Final Chapter III❤

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"Any last words?" She asked.

I opened my eyes to see Julie lying on the ground. Thinking of that happening to her would leave me devastated. I can't let all those things I thought of happen. I looked around my surroundings and finally remember the knife Harry gave me.. How will I get it out of my pocket now.

I looked around me but there really isn't anything to see.. Just some old warehouse that will collapse soon. I don't know when Maria will be back.. Or why she hates me that much but I know very soon.. Everything will be over.. But I can't let Julie die.. She doesn't deserve this.

"Psst.. Psst.. Julie" I said in a very low voice. She took her head up and looked around.

"Emma!" She shouted when her eyed found mine.


I signalled she should come over and help me. It seems she wasn't tied.

"Help me get that knife" I said making moves to my front pocket. She picked it up and started cutting. The rope seem very thick but the knife is still cutting through.

"What's that?" She asked as we hear a voice.

"Go..go.. Go back to where you were and pretend you passed out." I collected the knife and hid it between my palms. That didn't stop me from cutting. The footsteps became nearer and nearer.. And the door opened. Maria was accompanied by 5 other men.. They weren't huge like I imagined but they had some muscles and are obviously trained.

She walked up to me.. Unaware my arms are almost loose she came very close. As soon as I cut the band off I grabbed her neck and placed the knife on her throat. Those men tried to come closer but I threatened.

"Hey! If you take a step closer.. I'll slit her throat"

"No you can't do that Emma.. You can't even kill a snake"

"Try me and tell them to come closer" I said in between my gritted teeth so as to hide my nervousness.

They backed off and stepped back.

"Drop your weapons.." I commanded.

They didn't react.

"Now! Or else she dies"

"You guys should do as she says." Maria told them.

"Now let.. The girl go"

"Wait what?"

"Or you die! Let the girl go."

"Mac and Shaw..take the girl back and drop her off at the bus station"

"But ma'am.. We don't have to as she sa-"

"Just do it.. Or she dies"

I watched as they take Julie out of the warehouse. She still pretended like she passed out. As soon as they were out of sight I lowered my guard forgetting that three more men with her. She elbowed my tommy and my knife dropped. Before I could react the other men had my arms to the back and with anger she slapped me. My lips started bleeding immediately.

"I'm so sick.. And tired.. Of you!" She spat

"What have I ever done? What have I ever done to you?"

"You? Nothing. Your mum? Everything. She lied to my dad. She broke my family. She made my dad suffer. My dad died the night you were born. My dad died the night your mum died. He couldn't take it. My mom couldn't bear it. She became an alcoholic. She.. She.. Died of liver disease.. All because of your mum!"

"I never really got to meet her... And I'm sorry.. But why blame it on my mum?"

"Your fucking mum.. Lied to my dad. He broke his marriage for the sake of your filthy mum. Your mum only lied about loving him.. And that.. that ruined him. He had to leave us-"

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