Chapter 16

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Okay, for those of you who have read chapter fifteen last May 29/30, you might be wondering why is this chapter has the same content as the previous chapter. Well, your guesses are right because I decided to split chapter fifteen into two 'cause it's super long. Chapter sixteen was the P.O.V. of Cedrick in chapter fifteen so for those who have read this, you don't have to anymore. It's the same.

Anyways, for those who haven't read this yet while it was still in chapter fifteen then you should read this because obviously you still don't know what's gonna happen.

Okay, Thanks!

Cedrick's P.O.V.

The past two days were a heck, not only for me but for everyone. I was pretty sure that many people would not trust me already and many would want me to be dethroned. Not that I didn't want to because it would surely be an advantage for me but if that happened, it would really be shameful.

Sarah and I went to school twenty minutes before the first period to avoid the stares of everyone. But my plan didn't work because the few people who were present that time still had there eyes on us. It was annoying but I couldn't do anything about it. It was a consequence of my carelessness anyway.

I wasn't that affected by the issues that went around nor the effects of those anymore. Surprisingly, what bothered me was Sarah's annoyance towards me. I knew it because I wasn't dense enough to not see nor misunderstood how she felt, especially after I lied to her yesterday. Not only once but twice.

I was aware that she was an idiot, sometimes, rather most of the time, but not ignorant enough to be blinded by my lies. I was guilty because I promised her that I would trust her from then on but what I did was for the best. She would just get madder and more disappointed if she found out anything. What I did was for the best of everyone.

I went to the rooftop of my school to let time pass. I approached the ledge and I saw students entering the premise. There were tons of them and soon those would surround me, criticizing and scrutinizing my every action. Oh how I hated that!

I sat on the ground, my back against the wall. I just wanted to stay here for a while, to avoid the attention of everyone and to unwind. I preferred to stay here longer but it would only tell that I was affected by everything that was going on and honestly, I wasn't.

The school bell rang, signaling the start of classes. I stood up and I swatted away the dusts from my pants.

I looked at the school gate once again and I saw Richard. He noticed me as well and he stared back. He was usually friendly and kind but this time, he wasn't.

I couldn't see it clearly but it seemed that he was wearing a cocky smile on his face. I just waved at him with a smirk on my face and ignored what I just saw. It could only be a figment of my imagination but still, I was irritated.

I suddenly heard the door swung open so I looked at its direction and the noise was caused by Roxanne. She looked tired and she was very hostile, especially after meeting her yesterday. Another thing that I hid from Sarah.

She walked toward me and I just waited for her as I leaned against the ledge. I placed my hands on either pockets of my pants, something I did when I got impatient or exhausted. I was pretty sure that she would just ask me again about what I told her yesterday. It was getting old already.

"So... You still stay here?" She asked, stating the obvious.

"Uhm no, I just passed by." I replied sarcastically. She acted oblivious to my previous statement and she also leaned by the ledge.

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