Part Twenty-Seven

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Arien sunk down beside her new acquaintance; a somber pile of scattered bones, coated in a layer of dust and grime and rotting slowly in the corner of the angular prison cell. A hefty sigh escaped her lips as she stared out into the shrouding darkness pulsating through the room. They had been left to their own thoughts for at least an hour; not a footstep or grunt had been heard from the creatures 'upstairs', or wherever they were in the labyrinth of tunnels, and a grim silence had reigned the whole while as the prisoners racked their minds for some plan of escape, but nothing ingenious hit them.

Fili was breathing heavily in the cell next to her, fidgeting awkwardly and fingering the hem of his thin tunic. His eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness, but there was nothing to pick out except the blocks of cells that ran the length of the room, either side of him. He noticed Arien's hopeless form in the prison to the left of him and searched for something comforting to say.

"At least we're not in the lair of the Goblin King." His voice cracked and the words came out as a dry whisper; the musty air clogged the back of his throat.

Arien shifted and stirred but didn't reply. She knew he was attempting to comfort her, and she was grateful for it, but she wasn't in the right mood to express her gratitude. She merely sighed again; the slow release of air scattered clumps of dust and sent them spiralling through the air before her.

As they sat in silence for another hour, the steady thumping of footfalls met Arien's ears and rose her from her daze. She pushed herself from the ground, straining to hear the footsteps again. They grew louder as they drew near, until they eventually matched the clamour of hundreds of galloping horses. The tunnels shook slightly under their weight, and specks of dust and rubble rained down on them from the ceiling. There must be a lot of goblins up there.

After a few moments, the clamour settled down as part of the group branched off down another stretching path, leaving only the slight patter of feet as they moved closer to the prison.

Half a dozen goblins suddenly appeared in the doorway; Arien was just able to pick out the hazy outlines against the thick darkness, all growling and snorting in an amused manner.

"Hoo-ho-ho!" One of the them gurgled. "The master will see you now."

Dread weighed heavily on Arien's shoulders as two goblins stepped forward to undo the heavy shackles keeping the door to the prison closed. They fell to the floor with a cringing ring and the thick door creaked open as the two goblins stepped in side and took Arien's arms, one on either side. Although she had no weapon, she would, no doubt, be able to throw off the lean goblins, but she knew once she escaped this group, she'd surely run into the thousands crawling through the tunnels. There was no point in trying. Not yet, anyway.

She was forced to stumble out of the cell, her eyes searching wildly through the darkness. She noticed Fili getting similar treatment, and cried out when one of the beasts suddenly kicked him forcefully in the small of the back, making him double-over and stumble forward with a grunt.

Arien tightened her jaw and clenched her fist, anger flaring up inside her at the sight of her friend being so badly treated. Her own captors pushed her forward, out of the dungeon, and they began ambling through the dusty passages, the goblins muttering and howling at each other in some irrational communication. The dank, musty smell hit her nostrils and she had to fight the urge to gag as the goblins around them also emitted a rotting stench. Their bony fingers dug sharply into her skin, and she held back a cry of protest as one of them suddenly bit her elbow. They jeered noisily behind her.

Fili was struggling to keep up as pain rattled down his back, lacing through his legs as he blundered forward in the darkness that clung to the walls of the tunnel. He could faintly make out Arien's figure in front of him, her hands clenched and her body rigid. He had to find a way to get out of this, or else they'd never see daylight again.

They traipsed through the tunnels for a while, until they were eventually admitted into another cavern, this time with high ceilings held up by groaning rafters, all positioned at odd angles around the room. There were several platforms also dotted around the tunnel, though for what reason, neither the dwarf nor human could determine.

At the end of the long cavern, a throne of what looked like bones was placed upon another platform, and on the throne was seated the 'master'. Though the goblin that was seated there was no more than a child. Or, that was what it seemed, for the goblin glaring viciously at the newcomers was no bigger than a dwarf toddler. His bony fingers clutched a wooden sceptre, and the other hand rested on his throne as he gazed at the companions expectantly, studying them in excruciating detail.

"Bring them closer," the goblin master squeaked.

Arien met Fili's glance and raised an eyebrow. Their gaze was promptly broken as they were suddenly pulled forward, deeper into the cavern. Arien took a moment to search the room in detail, and took note of a small door near to the throne, under which small specks of light was peeping through; daylight?! Hope flared within the human. Perhaps they may be able to escape after all! Arien tried hard to suppress her excitement, and resumed an impassive face as they drew closer to the dais.

"Ooohh! A human girl and dwarf boy. Interesting! Now, what be you doing in my tunnels?"

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