Chapter Sixteen❤

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Tony's p.o.v

I wouldn't stop pacing back and forth... It's been thirty minutes. Where has she been?
Who did she leave with? Em' doesn't know any one but me...I'm her only family,So where has she been?!

When I heard the door slam, I came back to my senses. The true person that I love is Emma. Not Ronnie.

It's obvious Ronnie is pretty...She's with the full package and all...But my Emma. My Emma is really the best in this world. She's pretty both inside and out, I wouldn't give her up for anything... Just the thought of her with another guy irritates me.

A loud bang from the door broke me away from my thoughts.

She walked off to the direction of her room like I was an inanimate object or not even visible at all...just as she passed beside me, I pulled her back. She pushed off my hands and proceeded into her room.

I don't know what pushed my legs forward but I found my way in her room just as she was about to slam the door in my face.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, annoyed at her reactions.

"Get the fvck out of my room!!" she said blunt, pointing her direction to the door.

"Don't use the F word with me" I said, giving her cold stares.

"You ain't the boss of me...So get the fvck out of my room"

"If I'm not the boss then why are you in my fvcking house."


That came out wrong...And petty.

"Fine! If that's what you want" she shouted...Picking up her suitcase and adding lots of clothes.

I can't believe this.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"No...At all, Why would I be? "

"Ohh! So you ARE mad at me.."

"I am not!" she said screaming.

I smirked.

"Don't you scream too much for a girl?"

"Oh.! So now I scream too much,  I cry too much too, I guess" she said, stuffing in clothes in her box.

"Have you been crying?"

"Stop bothering me... I'll leave your house soon. Your girlfriend must have gotten home Or miss you...why don't you call her?"

"I don't want to" I insisted.

She picked up her suitcase and turned to leave. I smirked.

I pulled her back and smashed her lips into mine. She didn't kiss back at first but I didn't stop. I had my hands on her waist but she just stood still.

Not long after I felt her lips gliding against mine and moving in sync, I deepened the Kiss and lifted her up. I pushed my tongue and found my way to meet her tongue. We allowed our tongue to dance in unison as she's got her legs around me.

Soon...She withdrew and had us both panting

"Do you like me?" She asked.

"Uh...Not sure" I replied.

I noticed a flash of anger run through her eyes.

"Then this is meaningless" She climbed down and turned to me. She's probably saying a lot of things right now because I can hear her shout but all my focus is on those lips.

I. Want. More.

I smashed my lips into hers again and kissed her roughly this time. I felt all those butterflies in my tommy and there...

Damn! I knew I loved her.

I stopped for a while...stared into her green eyes

"I love you, dummy" I told her.

Slowly I bit her skin and sucked her neck...All the way to her ear and have her moan in my ear.

I. Want. More.

I trailed hot kissed down to her neck then back to her lips and kissed her even more passionately.

Emma's p.o.v

"Who's she?" I said while resting my head on his bare chest. The thought of that made me blush. Nothing happened though. I wouldn't allow and he understands.. I'm still in for all the "let's marry before sex stuff"...Which I'm not sure He is in for.

"Ronnie...Is not my girlfriend. She was" he said, stroking my hair.

"Why did you guys break up?"

"We didn't...Until yesterday.."


"Ronnie...Ronnie Is like the prettiest girl in cardinorth high school-"

"Obviously...How many-"

"I'll do the talking, Just listen...She hasn't done any procedure"

Like he knew what I was about to ask.

"She's just simply beautiful! Every guy wanted her...Wait every guy still wants her but I don't...atleast not anymore."


"Back then, I was the bad boy...The one with leather jackets, picks on nerd...Never pays attention in class... Those type of bad boys...I have made out with any type of girl I wanted in school...Till Ronnie. She got transferred to our school. And I fell. The bad boy fell in love. I did everything to get... Her to date me, Well...She later did and I can say our love lived but only for a short time. We both planned to leave cardinorth high...Because Mum and her Mum never get along and they wouldn't allow us to date. I mean...Isn't that selfish? Mum said she's a bad person but have you seen her? Even her eyes speak the opposite...Little do I know, Looks can actually be deceiving"

He paused for a while. I looked up at him and noticed his eyes watered.

"You know...Tony,If you don't want to talk about it, It's cool"

"No, I haven't talked about it...Since the whole thing happened"


"She and I wanted to run away. We wanted to leave everything behind.. Damn! I was so stupid. I was willing to give it all.. Everything...But I was just so stupid. We had a plan...We would both have sex and make the school aware of that so that we would be expelled. After being expelled, before our parents got us into a new school...We fled. That day I had maths,She did too... And we were in the janitor's closet,We had everything done and we were caught. I went home the next day knowing the first part of the plan had been successfully executed. Only to get to school the other day to find out she framed me. Everything. She said I was raping her That she couldn't shout for help because I said I'd kill her right away. She had witnesses since the whole school knew I was obsessed about her but please, Would I rape her? I was expelled and I...I kept hope she would come by and tell me she's sorry. I don't even care if she's got an explanation...Just that sorry but she never did. Till yesterday..."

Hey.. School's been hectic! I fell sick 😔😔😔.. But the good news is  I'm through with this story.. I'll upload every Tuesday and Friday. Read and enjoy thanks a lot 😘😘😘

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