Chapter 4

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Sarah's P.O.V.

While we were heading to the palace, the great queen and I talked and I discovered that she wasn't arrogant or ill -mannered after all. As a matter of fact, she was fun to be with. She said that it was just her scheme when talking to people that she doesn't personally know so that they will respect her and they will not try to use her in any hidden agendas they have.

She said that I'm real and I'm not manipulative that's why she likes me for her grandson since the first time we met. According to her, I deserve to be a princess because I'm not pretentious and I always tell others what I felt and what I liked and this shows that I'm honest and trustworthy.

She was right, I can look presumptuous sometimes but I just want to voice out my opinions and feelings. But I also try to prevent to say everything inside of my head because I also know what are boundaries and limitations meant.

I also found out that she and Cedrick were very close because he grew up with her. His parents were always busy with their duties as the crown prince and crown princess of this country, a few years ago. She told me that one of their responsibilities was to negotiate with the leaders of other countries and to visit the different cities of Monte Carolina. It only showed that they were often out of town or country which meant that they barely spent their time with their son. That was sad but Cedrick should understand them because his parents were just fulfilling their obligations.

We finally arrived at the palace. The great queen introduced me to Ms. Lisa. She would be my mentor in becoming a princess. She would also teach me all the rules and other stuffs that I should know regarding the palace. Ms. Lisa was only in her early twenties but she acted so mature and not to mention, strict.

She also told me that I'll have three female bodyguards and she introduced me to them. Their names are Kara, Rachel, and Corrine. All of them also looked like in their early twenties and they were all friendly which was nice to know. They will also be my helpers according to Ms. Lisa.

They brought me to my room which was located on the third level of the palace. The entire floor was allotted for Cedrick and I. It was spacious and we also have our own living and dining room. There was also a large balcony between our rooms. They also told me that we will have separate bedrooms until we're allowed to share.

They placed my things in my room and they left me afterwards. It was so large and filled with extravagant furnitures and appliances. I also have a kingsized bed which was soft and and covered with pink sheets. The walls were also decorated with floral patterns and the wooden floor was carpeted.

I went to my bathroom and I saw that I have a large tub in there. A 21 inch flat screen T.V was also mounted on the wall. I also have a walk in closet which was filled with branded and expensive clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories.

While I was checking the prices of each of garment, I suddenly heard a soft creaking sound that came from my room. I went their and I saw Cedrick sitting on one of my couches. He was wearing a navy blue blazer with a white v - necked shirt underneath. His hair was also combed unlike his usual messy ones.

"What are you doing in my room?" I questioned annoyingly.

"I've heard that you'll going to live here starting today. So how's your first day here?" He asked.

"Well as you can see, I just moved in a few minutes ago so I can't still say how am I doing." I stated the obvious but he just stared at me obliviously.

"Could you wear something decent because my mom and dad want to see us right now." He demanded. I looked at what I was wearing and I think there was nothing wrong with them because they were just a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I guess what he meant to say was something suitable for the likings of the queen. Maybe dresses and heels, eew!

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