Prossesing it

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Riley's P.O.V

I didn't get to say goodbye to Maya, she didn't even showed up, I went looking for her  we almost lost our flight (which would've been great )

I try calling like 100 times (knowing Riley -literally) And was going to call again when the car stopped , my parents  got out and started getting their luggage, Auggie and I grabbed our bags and thanked the driver

"Welcome to our new place" Dad said exited but you could hear a tinge of sadness

It was a beautiful white building ,the inside was neat....It was wonderful, yet it didn't feel like home . Apartment 102 read the key , okay here we go! Dad slowly opens the door revealing the bright room (already furnished) nice, mom walks me to my room and dad does the same with Auggie.

"Ready?" Mom asks with excitement
"Yes" Ready or not I had to go on with life.
She opens the brown door the room is huge , the bed is PURPLE!!!! Love IT
dark wood covers the floor, I have my own bathroom Maya would've loved it and.....WAIT! There is a B.A.Y.  W.I.N.D.O.W!!! -oh no a reminder of Peaches. This bay window was blank it just felt like blah didn't radiate feelings or anything  Maya would've help me fix it -oh Riley pineapple head! Stop thinking about her .
I totally forgot mom was here

"Mom can I be alone for a little?"  I looked down with crystal eyes  

"Of course baby, if you want to talk I'll be in the kitchen getting the pantry ready...Oh and I'll call Katy maybe Maya wants to talk"

She quickly hugged me and closed the door leaving me alone with my thoughts ..I found out something and I'm kinda been thinking about it non stop, for now I'll try to get it out if my head by  getting my clothes out.

One hour later
I'm done putting my clothes away, next DECORATING my favorite part ...well until I got a picture out of us (yeah I'm talking about Maya, she's the only one that gets the word US .....Ups about Lucas I'm not sure about the future of our relationship) I squeeze the picture as images fly in my head

"But dad I can't leave without saying goodbye to her!"

"Riley, I'm sorry but you have to, our flight is soon and if we don't get going we'll loose it"  Dad tries to convince me

"I will not leave"

"That's not an option"

"Dad.....please" I look at him with watery eyes

"Sorry" He hugs me and I sob nodding

End of flashback

A tear falls on the picture making me come back to reality , I look outside,  a great day ,back in NY I would've been jumping around  with my favorite person , I guess sleeping may help get my energy back although a peach would instantly work (see what I did)

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