Chapter Twenty ❤

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Emma's P. O. V

"Have you been to the mansion?" I asked Harry. 


"Sure... I fixed the cameras like we planned so all we have to do now is watch as she falls into our trap. Don't spoil the whole plan please Emma, For your dad.. You have to do it for him.. Nobody can know your still in the city.. just you.. my dad and I" 

"Okay" I nodded. 

After a while we got to a cool duplex. It looked really nice from the outside. It's painted white and dark brown. When I got in.. It looked even cooler. The apartment didn't seem furnished tho. Seemed like they hardly stayed home. 

"Just go upstairs.. The door on the left.. Yeah.. that's your room"

"Okay.. thanks a lot.." 

"You're welcome.. Feel at home.. I'll get you something to eat" he said, giving me a warm smile. 

I went to the room he described.. Seemed big and empty. It's got just a bed and that's all. I opened the curtains and that revealed the dusts. 

That made me cough for sometime.. 

"Sorry... I'll get someone to help you clean it" Harry said. 

"Care for some burger?" He raised his hands.

I collected them and we both sat in the bed. 

I chewed my burger quietly and have him in front of me staring. Now to think of it.. He looks really cute and muscular.. He's a really great man. 


"Thanks" we chorused at the same time. 

"Thanks ? For what?" I asked. 

"Coming into my life.." He said. 

"I don't get you" does he really like me.. Like Tony had predicted? I'm not sure.. 

"I never really had a little sister. I'm glad I had you." He said smiling. Ohh so he only liked me as a sister. 

"You know.. It's not like I have a big brother too..." I said chuckling. He smiled at me and ruffled my hair. 

" Get some rest will you?" He said leaving.. Soon enough.. I allowed sleep to direct me. 

Tony's p.o.v 

"She can't be reported missing.. Till after 24hours" Ryan said. 

I'm fully aware of that and no matter how much I think about it.. It makes no sense. Why on earth would she leave.. Only if she was kidnapped.. Maybe she was. A flash of image displaying Amanda's smirk as she walked by the other time ran across my face. 

"Amanda!" I said walking off with Ryan. 

Ray's p.o.v 

"Wait what? She left?" I pretended being surprise as Lana told me. 

"I can't believe she left. She didn't even tell me anything.. She didn't tell Tony either.. What if she was kidnapped?" 

"No.. Don't overthink.. If she left.. She will surely come back.." I said giving a smirk. 

I bet she wouldn't last a day wherever she is..

"You seem suspicious these days tho.." Lana said breaking me away from my thoughts. 

"Amanda did it" Tony bulged into our conversation making me forget the question I wanted to ask Lana about me being suspicious. 

"Tony calm down.. It's only being hours.. And Emma is not a kid.. What if she left with a man? Have you ever thought of that? Maybe sh-" 

"Ray.. Enough! Enough of your bitterness.. You and I both know Emma wouldn't run away.. She's got no reason to.  Amanda did it.  Amanda knows something..." He said walking off.. Ryan and Lana followed him.. That was when I realized everything... Oh what have I done? 

Emma's p.o.v 

I woke up hours after the whole night and found my way to the main room where I saw Harry with a headset attached to a laptop. He noticed my presence and signalled I made no sound. I nodded and joined in whatever he was watching and saw a clear view of the mansion and the master bedroom. 

"What's happening?" I asked Harry. He carefully put down the headset and faced me. 

"The cameras I inserted.. they are working already. All I have to do is just wait till she's back and hopefully say something about your dad's murder. What do you think? "

"Brilliant.  That's brilliant. While you do that... I should cook up something"

He chuckled. "You better do.. My tummy's been screaming food for a while now." 

I hurried to the kitchen and went to get the pasta. This brought memories out. I miss Tony so much and it's just been hours. He always does the cooking and have me watch him. This whole thing.. I hope he understands.. It's all for him.. Julie and Mal... If staying away from them is the only thing I'll do to protect the family I have left.. Fine.. I'll do it. 

Tony's p.o.v 

I rushed home to tell mum about the whole thing forgetting she won't be back till midnight. 

Damn! How could I leave her alone? What if she was kidnapped.. Amanda.. Amanda.. Amanda..! 

Flash back..

"What do you know about Emma's disappearance?" 

"What? She finally took a hint and disappeared? At least her brain is working" she said twirling her hair. Her voice is the most irritating sound on earth. 

I grabbed her by the collar of the denim crop top she was wearing. Anger and rage taking over me. 

"You will tell me where my girlfriend is right now.. Or else you.. I'll snap your neck off your head" I threatened. 

"Hahhahhahhahahha" she laughed. 

"I never knew you were this dumb.. If you want your snap my head off.. How would you get your girlfriend?" 

I sighed. It's true. I'll take it the easy way. 

"What exactly do you want?" I asked. 

"Fine.. Now your talking.. I want you to sleep with me.. That's all"

I blinked my eyes severally not believing my ears. 

"Sleep with you?" 

"You heard right" 

"I hope you rot in hell." I said walking away. 

Flash back over. 

I picked up my phone and dialled a number. 

"Hello.. Amanda it's Tony.. Where do you want us to do it?"

Yay! 1k+ reads. Thanks for pulling through. School has been tiring. A lot . sorry for my inconsistency. Thanks a lot ❤

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