Chapter 7

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I pushed him away from me then he fell on the floor. Shock was evident on his expression and suddenly, he blurted:

"What the fucking hell, Sarah!"

Dad was surprised with what Cedrick had said. He thought this little angel will never say such a thing but he did. Cheerios!

I threw the pillow at him then he screamed another profanity because he was still oblivious of my dad who was just standing by the door.

He stood up as he rubbed the small of his back. He faced my dad with a frown plastered on his face. He didn't expect what he saw so maybe he felt guilty and knowing him, he must worried already about his reputation.

He remained his coolness then he greeted my dad with no trace of anxiety and regret in his voice.

"Good morning Mr. Watson. My sincere apologies for my sudden outburst, I promise not to repeat it again. I was just surprised that my wife had a different way of waking up people." He faked a smile but deep inside, I knew that he was already planning my death

"Are you Pontious Pilate, acting goody two shoes in front of my father? What a hypocrite!" I retorted.

"Kids, I don't care with whatever you did last -" Cedrick and I cut him off.

"We didn't do anything!" We said in unison. My dad chuckled. Me, having sex with him? Never!

"My point is that you two are married already and you can do anything you want as long as both of you are fine with it.

"Before I forget, breakfast is ready so you two should go down now and be sure that you'll reconcile with each other. No more fights and arguing, okay?" My dad instructed. We nodded in agreement then he left the room.

Cedrick lied on the bed again. He grabbed my favorite bear then he started to play with it. I tried to pull it away from him but his grip was so strong. I lost my balance and I fell on top of him. We looked at each other awkwardly and our faces were only centimeters apart. The door suddenly swung open. Not again!

"Oh, I almost for-" My dad paused for awhile then he smirked. "Isn't it too early for that and besides, the food is waiting for you so just continue with whatever you two were doing after our meal, okay?" I pulled myself away from him as I stood up. He copied my actions then he disheveled his hair. We followed my dad who waited for us impatiently then we retreated my room.

When we arrived at the dining room, tons of food were served. Hams, sausages, waffles, eggs, orange juice, and my favorite chocolate chip cookies. I sat on my seat then I began to eat. Cedrick only grabbed a waffle and some eggs.

I grabbed our glasses then I poured the juice in it. I also got a cookie then I spread some peanut butter on it. Cedrick looked at me disgustingly as he continued digging on his food.

"You know you should taste this first before you start judging it." I said.

"No thanks, I just want the cookies." He replied as he bit the chocolate chip cookie he was holding.

"Say ahh." I demanded.

"Wh -" I didn't let him finish his sentence because I placed the peanut butter coated cookie in his large mouth. He chewed it reluctantly then he finally swallowed it.

"You're welcome." I said sweetly. My mother sent me a disapproving look while my father was holding his laughter.

"You'll pay for this!" He threatened then he drank the orange liquid in his glass.

"Why, it's not that bad. In fact, it's delicious." I defended. He just shook his head then he returned to gobbling the eggs.

"I'm sorry for my daughter's behavior Cedrick. I know that she's very hard - headed and importunate so please bear with her." My mom apologized. I can't believe it! My mom is betraying me, her own child and she's now teaming up with the devil? Thanks a lot!

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