Jeggy~ Convenience Stores

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John and Peggy were going on a road trip to celebrate their four year anniversary.

"Have you gotten all your things?" John asked Peggy. Peggy nodded. The pair got into the car and John began driving.

After a few hours, Peggy fell asleep. John pulled over and pulled out a blanket to wrap her in. He kissed her forehead.

"Love you, don't let the bed bugs bite." He whispered.

Timeskip- two hours later

Peggy had woken up and yawned.

"Good morning, turtle." She said sleepily.

"It's lunch time." John pointed out.


"Lets go grab lunch." He grinned and they pulled over at a small restaurant. The two of them ate peacefully together. After they had finished, they went back to the car and continued their journey.

"Hey, can we- uh never mind." Peggy muttered after a few hours.

"What is it?" John questioned.

"Nothing important." Peggy responded. John frowned he knew something was wrong. He glanced at her and he realized want she wanted. He pulled over at a convenience store.

"Hey, where are we going?" Peggy asked.

"I just need to grab some stuff." John replied, "Give me a few minutes."

John went to the convenience store and began looking for Peggy's favourite snacks.

"Aha! Found it, you can't hide from me you sneaky snack! He whisper-yelled at the snack. He had also decided to grab some extra chips, chocolate, and drinks for the two of them since they both liked to eat a lot.

He paid for the food and went back to the car and Peggy.

"What took you so long?" Peggy asked.

"I got food." He responded coolly. Peggy lit up.

"Food! Thanks, John, I love you." She grinned and kissed him on the cheek and began eating. Suddenly she paused.

"Why did you go buy food?" She asked.

"Well- uh you see, I noticed that you were acting funny, so I assumed that you wanted to eat." John mumbled. Peggy nodded, satisfied.

"You're the best." She whispered.

"Nah, you're the best." He responded.

Okay all done! I hope you enjoyed. Any requests?



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