PDA (Noah)

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You weren't one who tended to like PDA, you loved your boyfriend more than anything but something about displaying it to the public made you uncomfortable, but Noah was different. He was constanly trying to hold your hand or give you kisses on your cheek, and even though you were with your friends, it was always an awkward thing for you to respond to.

It was a slow day at the office and you just sat at your desk checking all of the Smosh media pages, making sure everything was up to date, making a few posts and responding to a few fans comments, just a normal day for you. You were reading over the filming schedules and making sure everyone and everything was open to be there at the right time as a man walked into your office carrying flowers. You quickly signed for them and thanked the man as he walked out the door, reading the card and proving your suspicions that they were from your boyfriend.

As you read the note you couldn't help but to smile. You loved that boy for everything that he was, and you thought he deserved some appreciation of his own. You quickly locked your computer and got up from your desk walking towards the Squad room.

You walked straight to Noah, sitting on his lap as he talked to his friend and kissed him on his cheek, for once not caring that you were in public. Not only did you take Noah by surprise you surprised everyone else in the room but no one wanted to comment on our out of ordinary behavior, and Noah wasn't going to question it in fear you'd go red and leave the room.

He pulled you closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck giving him a quick kiss and curling up into him more, giving him a quick thank you as you rested your head on his chest.

Noah had a big smile on his face as he held you in his arms as he continued to talk to his friends, thinking to himself that he needed to buy you flowers more often.

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