Chapter 12

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Cedrick's P.O.V.

An hour or more had passed and Sarah hadn't returned yet. I was losing interest already in watching some stupid television show at our living room. I looked at the time and it was late enough for her guest to go home. I wondered what took my parents, grandma, and the prime minister this long to finish their meeting. They should've been done minutes ago!

I stood from the couch and I began to walk back and forth from my bedroom door to Sarah's as I checked the time from my wristwatch momentarily. I should've just join them, touring around the palace than staying here which bored the ass off me.

I went to our balcony to ingest some fresh air but I just saw Sarah and her friend, Ricardo, fooling around. She was covering her ears as she spoke some words whereas the other person was saying something to her. I couldn't understand what they were talking about so I leaned closer but it wasn't helpful at all. One thing was clear; they were having fun.

Another hour had passed and a lady servant finally came to tell them that playtime was over. The happiness that was evident on Sarah's face suddenly faded as Richie left. She looked at the sky and she just stared there for a while. I did the same and I realized how beautiful it was. The stars were twinkling and I could also see some constellations. I glanced below and Sarah wasn't there anymore.

Soon enough, I could already hear footsteps coming from the stairs then Sarah finally came into the view. I went inside and I sat at the couch as I smiled at her innocently but she just glared at me. Now what did I do wrong?

"How's the tour with Ricky?" I asked, brushing off her insolence towards me a second ago.

"It's Richard if you wouldn't mind. Well, we had fun especially for the fact that you weren't there." She answered bitterly. She was angry but why? Oh yeah, I just ditched her a while ago. Way to go Ced!

"Someone's feisty but why?" I blurted out which made her madder and more annoyed. She sighed frustratingly then she stomped her way to her room. Was she having a red day 'cause a minute ago, she was happy but now, angry? Oh girls, so moody.

I went to my own room, as well, to sleep. I was very tired and my back was hurting for I fell asleep in an uncomfortable position again. How silly of me, I kept on doing that these past few days.

I was about to dose off when I suddenly remembered what happened to Roxanne last night. I texted her, asking for how she felt then she replied afterwards.

I'm doing great, thanks for asking. How about you? How's the meeting?

That's good, at least my backache is worth it for that. Uhm, the meeting was fine but I became bored immediately.

Your back is hurting? Aww, poor baby, you need mommy there for you to feel better?

Nah, I can manage on my own. Unlike somebody else...

Shut up, Ced! I didn't force you to come anyways.

Whatever you say...

We continued to converse with each other until sleepiness hit us both. I lied on the bed and I just stared blankly at ceiling. A couples of minutes after, my eyes finally decided to close and I fell asleep.

* * *

"Settle down everyone!" The principal instructed. Everyone became silent and they began moving to their seats.

Here in Mayfield, we didn't have any homeroom classes so usually, the first period teachers were given twenty minutes to tell us the reminders we needed but I heard that this day's homeroom matters would take us more time and were more important so they asked all the seniors to gather in the assembly hall.

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