still missing. Suho stood up and approached Beth knowing she had something else on her mind but was scared to say. The rest of the members stood in total disbelief that Suho was able to sense something while they didnt.
As Suho approach Beth she starts moving back trying to look away from his gaze but that didn’t seem to help as she looks up and stares straight into his eyes. As the two spent a few minutes lookin at each other, the rest of the members could feel the tension.

Suho: You’re hiding something from us..
Beth: (smirks).. What makes you think that..?
Suho: The fact that you looked away when I was staring at you.. So why don’t you want to tell us..

Beth stood still looking at Suho, knowing he’s got her there  but she still kept this secret quiet. The members start approaching Beth but before they could do so some noise could be heard coming from the outside. Suho signals Lay, Kai and Sehun to try and figure out what that noise could be.
The three boys head outside seeing nothing but being asked to look for anything starts walking futher into the alley. As they kept on looking Suho gets back to asking Beth the truth but still nothing could be answered from her.

Suho: Beth!!.. Tell us now..!!
Beth: I.. I can’t..
Xuimin: What is so serious that you wouldn’t even trust us..

Beth turns around as she suddenly felt something is about to happen. The sudden change of Beth’s behavior didn’t go unnotice as the remaining members get prepared for something but before they could do anything they were suddenly struck from behind and started losing consciousness.
Suho starts falling down but could still see the sadness in Beth's eyes as she looks on. Suho now losing consciousness listens to Beth's last words.

Beth: Forgive me Suho..


Normal POV
EXO explains the whole scene of what they went through hoping BTS would understand but still Suga still felt something was missing from their story, but hearing what they went through he didn’t have the urge to ask them anymore questions. The group stood in silence as no one knew what to ask or say next.
Namjoon and Jin stood up from the ground, walking towards the door but..

Baekhyun: It’s best you guys don’t go out yet..
J-Hope: Why not..
Jin: Is there something else you’re hiding from us..
Suho: The story we just told you is all we remember.. The last thing we saw was that conversation with Beth..
Jungkook: But why would Beth betray us.. ?
Xuimin: Maybe she didn’t..

The whole room look on as Xuimin starts saying something that caught them all off guard. The rest of the members look on as to hear just what reason Beth would have to betray them like that. Xuimin approach the group leaving his spot by the window.

Xuimin: Each of us are specialized in something and mine happens to be Fear..
Jimin: What you mean by Fear?
Xuimin: I have the ability to put or sense fear from a certain person.. For example at this very moment even though he’s calm.. Jungkook is fearing something..
Jungkook: What!!
Suho: That’s his ability..
Suga: Good.. Anyway tell us why you think Beth didn’t betray us..

Xuimin turns to the left and came face to face with Suga. As he starts explaining the reason he think may be each members looks more and more convinced as to what Xuimin says might actually be true but still the thought of what she did got al the Boys pretty upset.
Taehyung who’s been quiet all this time starts walking to the middle of the room and hands Jin and Namjoon a piece of paper. The room looks on at Taehyung’s sudden movement and become surprised and curious.

Jin: What’s this Taehyung?
Taehyung: Before we left Beth's Cafe.. She gave me the letter and told me something..
Namjoon: What did she tell you??
Taehyung: She said..

Beth: In a few days.  Something is gonna happen where you all are gonna suspect me of betraying them..
Taehyung: No.. They won’t..
Beth: Just remember.. I won’t ever betray you.. You all are my closest friends or more like brothers.. And..
Taehyung: (cries).. And what??
Beth: The people you’re about to face.. They are just the beginning of your troubles.. Be careful Taehyung Oppa..
(Flashback End)

Normal POV
As Taehyung speaks out and explain what Beth told him, the room become silenced again but this time more worried than shocked. Jin opens the letter and sees its blank which again causes confusion in the room.

Sehun: The letter is blank..
Kai: What the hell!!!
Jimin: Seems you all forgot..

The whole room looks the way of Jimin who seems to know something they dont. Jimin walks towards Jin and takes the letter, and as he grabs it he walks towards the light and switches it off.

J-Hope: What are you doing Jiminie?
Jimin: Remember in high school..
Jungkook: Beth used to have a pen.. She always used..
Taehyung: To write secret letters but..
Suga: (laughs).. Only shines in the dark.. Seems there’s someone she didn’t trust at her work place..
Chen: What makes you think that?
Baekhyun: Yeah.. When we went there... Wait..
Sehun: The firemen were like waiting for her..
Kai: So.. What Suga says.. Might be true..

They all seem to be onto something but this letter of Beth was meant for Taehyung.. Because even in the dark.. There seems to nothing written on it..

Namjoon: Again.. Nothing is written..
Xuimin: Guess your theory is wrong Jimin..
Jimin: But it was worth a shot..
Lay: Yeah..
Jin: NO!!!

The word No could be heard from the Jin as he says it while staring at Taehyung. The rest of the members look on as Jin has something he wants to share but still uncertain to what this strange feeling is. Jungkook walks forward and sees the letter and the look Jin is giving towards Taehyung, and that’s when he knew..

Jungkook: This letter was for you eyes only.(points to Taehyung)
(All look towards Taehyung)
Taehyung: What?? I dont understand what you mean??
Jin: Earlier.. When we all saw a blank piece of paper.. I saw you looking at the paper as if you’re reading something off of it.. So..
Taehyung: Well because there is something written on it.. But it’s only a few..
Baekhyun: Well.. What does it say..?
Taehyung: It says.. “ Gather more or you’ll lose.. MX is the next journey..”
Lay: MX.. Whats that mean?
Jimin: Are you sure that’s what is written on it..?
(Taehyung stares them all sarcastically)
Taehyung: Yes I’m sure..

Normal POV
The group looks around thinking what this news could mean but each come out with nothing. Taehyung goes back to his spot and tries to understand what Beth might have meant with this letter and the scription written on it. The whole room become quiet again as no one knows what to do next.
As Jin walks to the kitchen trying to make something to eat but comes back looking kinda down.

Jungkook: Why you look so down Hyung?
Jin: I wanted to make something to eat but their kitchen it empty..
(BTS laughs)
Suho: To be clear this isn’t our place, we just took any place that was empty..
Xuimin: So how is Jin's cooking..?
J-Hope: He’s like a cooking Monster..

As J-Hope says those words something suddenly sparks in Taehyung’s mind. The young V walks to the Jin and grabs the letter again which catches all their attention. As Taehyung reads the others again and also remembers the words J-Hope just mentioned everything seemed more clear to him.

Jimin: Yo Taehyung.. What’s up..??
Suga: You look like you have something.. Or rather should I say know something..
Taehyung: Monster.. When J-Hope just said Monster it all made sense..
Namjoon: Monster is part of my nickname Taehyung..
Taehyung: Yes.. But on the paper it says “ Gather more or you’ll lose.. MX is your next journey “..
Sehun: Yeah.. And how does that make sense..
Taehyung: Because we have to get more people in our group.. Or well lose.. And..
Suga: NO.. Can’t be..
Jin: How couldn’t I figure it our earlier..
Xuimin: You guys aren’t making any sense..
Kai: I’m more confused as ever..

BTS look at each other smiling.. Well everyone expcet Suga and Jimin. The rest of EXO look on as if the Bangtan group are getting crazy and there’s nothing they can say or do to get answers from them.

D.O: Well who’s going to answer us..?
Jungkook: In high school.. Who was the toughest group in school..
Chen: We were but we...
Suho: No.. We were the newbie groups.. Because we just arrived at that school.. The strongest was..
Kai/Sehun/ Lay/D.O/ Xuimin: MONSTA X

End of Chapter 7 (part2)

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