Something More Pt.2 (Shayne)

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Okay you guys! Here's part 2!!

Shayne ran his fingers through his hair, waiting for a response that didn't seem to be coming.

He said he wanted to just talk, but both you and him knew that the two of you weren't every good at talking. You were good at soft whimpers and loud moans, each other's names being the only things that left your lips. Talking wasn't a very strong part in the dysfunctional relationship that the two of you shared.

Shayne held his breath, still waiting for your reply. You had been silent for too long, maybe his heart rate throwing him off, anxiety creeping into his system.

He wanted you, and not the way he usually did.

He wanted you in the mornings, he wanted you in the evenings, and late at night. He wanted to hold your hand, to hold you tight. He wanted to have lazy days with you on the couch, and spontaneous trips to places that you had no idea you were headed to. He wanted to cook miserably for you to just to have you offer to order a pizza as you kiss him for being thoughtful.

It wasn't his usual craving that he had towards you, but there was no denying that he wanted you, he was just afraid that you wouldn't want him in the same way.

He finally let out his held breath as he finally hears your voice from the other end of the phone.

"That sounds great...I wanted to talk to you too."

There's no smirk in your voice, the seductive tone disappearing, no mischievous words pulling him in. There was something new, something that he never heard in your voice before: hope. Maybe he's dreaming, maybe he was just hearing what he wanted to hear, but he had to take the change.

You two set a time, but it's not in the early hours of the morning like it usually was. The conservation ended with something different, the words still lingering between the two, not the abrupt, quick push of the end call button that the two of you usually had. When the line finally ended Shayne fell back to his bed, his heart beating even faster that it had when he first called you. There was still anxiety and adrenaline running through him, but the gloom that shrouded his system was replaced with blooms of hope, a smile spreading on his face with the thoughts of what could be.

He tried to decode your every word, the rise and fall in your tone and tried to picture you on the other line. You biting your lip as you nervously says your words, a touch of hesitance that he's never heard towards him before.

Your words echoed in his head, "I wanted to talk to you too, actually" he couldn't believe what he heard, he couldn't help but to smile as he thought that you could want him the same way that he wanted you.

He wanted to believe so much that you were planning on telling him the same thing that he was planning to tell you...that you too wanted something more.

Hope blooms in his chest, it was likely. The tone of your voice, the slight change in your tone, it wasn't too far fetched anymore. He wasn't sure, though.

Shayne knew every dip and curve in your body, every freckle, every scar, he knew your touch and how your breath felt on his skin. He knew how your body moved and very noise you could make...but he didn't know you.

Soon, he hoped. Soon he hoped that he would be able to discover a whole new universe of you, what you've kept from him being even more beautiful that the parts that he's already explored.


The two of you had agreed that you would be there at 7:00 and at 6:50 Shayne was still a mess. He had changed his clothes so many times, his bed being a mess of clothes that has been carelessly thrown around while rummaging for the perfect outfit. He had ran his hands through his hair so many times that he was sure it wouldn't lay the same way again. His nerves was enough to send him to overdrive, he called Damien twice, a mess of babbling words and an explanation of the worst endings that could happen. Damien knew what Shayne was talking about and even though Shayne was sure he wasn't making any sense, Damien was there to calm him down.

Shayne paced the rooms of his apartment, constantly checking the clock hoping time would move faster. Considering checking himself in the mirror again a faint knock could be heard at the door, stumbling over his feet as he ran to her it. When he opens the door, you show him a faint smile, but it doesn't reach your eyes.

There's an air of awkwardness between the two of you, you're used to a routine, a fixed hectic schedule filled with lust and drive, and now that it was gone, you two weren't sure what to replace it with.

Shayne can't help but to notice how small you are when you aren't on top of him or below him. Your legs seeming longer when the weren't wrapped around his waist. You were so small, and a smile appeared on his lips as he walked behind you towering over you. He found something sweet in the height difference.

You found a spot somewhere in his living room, awkwardly opting to sit on the floor. Shayne wasn't sure if you've ever been anywhere in his apartment other than his bedroom and the adjoining bathroom. You knew nothing else about the place, nothing else about him, and he was the same way. He didn't know anything about you.

He didn't know your favorite color, your dreams. He didn't know how you ended up at smosh or if editing videos was what you really wanted to do.

Soon. Is what he kept telling himself, soon, he'd have you, soon he'd get to know you. His heart began to race and his palms were beginning to sweat.

"I think we should end...whatever this is Shayne."

Shayne nodded a bit too enthusiastically. He wanted to end it too, he wanted to end it and to start something new. He wanted to wake up to you and to give you light butterfly kisses and bring home flowers on random days just because he thought of you. Yes, it was going to end, but something better could be started.

You catch the over-enthusiasm, eyebrow raising trying to figure out what was going on, you didn't know how the boy would react but this wasn't something that he had in mind.

"I'm going to tell you something and I can't have you interrupt me, I can barley do this now and I'm stopped I won't be able to finish."

Your heart was caught in your throat, completely on edge.

" I can't do this anymore."

Shayne started to crumble as he feared this was true end. He wanted to propose his use to you, what he imagine, what could be, but he promised that he would let you finish.

" I need something more, I need someone to hold me at night. Someone to plant kisses on my forehead and to run their fingers through my hair. I need someone who can make me laugh and to bring a smile to my face. I want to be reminded how beautiful I am, someone who would go out of their way to tell me how much I meant to them and to take the time to listen to my dreams, and learn everything about me. I don't want to escape a bed at 3 in the morning, to come back to my empty one. I want someone who I could wake up to...someone who could love me. I know you can't give me that, I know it's not something you want. So I need to go...I have to find someone who could give me what I want, what I need. I'm sorry Shayne."

Tears ran down your face as you stumble off the floor, running towards the door. Shayne was in shock, not being able to move his gaze from the spot that you once sat. Your mind was going 1,000 miles a second, as you opened the door.

How could I be so stupid, he was never mine. You'd never know his gentle touch, you'd never know what it'd be like to wake up next to him. You never knew you could hurt this much. You wouldn't have him in the mornings or late at night, you wouldn't see his smile or hear hear his laugh. You wouldn't know his hopes and dreams, you would never be able to promise him the best of you.

You wouldn't have him and he wouldn't have you.

The click of his front door pulled Shayne back from his thoughts, it wasn't a dream, what he heard was real, you did want more, and if he wasn't quick you'd get that from someone else. He ran out the door you just closed to see you closing your car door, tears still streaming down your face.

He ran straight to the window, palm hitting the glass as he tried to get your attention. You jumped as he pulled you out of your thoughts, shaking your head as you couldn't look at him.

Deciding that your heart can't be broken any more that it already had been from walking away from the love of your life, you cracked the window so you could hear what he had to say.

"Y/N I still need to talk to you, please come back inside."

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