Final Chapter II❤

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"Wait what? If this is some type of prank again I won't hesitate to pour the whole jar on you"

"It's not a prank.. It's the truth. My mum, Maria, my dad and I were so happy. It was all Emma's mum fault. My.. dad fell for her.. And she.. She promised my dad she would marry my dad.. My dad.. Liked her.. And divorced my mum.. It was time for her to leave Emma's dad but she didn't.. She said she loved her husband. My mum might be an alcoholic but she didn't deserve to die.. She only became a drunk because her husband neglected her.. Because her husband forgot about her.. She died of liver disease. My dad was devastated. He fell in love and her mum broke my dad.. My dad didn't deserve to die.. But he died that night. He had an accident.. He.. He died because of Emma's mum. He couldn't concentrate.. He had an accident. I was so little.. And so was Emma.. How could they neglect us.. with no family.. Maria took care of me till now.. And with each day.. We planned the revenge.. We planned today.. So well.. You bumped into.what isn't your concern.. So your sister will pay.. For your debts. Hahhahhahhahahh" she laughed mysteriously.. But how.. How could a person be filled with so much hate? How?

"Where are they?"

"Don't bother your self.. she's probably dead by now..hahhahha.. Both of them.. Ahhaha.. We made them pay.. Ahhahah.."

I didn't know when I squeezed her neck..

"Damn tell me where they are.. Before I strangle the life out of you"

"Hahhahhhhaa.. The warehouse down the old library.."

I released her as she coughs.

"Boys.. You guys should get the police.. I be there."

                              X X X

"If it isn't Emma Castillo white.."

"What exactly do you want from me..? I was away like you wanted.. I didn't participate in the Marymount the voice like you wanted.. What else do you want?"

"Simple.. Brilliant.. All I want is your life"

I gasped. How could she be so bitter?

"Then take it.. take my goddamn meaningless life and leave the poor girl alone.. Please.. Every moment since birth hasn't been easy.. I didn't even get to meet my Mum.. She died while she gave birth to me"

"Oh.. So that was the news dad received.. That was why he had an accident and forgot he gave birth.. To two children. Two girls.. He forgot.. He had to take care of us.. Because of your sick mother.. Because of your sick useless mother.. My mum died.. My mum died... Because of your useless sick mother.. I had to sleep with your dad.. I had to have sex with a man..old enough to be my father.. I had to give myself.. For money.. To raise my sister.. And you were the daddy's rich girl.. The one whose got everything in the world.. You were the one.. I swore you will.. Pay.. And everything worked as planned. Veronica.. You.. Tony.. Julie.. Every part of my plan worked. But do you want to know the simplest part? Killing your dad..hahahhah" she laughed ad her watch her behind my tears..

"So.. I was right.. My nightmares.. Were all right.  You killed him"

"Yes.. I did.. and I made him sign the paper and now everything is mine.. But I swore to make you suffer too.. So you better get ready for a reunion with daddy and mommy in hell"

"Please let her go.. Please..she doesn't deserve this" I said looking over to Julie who laid unconsciously..

"Did I deserve any of it? Did I ? No.. Did Amanda deserve any of it? Noooo.. None of us did.. So she too should suffer. So which should I kill first.. You.. Or.. Her.. Or.. You... Or her.. "

"Please just leave her!"

"Sh..shut up! You don't tell me what to do! She's going first." I watched as she shot Julie repeatedly again again and again.

"Noooo..  Please...nooo" I said trying to free myself from.the rope I was tied with. She's just so small.. I destroyed her.. I destroyed her.. She is just little.. She hasn't even stated her life yet.

"Oh why don't you  worry about your life?" She said facing me.

Suddenly the door bursted open. Tony walked in and met his sister lying lifelessly on the floor. He knelt down to pick her up and what seemed like tears escaped from his eyes continuously..

"Oh! So who invited superman over here.. I expected you.. A little bit earlier.. Why you here now though? Hahhahha.. Boys.. Get him"

Two huge men out of no where came out to get tony. He tried to fight them but to no avail. The were very huge they picked him up like a Little kid..

"Please.. Let him gooo please" I watched as they continuously punch him. I can't take it anymore.. I said as I tried to free myself but I'm still so weak.. I can't free my self..

"Help!!!" I shouted.. Tony is already covered in blood from having being hurt.

"Tony please forgive me..." I shouted.. Again and again and again.

"Shut up.. You lazy brat.. I'm still thinking of the judgement to pass on you."

Tony must have passed out because he had stopped retaliating. I sniffed again and again looking around to see two people I love most right here.. Beaten.. Suffering.. Because of me.. Because if me.. A worthless hag and I can't even help. I feel helpless.. Tied up here.

Soon those two huge guys stopped hitting tony and went to get something. They came back a while later with a jerry can. They handed it over to Maria.

"Take those bodies out.. Away from this place.. In those bushes.. And stay out.. I'll take care of this girl And I right here" maria instructed and they did exactly like she said.

"I guess your boyfriend told the police already.. I guess it's.. You and I.. I'll kill you and I.. I'll run off.. Don't think I'll allow another person to do the job.. It's me.. No one else. " she said. She started to pour the jerrican of petrol on me. She's gonna burn me alive. After pouring the whole thing.

"Any last words?"

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