Chapter 1 - New Mission

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I was on my way back home. I just solved another case, one where I had to find a group of criminals who had robbed a bank but went off the radar afterward. It took me a couple of days to find them but finally today I caught them. That's why right now I'm exhausted and decided to go home immediately instead of going to the office first. They can just give me a new mission later.

I arrived at the front garden of my house and just looked at my house for a minute or three. I hadn't been home a few days so it felt good to be back again, even if it was probably only for two days or something.

I sighed and went up to my front door. It's not that I don't like my job, I do. It just asks a lot of you and sometimes you're just tired of it and need a break from it all. Not that I'm going to get that though, there's always way too much work. Everyone always has cases for me, because they think the former ultimate detective will do it better than a normal detective.

I grab my keys from my pocket and put them in the lock. I turn them and open the door. I walk straight to couch and just drop myself face first onto the pillows. Ugh... I was way too tired. I felt like I could fall asleep any minute. And I did.


*bzzt bzzt* *bzzt bzzt*

"Uwaah!" I yelled as I fell off the couch. The vibrating of my phone woke me up and scared the hell out of me. Sitting on the ground I got my phone from my pocket and checked the message I just recieved.

- We've got a new mission for you. It's very urgent so please come to office as soon as possible. -

I let out a deep sigh. "Why me..."

I got up, drank a glass of water and went out again. It had gotten pretty late and it had clearly gotten colder. I forgot my scarf and gloves at home so I started quickening my pace. A little white later I arrived at the office. I entered the building and asked the receptionist for my boss. She said he should be in his office so that's where I went. I went up a couple of floors and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard from the other side of the door. I slowly opened the door and saw my boss sitting at his desk looking through some files.

"Take a seat Saihara-san." I sat down in the chair right in front of him.

"Sooo... What's my new mission? And what's so urgent about it that I had to come back immediately?" I asked. Maybe that sounded a bit too impolite but I wasn't really in the mood for politeness after being called back to work so suddenly.

"We just discovered the location of the most wanted organisation at this moment. I'm sure you know which organisation I'm talking about."

I was quite shocked to hear this. He was probably talking about the organisation DICE. Not much is known about that organisation, except that it's an evil organisation that causes a lot of chaos all over the world and pulls pranks everywhere. And no, not the innocent kind of pranks. Ever since people noticed that the chaos and pranks were probably being caused by an organisation, they became one of the most wanted organisations in the world. Without much success though, because no one ever found new information on them, until now that is.

"You're talking about DICE, right?" I asked the obvious question.

"Yes. We are not one hundred percent sure but we think this location might actually be correct. Because this organisation is so wanted, we want to send someone after it to check it out immediately, in case they get air of this and change their location."

I nodded. It'd be pretty troublesome if they got away when we found out their location for the first time.

"So you want me to find someone who can handle this mission right?" I asked. He shook his head.

"We actually want to ask you. You're a very skilled detective so we think you'd be most suited for a mission as important as this one."

"M-me?!? Are you sure about that? I mean, yes I'm a former ultimate detective but I don't think I'm good enough to do a mission as important as this one!" I exclaimed. Surely he must be mistaking. There's no way I'm good enough to solve the DICE case...

"No Saihara-san, we believe you're best suited for this. You just have to shove that insecurity aside for a second and look at what you've achieved so far. After you finished Hope's Peak and started here you've solved big cases non-stop. Today you solved another one. If that doesn't make you a great detective, I don't know what does. No one can do this better than you, so please consider this case." 

"I will..." I mumbled.

"If you're up for it, please let us know. You have until tomorrow 12 pm to decide." He said. I nodded and stood up.

"Thank you..." I said softly as I left the room and closed the door.

I sighed. What was I going to do about this? I was very tempted to just immediately tell him I wasn't gonna do it, but I didn't want to do that.

"I'll just think about it tonight and probably tell them tomorrow morning that I'm not gonna do it. That way it at least looks like I considered it. Honestly I just don't believe I can do it...

I yawned. I was getting really tired from this long day. I went down again and left the building. A little while later I was back home. I quickly unlocked the house and went instead. I threw my coat on the ground, I was too lazy to hang it up properly. I went to the kitchen and warmed up a can of soup.

"DICE huh... I guess I'd have to admit that that does sound like an interesting case..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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