Something More Pt. 1 (Shayne)

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Shayne used to love mornings, that was until he realized that he loved her, but now he hated them.


He hated waking up to realize that you weren't by his side, cold sheets bunched at his sides, clinging to his warm skin. His clothes thrown around, littering the floor, yet yours were no where in sight. He hated waking up, hair a mess, his body sore, with you no where to be found to make him feel better, bruises brushed against his skin showing the only indication that you were real and not a part of his imagination.

He remembered when he wasn't like this, he remembered when he loved that you came over in the dead of the night with no questions asked. He loved being tangled with you, the way you always knew what he needed, the scratches on his back, the bruises on yours. He used to love the way you'd bite his lip, the way you'd look at him with lust in your were beautiful chaos and he was hooked.

Shayne used to love how you'd come over after the two of you would leave the office, and how no one knew what happened to the two of you behind closed doors. He loved to watch how you'd smirk at your phone when he'd message you that he wanted you while the two of you were at work, no one else knowing the dirty secret that the two of you kept.

But that was before he realized that he loved you.

As time passed he stopped loving waking up alone, he stopped loving being left with nothing but bruises over his body. That was when he started to call you in the middle of the night to see you, but not like how he used to. Shayne no longer wanted sex, he wanted you.

Just like that he started to wish for your smile instead of the smirk, just like that, he wished that the lust that was once in your eyes to be switched with love. He didn't want to wake up alone anymore, he wanted to wake up with you. He wanted to draw circles on your back as he held you close, he wanted to make you feel safe and loved.

When you had told him that he'd need you, this wasn't what he had in mind.

It amazed him how suddenly he wanted more, and for once, you had no idea what was going on. You didn't know what he wanted, and for the first time, Shayne wasn't sure that you'd want to give it to him...he wasn't sure if you'd want him.

Shayne walked into the office, quiet and to himself, not something that he usually did, this craving for you wasn't something that he was used to. Having you this way wasn't something he thought he'd need.

People in the office started to notice his change in behavior, and he simply tell them that he was fine. It wasn't until Damien asked him that he opened up, telling him that you were on his mind. Damien didn't know what went on between the two of you, but he had an idea. He saw the way Shayne would watch you as you smirked to your phone, how he'd receive a message from you and leave soon after, the scratches and bruises that peaked out of his T-shirt. He knew his friend was going through something that he wasn't used to, something he hadn't been through before.

Damien knew Shayne for years and knew that if Shayne didn't do anything soon he'd be caught up on this for a long time. Damien tried to convince the boy to talk to her, to admit to her that what he wanted was more than something physical.

Series of emotions flooded through Shaynes face, "If it was that easy, what if she doesn't want an emotional tie? What if I told her how I felt and she left?"

"If you don't talk to her, she'll leave once someone comes alone who will give her more."

Shayne thought about your smile and how he wanted to be the reason for it. He wanted to hold you in his arms and place kisses on your forehead. He wanted to tell you jokes and hear your laugh. He wanted to hear you talk about your dreams and wanted to show you off. He wanted to hear you call him yours and be able to call you his.

He wanted to see you wear his shirts in he morning, to wake up with you curled up at his side, face free of makeup and hair sprawled on the pillow, your lips inches from his.

He wanted to love mornings again...he wanted to love you.

"I want it." Shayne said, determination clear in his voice. "I want her."

Damien looked at his friend, all the possibilities going through his mind, hoping that his friend realized how this would change everything and the thought of his friend losing the girl he wanted worried him.

"You've thought this over?" Damien questioned, "I don't want you getting hurt, this would change everything."

Shayne excused himself from the room, mumbling a quick goodbye. This wasn't something he had thought of of the spot, it was something that he tried to fight and failed miserably over and over again. He wanted her for a long time now, it was like some sort of sickness inside of him that he couldn't fight, the only cure being one that only you could give.

Alone once again, he makes his way home, sinking into his bed, a bed that missed you every morning. Subconsciously Shayne reached for your phone, easily finding your number due to you being the one person he called the most. Before he could stop himself, he presses the call button and waits, his heart pounding as the the line ring.

"Need me so soon? You just left."

The moment he hears your voice in the line and he almost forgets to breathe. Your voice was seductive and teasing, he wished hoe you'd greet him with a 'hello', the smirk in your voice being replaced with a smile.

One day...maybe...soon.

He takes a deep breath, finally letting out a quiet "hey". He could picture you on the other end, twirling your hair, a smirk pulling at your lips.

"Can we try something new tonight?" He finally made out.

"I'm always up for something new, you know that"

The old Shayne would've smirked, gave you a time and ended the call, but not this time.

"No, not like that. Tonight, how about we"

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